(???'s POV) Nightmare Never Ending


A cute child with long black hair, and pitch black eyes got down from her bed and went to the door.

Loud laughter was coming from the dining hall, along with the sounds of people talking entered her ears.

She opened the door and went down the stairs slowly, sniffing the air as the scent of apple pie permeated throughout the house.

'Smells good.'

She slowly made her way down the stairs, making sure not to be too loud as it was the middle of the night.

Slowly it came into view, in the dining hall her parent's were seated with... a young little girl?

She has spiky red short hair...

She paused, 'It's just like Rin's...'

At that moment, the child on the seat turned around facing towards her.

The child has a round small oval face with large doe-like lapis lazuli eyes and small red lips. Overall a very cute face. Yet this small child's eyes were fierce, with a fire that burned into your soul.

'The face... Is also like Rin's. Could it just be a coincidence?'

At that moment, I saw her eyes widely open, and her mouth went agape. She seemed as if she was surprised at something... Yet she returned to normal a little while after and just stared at me.

Could it be? That was surprise on her face, wasn't it? Is it really her?

I walked all the way down to the end of the stairs.

Just in case it wasn't her, I wouldn't mention it. I'll just act as I normally do... Till we are alone at least.

I approached the dining table.

I spoke with sleepiness still lingering in my voice, "Mommy, daddy... You're having pie without me?"

"Oh, did we wake you up dear? I'm sorry. You can have some pie too."

Mother approached and picked me up, seating me into my chair.

They continued their conversation, as mother served me a small slice of apple pie.

Interrupting them I asked with curiosity, "Mamma, who's she?"

"Oh, that is Rin. She's an orphan and we are letting her stay the night. She will be sharing a room with you."

The young child directed a smile at me, "Thanks for having me."


Could this really be the Rin I know of? I guess I'll find out soon.

I finished my slice of apple pie a bit after this 'Rin' did.

My father announced, "Alright you two, off to bed you go."


Mother sternly reminded me, "Lead Rin to your room dear."

"I get it."

I motion with my hand for her to follow me, "Rin right? Let's go."

I get out of my seat and walk out of the dining room, heading up the stairs to go into my room.

I look behind me to check if she is following, and there I see her staring at me.

I turn my head back to the front, and we arrive in front of my room.

I look at her again, "Let's go in."

Opening the door, I motion her to come into my room.

We both step inside, and I close the door behind me.

I turn towards the door and put my ear onto it, listening for my parents to enter their room.

I hear them turning off the lights downstairs and heading up the stairs into their room.


Their door closes and I turn to face 'Rin.'

I see her large eyes staring back at me.

"Are you Rin?"

I see her looking at me confusedly, it seems my message wasn't clear yet.

"I'm Asuya."

I tried my best to remain vague, if she didn't get my meaning and just answered normally then I could only assume that this was not my friend, Rin.

I added with a hint of curiosity in my voice, "Are you the Rin that I know of?"

She seemed to be genuinely surprised, "Asuya? Is it really Asuya? I mean you look the same, but..."

I stepped closer and bear-hugged her tightly, afraid I would lose her if I let go, "Rin! It's really Rin! I had almost thought that I would never see you again!"

It seems she was still confused. As her tone showed that she still didn't understand, "Asuya... You reincarnated?"

I felt very jovial, "Yes, you idiot! I'm so glad to see you!"

We reluctantly separated and she grabbed my hands. She spoke with perplexity and a hint of sadness in her voice, "But... How? I thought I was the only one who died... Why are you here?"

I went towards my bed and sat on it, "Siiigh, it's a long story. I'll tell you, so sit down next to me."

I motioned her to sit by my side, patting the spot next to me.

She sat next to me. She then turned her body towards mine, her large eyes filled with sadness. I think she had possibly already realized, but I had died after her.

I felt suffocated with an inexplicable sadness that overwhelmed me, my vision became blurry and I felt the hot tears welling up in my eyes.

"It was after I received the news of your death..."


For several days, I had tried to get a hold of her. But no matter what I did, she was nowhere to be found. I even met with her uncle, but even he had no idea where she had gone to.

Our days were filled with sadness and apprehension. We would often speculate to ourselves, wondering if she had been kidnapped. But we dismissed that thought. Rin isn't just any ordinary girl, she is one of the strongest. Even besting most of the boys in those competitive sports. There was absolutely no way she could have been kidnapped, just like that.

She even had a black belt in taekwondo. Not to mention her uncle personally trained her in combat, as he was a retired military veteran. She wasn't an ordinary girl, her being killed like every other missing girl would be unusual and unnatural.

We couldn't find any hint whatsoever as to what had become of her, our days passing with nothing but silence.

Eventually, he might receive a call about her. However these were the days where we had yet to receive any call or news.

That day, the school had received the news that Rin, who has been missing for several days, was identified and had died after jumping out in front of a truck.

We were all seated in the classroom when the teacher decided to announce it.

*Chatter* *Chatter*

"Quiet down everyone. I have an announcement to make."

The class, immediately quieted down.

"Rin, your classmate who has been absent for several days, has had her location identified-"

Everyone started whispering, "Where has she been?! Why hasn't she come back???"

"Settle down. Let me finish..."

The whispers all stopped.

"She was just recently... announced as dead."

Everyone had shocked expressions on their face, including myself.

'How could she have died! That's impossible!'

The classroom was dead silent, no one made even a squeak.

Rin was liked by all her classmates, so for her to be dead... Was a big deal. All of us got along with and loved her, she had a personality that just drew people close.

"H-how did she die?"

Someone just asked what all of us were wondering. That brute of a girl, how could someone like that, have died? It just didn't make sense.

"It appears she walked right in front of the truck..."

"No way! She wouldn't commit suicide."

Someone shouted out what all of our hearts were thinking in that moment, again. Rin was not the kind of person to commit suicide, she was always bubbly and cheerful. As well as never appearing to have thoughts of suicide, and never seemed to be depressed. Not that we saw, anyway...

The professor continued, "Well, that is what the news announced. We don't know why she did it yet."

"No way..."

Almost all of those who got along with her had their shoulders slump. It was a time of grieving for all of us...

And especially for me.

She was the only one who knew about my hobbies, as I had a reputation I had to maintain. As I was the daughter of a big company, people expected me to excel and be smart. Especially my father. The standards for me were always strict. Rin... Was the only one who knew, the only one I ever told. For her to be gone... Is just a nightmare never ending.

I lowered my head and felt my eyes get hot and my vision blur. Tears fell down my cheeks, and I cried silently with several others who were mourning for her death.

There was only one who did not mourn nor cry, his cold expression ever unchanging. His slitted eyes showed an inexplicably evil emotion to feel at someone's death. He further sat back in his seat, menacingly staring at Asuya from behind. His mouth curved into a smirk and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

The school's bell for signalling when the class ends or changes began to play.

*Ding dong ding dong, ding dong ding dong* (1)

"Alright, class dismissed."

Within the air, permeated a heavy sadness. There was no normal hustle and bustle as class got out. Only silence remained.

Everyone slowly got out of their seats, sadness pervading the hearts of those who liked Rin.

In the back of the classroom, the same man as before is still seated, seemingly waiting for something as he watched Asuya exit the classroom.


It was now lunch time, and each student went to the cafeteria. Asuya however, had brought her own lunch to school, since she wanted to have a more balanced diet. Her eyes were red, and she occasionally choked with sobs, re-remembering her best friend's death.

She headed to the roof of the school to eat her lunch.

'Rin... I can't believe you died. There was no way you committed suicide, right? Not without letting anyone know at least. Even your uncle didn't know what had happened to you. So how could you just die?'

I went to the railing with my lunch and put it next to where I stood. I stared off into the sky, facing the railing with my hands resting on it.

I watched the clouds move, the birds fly, and the rest of the world, as they all continued on as normal.

'Why did you die? Why did you die of all people in the world?'

My eyes heated up once again and tears slowly fell down from my cheeks.

Looking down, I saw the tears falling onto the floor.

My voice choked with sobs in between, "Rin... Why?"

'Why did you commit suicide? Why, without even telling me? If you had been depressed or upset when I dragged you to watch anime, you could've just told me!'

My tears fell like a torrent of waves, 'There was no need to commit suicide! You selfish idiot!'

I wiped my tears as they continued to fall, my shoulders shaking.

I yelled out, "You idiot... WHY!?"

I felt hands on my back, was I being comforted?

I felt the hands on my back push, and I fell down from where I had previously stood.

My body fell head first, and I my body turned as I fell. I saw my assailant's face...

He has a hulking body, and wore the school uniform. His face was finely chiseled and gave the impression of being a delinquent.

I think I knew him... No, to be more accurate, it's better to say that I've seen him before on several occasions.

He always seemed to appear no matter where I was...

Everywhere I went, this person would always be near. Whether it was with another group of people, or in the cafeteria.

I had thought this was normal occurrence and payed it no mind. But now that I have been pushed... He seems to have always been there. Just dressed differently than before, in gym clothes, in soccer clothes, he even wore a full body disguise before, but there is no doubt... This face of his is the exact same.

I realized, this person... I remember his face from somewhere else too... But where was it?

Oh... This man... I remember seeing him in a meeting... We and our rival company's boss were talking and he stood right next to his side.

There is no doubt in my mind that he was hired to kill me by our rival company. I know this as I've had several assassination attempts happen before, but it was nothing like this.

It seems that he has always been following me, waiting for the moment when I was alone to kill me.

However, if I'm right, then he never had the chance...

Rin was always with me, protecting me wherever we went. From bullies, to those who wanted to kidnap me, as well as people that would bump into me, or just those that were perverts. She would always be close by and protect me, she saved me countless times.

I had a realization, 'Always protecting me? Was she told to do so by my dad?'

So I see. It seems I was always cared for after all, dad...

Now that Rin is gone, it seems he has found his chance. No one will know, because jumping off the roof for suicide is something that is done. So with this, everyone will think I committed suicide. How clever.


She fell down to the ground, her head hitting the concrete ground. She was instantly killed, her blood pooling onto the ground beneath her body.


(1) Sound of school bell, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjno0ndyZRo