She bit her lower lip, to suppress any sound coming out of her mouth. She also felt a warm substance coming out of her nose, and immediately realize that is blood due to the smell of iron.
Unlike the pain that she felt a night before, this time it is much tolerable. Gao Lan Mei closed her as she holds her nose up.
The images continued, Wei Jiayi on his black armor fighting with someone playfully, like training. They seem to be speaking to each other while they mock fight.
The flashes of images stopped when, Wei Jiayi moved closer, crouching low in front of her view, offering his arm.
Gao Lan Mei does not understand what the vision means. It is like a view whenever she retrieves images from her pawns before.
However, it was very weird. Does she know Wei Jiayi from before? Or it was someone else as his eyes are silver.
But his eyes are silver as well when she saw him inside the Eye of Meng.