It's not really a good time

Wei Jiayi just smirked and followed behind, but not before shouting, "Haha! You badly want to really eat dust huh?!"

Everyone else inside the flying voltar just laughed at their Master's antics. This is a normal occurrence because a small conversation normally ends up into a fist fight.

"Here. I will bet on Sentinel Wei." Ho Fang, one of Zhao Liwei retainers whispered, after placing a small box on top of the table.

Xi Ma lips twitch, "You should bet on Zhao Liwei." He commented to the woman. Ho Fang is one of the women that Wei Jiayi can tolerate, probably because she acts like a man.

"Aha. No. No. This is just a wise investment." Ho Ying sated, as she wiped her non-existent sweat on her forehead.

Well, Zhao Liwei lost multiple times, that also means she lost a lot already and if possible she wants to get even at least with her loses.

Everyone laughed at Ho Ying's pained expression. "Traitor." One of them said in laughter, not even where their masters are.