"Match? She is fighting again?!" Wei Jiayi seethed with anger. Why does his wife always involved in a fight? Does he need to hide her so that she can avoid danger?
They are still not married and what if, something bad happened to Gao Lan Mei while he is away? He was not even in the Mortal Domain when the royal challenge arena was done for Gao Lan Mei, and he is just thankful that nothing bad happened to her.
"Why aren't you stopping it?!" Wei Jiayi asked furiously. "Who is she fighting to now?!"
"Ah, she is fighting with Deacon Ma..." Lou Ren answered slowly, sounding unsure how to explain what is going on.
Gritting his teeth, "Deacon Ma is not supposed to fight with her! Stop them now!" Wei Jiayi added, ignoring Zhao Liwei annoying smile on his face like the man is already a winner.
"Master, I really cannot, you se-" Lou Ren tried to explain but was cut off by Wei Jiayi.
"Stop them or I will!" Wei Jiayi exclaimed hostility.