"Ah!" Concubine Li yelled in pain as she looked at Sung Zhi Ruo with blood flowing out from her mouth.
Sung Zhi Ruo smirked, feeling delighted as she knew that her sword had directly stabbed the woman's heart.
"Stay away from her! Now!" Gao Lan Mei screamed, but it was too late. Concubine Li had already grabbed Sung Zhi Ruo throat while the Soul Eater was still stuck in her body.
"How about this? You trap my soul in this devil's weapon, or I eat your soul?" Concubine Li asked menacingly, her evil smile taunting Sung Zhi Ruo as she tried to catch her breath from the massive and tight grip.
Sung Zhi Ruo did not plan to give up all her hard work just like that. Instead of showing fear, she looked at Concubine Li with contempt, through clenched teeth before she pushed the Soul Eater deeper into the woman's body.
"Cough!" Concubine Li could not help it but spit blood her grip around Sung Zhi Ruo's neck loosened friction.