It’s alright

Gao Lan Mei yelled in alarm after feeling the intense energy that was coming their way fast. 

Sung Zhi Ruo tried to do something as it was directed at her. 


However, it was too late. Sung Zhi Ruo was thrown away by the strong force that she had suddenly received. She was thrown far with the Soul Eater that has initially been stabbed by Concubine Li. 

Meanwhile, Gao Lan Mei hurriedly turned her head to look, from where the energy came from. Just as she suspected, it was from one of the YinYing that she had not seen since earlier. 

The YinYing stood next to Concubine Li's body lying on the ground. His eyes were initially fixed on Sung Zhi Ruo before looking at the small orb he was holding on his hand. 

"Be careful! Hold on a little bit" Blessed Juni exclaimed as she sensed that the new arrival was not someone Gao Lan Mei could defeat. They could only run until the Boundary spell got officially destroyed.