Dead Forest

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Shi disappeared from their view. This alarmed the men, and they immediately went into defense.

However, Xiao Shi was quicker than them, of course. From her original position on the bottom of the hill, she arrived at men's place completely unannounced.

Despite knowing what to do, the men stepped back. By instinct, they knew that Xiao Shi was not really someone they could mess with recklessly.

"What are you all doing?! Capture her!" A man demanded that seems to be the leader of the group.

"Quite!" Xiao Shi suddenly yells loudly. This had quickly made them stiffen, froze in place.

After that, she again tried to mimic a frog's movement and sound while her body is still in all fours, slowly moving around as if looking for something.

Regardless of how strong Xiao Shi's presence is, her action did not seem from someone who was in the right mind.