The neon sign was flashing brightly. It was a sign stating that the place is open for any customer who wants to visit.
Not only was the sign looking so out of place, but that goes to say for the entire residential area as well. The front of the house was surrounded by brightly lit bulbs that were in different sizes and colors, flashing in different styles. If this place was located in a busy market street, it would surely get attention.
At that time, the appearance of the forest was still new and not know by many. Nowadays, it was called the Void Forest. It was located in the middle of the Immortal and Heavenly Domains. No one knew how it appeared or how huge was it, but those did not matter.
Yen Mingjue finds it laughable. Though he has an urgent matter to do, he could still not help notice the strangeness of the place. The last time he saw the area, it was yet to be built entirely.