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First Step

"Are you sure you are ready for this ?"

"I believe I am. Thank you for everything sir."

"Alright, no need to thank me. You made all the efforts and I only gave you the directions."

While learning the craft of Horrus, the soul came to know that this "big scary man" wasn't as bad as he seemed to be. It spent 10 years learning about his researches on bloodlines. 10 years was sufficient for a bond to form between them.

"Can I ask you a question before I go? I never asked this before because I didn't want to make you doubt, but why did you choose me? You could have chosen so many others among the sea of souls of the underworld."

"Hmm, It's not that hard to guess. I am sure I am sure you have seen it too... You had the same temperament and personality as me when I chose. I would rather have someone who looks like me to learn about what I know that anyone else."

"..." Even though it knew that it had to leave one day, the soul still felt sad that it had to separate from Horrus. He was the only person he really knew. It had no memory from his previous life so Horrus was like a family member for him. It lived inside a soul receptacle of Horrus and accompanied him during all his journey. It saw all kind of battlefields, all kind of wonders, and listened to all kind of stories from him. It also knew that Horrus would not have much longer to live.

The Horrus it knew was just a clone. His original body died from cultivators who wanted his researches and the clone's soul would slowly dissipate. Horrus would die for real with no possibility of reincarnation. So it had to leave now while Horrus still had strength.

"Before you leave I will tell you your name as I promised to tell you since you have no memory of it before your death."

'Finally' The soul's lips parted into a bitter smile. It had lived 10 years without counting the years it tried to go on to the afterlife. But it still didn't know his own name. Horrus had used nicknames like 'Ghost', 'Specter' or 'Spirit' to talk to him as some kind of a joke. But Horrus had refused to tell him his own name. He knew that it was something it wanted to know and it would serve him as a motivation for his graduation.


Corvo used a passage opened by Horrus to reach one of the 90 000 worlds. The reason why he could not reincarnate before was because Horrus had put a shield around him when he found his soul with his spiritual senses.

That was the shield that Ilan discovered around his soul. Horrus couldn't take the soul for himself since someone in a high position like him would be monitored. But looking at souls, watching their personalities, and their information as well as imposing a shield around a soul was an easy feat for him.

Now Corvo had to cross the chaos between realms to reach the world that Horrus had wanted for him. During his journey, his eyes landed on the most unbelievable things it had ever seen in its 10 years of life. The birth and creation of universes and the Death and decay of some of them.

All kinds of elements participated in the creation making for multiple colors of light illuminating his journey. Time and space moved in a strange way in this chaotic passageway. He understood then why it was called "Chaos".

Sometimes the scenes of creations and destructions would be slow and sometimes fast. Sometimes a universe he had seen in his travel would reappear before him in his journey.

The most astonishing part was that he could see gigantic creatures living in this ocean of chaos. They were feeding on the elements of universes in decay. Even more unbelievable was that they were all different from each other but the aura they gave off was extremely powerful. Even Horrus and the warlords he had the occasions of seeing paled in comparison.

Horrus had already explained to him what were these universes he was seeing. They were Lower Realm. Cultivator, in fact, liked to call these universes "Realm".

Countless lower realms existed in this ocean. But Horrus had never told him about these creatures. The existence of the Chaos was based on theories.

Cultivators could send messages between realm thanks to these hypotheses, but it was the first time a soul had attempted to cross this chaos. A different passageway was created for those who would reincarnate. One which would erase memories from the underworld.

No one would be so bored as to send a soul in the chaos between Realm. Even if they wanted to do this Horrus was the only who could do it. He was the only cultivator who could create this kind of shield around a soul thanks to his unique Seal Techniques. Another soul attempting to do this would immediately be destroyed

It demonstrated how much Horrus wasn't just a simple character. As such Corvo was the first soul to ever cross this passageway like this. He was a pioneer. As no cultivator inside the Profound Heaven Realm, not even Horrus knew about these creatures.

Years passed. Corvo couldn't feel the flow of time as he had no repair point. He could only follow the passageway opened by Horrus to reach his destination. He eventually reached a realm higher in level than those lower realms he could only see in his journey.

That was the middle-level realm he had to reach: the 90 000 Worlds. He eventually saw a mote of light in front of him. This light was azure in color. That was the light of reincarnation.


Corvo woke up inside a wooden house. He had a new body. He was lying on a bed among other beds. The clinic furnishing along with the bandages around some of the men next to him made him believe he was in an infirmary. Gooseflesh prickled his bare arms. It was freezing. He wrapped a blanket around him to protect himself from the cold.

It was night but the visibility didn't completely impede his vision. He felt confused by what he was seeing and his surrounding. 'Who am I? What am I doing here ?' Suddenly memories began to flood his head. It was the memories of both his previous life in the underworld and the memories of his new body.

Pain assaulted his mind. His brain felt like it was being stung by a thousand needles. Then he remembered. He remembered the name of the previous owner of this body being Arthur Warrington from a rich family in Woodhurst Town.

Unfortunately for the previous owner, he was abandoned in an orphanage by his parents when he was 4 years old due to his low talents in martial arts. And now that he was 15 years old he had to work because the orphanage wouldn't continue to feed him if he didn't. He died while working in the mines by breathing the gazes released from it.

Corvo's soul had entered the body of someone who had died.

The pain in his mind subsided. He felt a little sad for the owner of the body who had died so that he could live. But he also somewhat felt happy. Happy to have flesh.

To be able to breathe. To eat and to be able to have friends and family. To be able to love again. He had been given a second chance. And he wasn't going to waste it. 'This life, I will not waste it. I shall make the most of it. That is my promise'

But that was for later. For now, he had to change some things.

"Seems like I need to plan my next move... Tomorrow I will change my job"

And that was the first step of Corvo Warrington in the 90,000 Worlds.