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Chapter 4 : A Class-2 Blacksmith Appear

"What a well-crafted knife !".

"To think that we would have a new prodigy amongst us. The future of blacksmithing in the Piercing Arrow Sect is magnificent".

"He is mine! Whoever tries to take him will have to get through me." A big-bellied middle-aged man bellowed

"Have you seen yourself? You can't even see your feet when you are looking down let alone your hammer." Laughed another inciting the snickers of the others.

"You dare speak to me that way Clint? I will have you know that I could crush any so-called class-1 blacksmith with one hand behind my back, my eyes closed and one foot in the air. You wouldn't even be able to form a piece of metal into anything thing substantial other than a kitchen knife and farmer tools you damn baboon"

"Humph! It's you who wouldn't be able to beat me even if I used my ordinary hammer with the most ordinary flame and the most ordinary anvil. The only word to qualify you is just ordinary."

"You want to get a taste of my weapons to see whether or not you are right? "

"Let's see if your damn face is made of metal then."

A fight ensued as soon as he said that. The fat man used his palm to strike relentlessly like a hammer and clint avoid while trying to aim at the man's face. For some reason, he wanted to absolutely hit the man's face more than any other target...

"Enough !" Bellowed an old man clad in a magnificent black uniform. The badge on his torso attested that he was the only class 2 blacksmith In the school. As soon as he appeared people began to cast admirative glances towards him.

With a single step, he appeared from a distance of 10 meters in front of the boy to just half a meter. He didn't see him build the weapon nor had he had any interest in the bet. For someone of his status, a simple bet between a child and a teacher was worthless in value. But a gathering of blacksmiths in the area was noticeable for even a blind man. Let alone having them stand there for like 8 hours straight.

"May I?" smiled the old man pointing his hand to the knife.

"Sure." Nodded the boy weakly.

The man in black took the knife. But when he saw the knife in his hand the results astounded him. The knife was just below a class-1 knife in term of quality.

'A prodigy. A true prodigy has appeared in my sect.' His hands began to shake.

At the age of this boy, Logan was only good at forming tools and ordinary weapons. He then became a class-1 blacksmith just under the age of 40. Then a class-2 at 60 and was stuck at this level ever since. Most blacksmith prodigies do not join the Piercing Arrow Sect. They all join a sect specialized for their profession like the Iron Hammer School or they choose to join a big sect, faction or big families. With the knowledge of this, he knew he had to hold on to this boy.

After taking a moment to choose his words he talked to him :

"It is a nice knife. Let me present myself: The name is Logan Erwin. You can choose any blacksmith to be your instructor here, but they wouldn't be able to teach you better than me. So I will take you as my disciple if you have no objection"

As soon as he said that most instructors began to feel dejected. They already knew he would be the one to gain this disciple. After all, he was the only class-2 blacksmith around. His status was only lower than the sect master and the grand elder.

"I am sorry but it will not be possible". Replied Arthur. His words reduced the area to silence. Most of the gazes cast on him were that of disbelief. Who in their right mind would reject a class-2 blacksmith? And as expected the expectant gaze of Logan turned into a frown.

Most students here would try to get close to him with all sort of gifts, just to get some words from him, some pointers that would allow them to reach the class-1 level easier.

But this one directly rejected him without giving him a way out. That was very disrespectful especially when he was beside his colleagues.

"I am not yet a student of this sect so it will not be possible" he replied. When he heard that, it stunned him. Then he almost blushed with shame. To think that his excitement made him lose his mind.

Indeed when he took notice of his uniform he wasn't a student of the sect yet. Masters could only teach after a student had been accepted to the sect. Simple things like tools and "low-class" weapons' confection could be taught to outsiders but it would be foolish to teach him more.

After all, all sort of things had to be tested like cultivation talent, will, morality, background's check... He could very well have been a spy for all he knew.

"You are right. The next entrance examination will take place in 2 months. How old will you be? "

"I will be 16 sir."

"16? That's a little old. But alright. We will see if you have the talent to catch up. Keep learning from Petrus... or any others as long as they are not class-1 as it is forbidden. Then come back in 2 months. "

"Will do sir". Replied Arthur

Logan then left with these words. Petrus as for himself was ashamed. As a passionated blacksmith he almost buried a great talent. He couldn't face himself let alone anybody. As he was planning to leave Arthur appeared before him and bowed.

"Please teach me sir" he said to Petrus. Petrus was in disbelief. He couldn't understand how the talent he has disparaged could come back to him. Even his colleagues didn't expect this. Before they had the chance to act Arthur had already approached Petrus. Nevertheless, this made Petrus feel warm. He promised himself that he would teach Arthur everything he knew without leaving a single thing.