The System Awakening, Part 1

Five hundred years ago there lived a powerful fortune teller. Everyone respected that fortune teller, for everything she foretold came true without fail. Her fortune-telling powers were so scary that the Three top tier family heads themselves had to beg for a reading, but this fortune teller only granted them one reading each.

As for using their strength to force her, they didn't even consider it as an option for a creepy reason. This fortune teller didn't cultivate, yet people couldn't get more than five meters from her before disintegrating. Which meant using force was out of the question.

The third Michelson head was the second person from the top tier families to get a reading, and this was what he was told. "Move your mansion and build it around the 'black hole of no return', as the savior of your family and the entire world will come from it."

The family head didn't even flinch, as he immediately moved as she ordered. He then quarantined the black hole the fortune teller spoke of, only granting access to those in the inner circle of the family.

The family then renamed the black hole, 'The Savior's Gate'. But although the area had been restricted once, and should have remained a sacred place in the family, they now used it for another important purpose, which was trash disposal.

Five hundred years had already passed since the fortune was told so most have stopped believing in it anymore. And as the things and people that went into the Hole seemed to never return, this hole got another name, the 'Garbage dump'!

And although the family still had a law barring others from entering, it was merely a formality by this point since even the maids came here to dump the garbage.

Mathew was running through the secluded spots of the mansion, sweating like crazy, it was broad daylight so he knew he looked suspicious since he ran carrying a big black bag. But all he could do now was hope that no one would notice him at his speed.

And as if the gods were helping him, he reached the Garbage dump, unimpeded. Entering the area, he looked at the scary black vortex that led down to god knows where and sighed in relief.

"Young master, forgive me for taking your life, I sincerely hope I get to serve you better in the next life," Mathew said a few parting words as he threw the sack with Nick still in it, into the creepy dark vortex that seemed like it could swallow anything.


Planet Zora, Continent of the 1st, in the Wastelands.

The Wasteland was known for its weird black vortex that spat out trash constantly. And after years of studying the vortex, the locals named it, 'The Devils Anus'. But although the things that fell out were called trash by some, this was only because most of the things that fell were damaged goods. If one somehow found something that worked or was intact, then they could make some good money off it.

Since the hole was known as the 'The Devils Anus' the things that came out were commonly referred to as shit.

"Jack, quickly, the devil is shitting, the devil is shitting!" This was what the locals called the process of garbage leaving the vortex in the sky.

"Stop yelling Iven! I'm standing right beside you man for crying out loud! I hope there's some good shit this time because I didn't make any money from that pile I found last time." Jack sounded hopeful. As he ran to the spot the trash had landed on. And although the Garbage dump seemed small, the years of piled up trash mountains had turned it into some sort of a maze, and only those with experience could tread through it without trouble.

"Me neither, that girl is always taking away anything valuable!" Iven was at a loss as well. But he didn't lag behind, as he followed Jack into the garbage maze.

"Yeah, one of these days we will have to teach that ugly crone a lesson." Jack cracked his knuckles in a threatening manner, the amount of hate he carried for that girl was self-evident.

"You said it, brother, if I ever get my hands on her I swe…there she is! Hurry, she's almost got the shit!" Iven was having so much fun acting all tough with his friend, but when he actually saw the woman, terror was evident in his eyes. He knew how terrifying this woman could be.

"Damn it! How is she so fast?"

"I don't know man, let's go see what she's caught today."

Upon arrival, they were greeted by an ugly girl with messy black hair, and three missing front teeth. The girl had one leg on top of a big black bag, her left hand on her hips, and her right hand was making a fist to the air, the girl was performing her victory pose.

"Hey! Let that shit go! It's our shit!" Jack sounded furious.

Yet the girl didn't say a word in reply to the two men, instead, she flung her hair back, batted her eyelashes, and gave the men a provocative glance, as she threw the two men winks and coy giggles.

But coupled with her looks, these actions that should have been provocative and enticing, only managed to frighten, and trigger the gag reflex of those poor men. And as a grand finale, the girl wiggled her disproportionate bottom 'cutely' and successfully chased away those men!

The girl kept on dancing for a while after the two men were gone though, she couldn't stop herself once she got into the zone…

About a minute later, the girl found that the two men were no longer behind her, and after making sure that no one else was in the vicinity, the girl turned expressionless and bored.

She then went on to load the large bag onto her rusted metal cart which she had fashioned out of the garbage she found in this place and some broken carriage wheels. Then she pushed the cart out of the wastelands and into a narrow path that most never used.

After pushing the carts for miles, the girl came upon a desert, but she didn't stop pushing, and she kept on going for a couple more miles before finally, she stopped in front of a shabby wooden house. This house stood alone in the empty desert, worn down by the sands of time.

Dragging her cart into the house, the girl dumped the bag on top of the floor before going into her bathroom and taking off her shoes, her feet were oddly smooth and clean not matching the rest of her body.

And after the girl washed the sand off her face, and dusting off her cloth, she went back to the living room and opened the bag, only to stumble back in astonishment.

Inside the bag was a blood-drenched young man! And although appearance-wise he was golden, he looked like he was nearing his death, like anyone of his breaths could very well be his last.

The girl then started debating heatedly in her mind on whether she should strip the man before dumping him or strip the man after dumping him, and after a few tiring seconds, the girl finally made her decision, she would strip search him to see if he had anything valuable tucked away on him, and then dump hum. The girl then princess carried the man into her bedroom while murmuring to herself. "Humph, stinky man, you better have something of value on you, otherwise, this beautiful goddess will save your life, just to end it myself!"

After the girl took Nick to her bedroom, she violently tossed him on the bed as if he was a ragdoll and began removing his clothes piece by piece. She was not shy at all, after all, she had seen her brother naked before, and she believed, that if you've seen one, you've seen them all…

But when the girl finished undressing him and stared at the man's bare chest, she was shocked to find the young man had no injuries on him! So, in order to make sense of all the blood she found, she started inspecting every nook and cranny, well, except that cranny of course, but no matter how hard she looked, all she found was clear skin.

Finally, she confirmed that the man's wounds were all internal, probably caused by some sort of violent shock to the body. And if he didn't get treatment quickly, then he probably won't make it through the night. After standing still for a moment the girl sighed in pity and said, "I really would have helped you, but the herbs you require are too in peace and hope for better luck in your next life. And I won't blame you for being dirt poor and not carrying a penny on you, even though I did carry your body here and deserved some compensation for it."

After saying those words from the bottom of her heart, the girl moved to pick the man back up from the bed, when a deep voice suddenly growled at her from behind.

"What are you doing big sis?! Is this how our father raised us?! To ignore people in need, to turn them away?!" The voice seemed to be coming from a middle-aged man.

There was anger and conviction in that voice as it spoke with righteousness, making one feel ashamed of any wrongdoing they might have ever committed.

The girl blushed from shame for a few seconds but managed to get her countenance back quickly, as she replied.

"Our dad isn't here anymore and we are in hiding, maybe you haven't noticed, but this isn't our mansion anymore! We are living in the desert, scavenging for every meal, the herbs we brought with us are very valuable now, unlike before, when we used some to feed our pets. So, we can't waste them on any random person that falls on our doorstep!"

The girl was unwilling to back down as the herbs had another value that she wasn't willing to speak off, she needed to use some of these precious herbs to make a facial mask to cleanse her face, this was a beauty routine she had started back when she was rich, and she wasn't willing to stop now.


A violent cough suddenly interrupted their argument as Nick woke up.

"You're conscious?! But how?! I could have sworn that nearly all your internal organs had burst!" The girl barraged the injured Nick with questions as if she hadn't heard him asking for water.

"Sister the questions can wait, let's give him water some first." The deep voiced man spoke, as he brought over a glass of water and handed it to the girl.

Nick woke up about a minute ago, only to find himself in unimaginable pain. But before he could voice his pain out, he realized a numbness was washing over him as a soothing light started seeping out of the Golden orb, and enveloping him.

But just as he was about to relax, he suddenly heard two people arguing beside him, one seemed intent in leaving him for dead, while the other seemed to be determined in saving his life.

Nick's eyelids felt like they weighed more than a mountain, and he couldn't open them yet, so he could only picture what they looked like based on their voices.

The girl must be one of those heavenly beauties he remembered from his new memories, those girls are naturally cold and aloof as they only cared about cultivation and looking good.

While the man with a deep voice must be a middle-aged man who has experienced the vicissitudes of time. Probably one of those powerful seniors that could look through others with a glance.

But as he began to process what they said, he grew a little confused, why did the middle-aged man call the young-sounding woman, Big sis, unless of course, she had incredibly high cultivation, and could maintain her youth while others aged.

Suddenly he started wondering how he should break the ice and finally opened his mouth to speak only for coughs to come out. His throat was incredibly parched for some reason, so he asked for some water.

After asking for water he heard the deep-voiced man running around to bring him water, while the young woman sounded angry that her earlier diagnosis was wrong, and seemed to be blaming him for not dying. What two completely contrasting characters these two were.

Nick then felt someone lifting his head, and something cold touching his lips, instinctively forcing them to open, then a large amount of water was poured down his throat which forced him to cough violently!

"Sister, do it gently! Just use your sword if you want to kill him so much!" The deep-voiced man seemed angry at his elder sister. But Nick didn't agree with him this time, it was fine to choke on water, he would probably survive that, but a sword attack…

The girl seemed to have learned her lesson the second time though, as she waited for Nick to stop coughing before she poured the water gently into his mouth. Now with a little bit of energy, Nick opened his eyes slowly but steadily just to be greeted with a face, that would serve best as a scarecrow, protecting a farm.

Seeing this face his eyes lost all their energy and motivation, as they slammed themselves shut again. 'Shit, could she not scare an already injured person like this, is this what they call by angering the gods, I mistakenly addressed Mathew as a god, so in anger, they cast me from my mansion into…god knows where only to be greeted by a face that belonged to a…god knows what!'

'Mathew you fucker, your mom and dad must both like dicks, that's why you were born into this world confused! Just let me find a way back, I will tear you apart, piece by piece, you fucker!'

After raining down curses on Mathew in his head, Nick's focus turned to the Golden orb, he had fallen into this predicament because the Golden orb decided to absorb the cultivation technique.

'Fuck you too, you uselessly shiny orb! What are you supposed to be, the god of misfortune's left ball sack?! You got me into this mess, now you act all generous and release golden light like some hero, fuck you! What gibberish was that you said before, I can mold your body, I can mold your mind, but I can't mold your will?! Such awe-inspiring words, how long did it take you to come up with them, a century?! if you are so powerful, why can't you mold my will as well...huh? What? Nothing? Then keep quiet bitch!'

After another round of cursing, Nick finally felt better. There was nothing as therapeutic as cursing others out. But when Nick blinked, he found his surroundings had changed, and he was now in the weird space he previously met the Golden orb in.

"Are you done asking to die brat?!" The ancient entity from the Golden orb spoke again after remaining quiet for so long, but this time the voice seemed to be quivering with rage.

Nick was stunned, he didn't expect to get a response so easily. But he didn't stay quiet like he did the last time the entity in the orb spoke.

'Oh, you seem mad, is it perhaps because I cursed my servant more than I cursed you? Well then, in that case...let me add a couple more for you! Everybody has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing that privilege, if you were a cookie you' de be a whoreo(Whore+Oreo, get it?), you talk so much shit. So when you talk, I don't know whether to offer you breathe mint or toilet paper!' Nick's favorite pass time in his previous life was surfing the net for creative insults. Which people found weird for some reason, but, isn't looking up insults much better than looking up porn?!

After saying what he needed to say, Nick closed his eyes, and waited for the glob to start smiting, but little did he expect to hear it say something softly.

"Actually, there is a way to increase your willpower, and give you my power…but I don't know if you're ready for that just yet...." The globe spoke every word slowly, sending shivers down Nick's back.