The System Awakening, Part 2

"Actually, there is something we can try to strengthen your will. And you will gain access to my power after that, but…do you dare try it?!" The words of the Golden Orb sounded tempting and poisonous at the same time. This made Nick feel nostalgic, that was how he usually sounded when he talked to the judges or jury…

As a big shot scam artist…cough…as a big shot lawyer, skilled in reading someone's tone, he knew that there must be a huge downside to this method the Orb spoke off. Which, to be honest, didn't take a lawyer to figure out. He could tell that the Orb must have tremendous benefits if he could activate it, but the ominous way it spoke made him hesitate.

Finally, after taking a deep breath to calm his heart, Nick asked. "What is this method you speak off? Please speak your mind, oh, Mighty and Glorious Orb."

It stunned the entity within the Orb, as it had never seen someone change their attitude so quickly, yet slowly but surely, the entity calmed down and began speaking again with the most ancient and mighty voice it could muster.

"The method is simple, I will create a lifelike hallucination, filled with unimaginable pain and bloodbath. And after you spend a few years inside being baptized by blood, your will, will become strong enough to handle anything. The words fear and escape will no longer be in your vocabulary! And best of all, you will have gained the right to use my power! " The entity within the Orb said each word with confidence.

Nick felt lost for a moment after hearing all this. But after getting back to his senses, Nick decided to completely ignore the crazy Golden Orb. Unimaginable pain and bloodbath? For a few years inside that hell? He'd rather bleed out and die right on the bed his body was on.

"Hey, kid...hey kid...I am talking to you, little brat! Didn't your parents teach you any manners?! It is not polite to ignore others when they are speaking to you?!!"

The Golden Orb flew right in front of Nick's face in anger, and it kept on bellowing at Nick, only for the latter to repeatedly ignore it! The Orb had thought it could get revenge for all those insults from earlier while forging the boy's will at the same time, it was a win-win situation, but Nick was ruining his plans!

"Boy, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, if you miss out I can still choose someone else!" The Orb changed its approach and decided to use threats this time.

But when Nick heard this, his eyes lit up like stars, as if what he heard wasn't a threat made by a powerful entity, but an invitation by a beautiful naked girl instead!

Nick wasn't reacting this way because he was crazy, no, it was because he recognized the all too familiar speech pattern just now. The way the Orb just spoke reminded Nick of the exact way his clients spoke when they were making false threats.

This was what his clients would usually say when they found his price a little too high. They would say, "Listen, we came to you because we heard you were good, but don't think for one second, that we are cows that you can milk as you please! There are plenty of other lawyers out there with more skill and higher reputations than you waiting to take our case!"

Then Nick would kindly accommodate his clients. "Well, in that case, it was a pleasure to meet you, and please give my regards to your cellmate for me, and let me leave you with a little advice, watch your ass in prison." Then Nick would flash them his signature golden smile, which gave others the urge to punch him right in that smug face.

After that, they would drop all the theatrics and start acting more modestly, waiting to be milked like the nice little cows they were.


Nick suddenly sighed and stopped reminiscing. Just thinking about his days where he was such a boss in life made him feel extremely homesick, but reminding himself he could achieve immortality in this cultivation world, made him feel a lot better.

"Are you hearing me brat?! I swear I will leave unless you accept my proposal! It's just a few years, man up! I will count to three, if you don't accept my proposal by then, I will be leaving! Think about it!"



"Two…and a half!"

"Two…and a…wait, what was next? Thank your lucky stars that I am bad with numbers brat, I will start all over again. Quickly, think about it before I leave!" The Orb spoke so much that Nick had to give it some attention now. The Orb was just too pitiful by this point. It was like a child threatening to run away, only to turn back and look at its parents repeatedly, begging them with his eyes to stop him.

'It's no use living in the past anyway, it's time to see if my skills from earth are still of some use here.' Nick thought and soon started speaking to the orb.

"Well then, little Orby, please don't let the door hit you on your way out...wait…please exit in a civil manner, I forbid you from using the exit at the back!"

The orb didn't reply for a long time, then suddenly, it said, "Well...I…can stay if you want…do you want me to stay…?" It embarrassed the entity in the Orb to say this, but what could he do, he couldn't leave Nick's body without permission.

"No, shoo, shoo, who needs a loud old thing like you? To tell you the truth, I have been so nice and respectful to you all this time, I haven't even said a single bad word about you behind your back! But you, look at what you have done to me?! I am on this bed injured and helpless all because of you!" Nick kept on poking the Orb as he spoke. If he couldn't tell that this thing couldn't hurt him by now then he would have lived two lives for nothing!

The Orb was speechless, did the little bastard just say he hadn't bad-mouthed him?! Then what does one call that book of insults Nick had handed it just earlier?! But, now wasn't the time to point this out, now was the perfect moment to act just as shamelessly!

"Well…since you asked so nicely, I'll just stay for a little while longer then." But unlike Nick, the Orb didn't have such thick skin, so after saying that, the orb didn't know where to put its metaphorical head, it was so embarrassed, when was the last time it felt this way, probably never. It felt so…refreshing…

After hearing what the orb said Nick couldn't help but smirk unnoticeably. The fish had taken the bait, and it was now time to reel it in.

"Actually, Orby, there is another way...."

The Orb paused and for some reason, what Nick had just said made its metaphorical body shivered, and it subconsciously felt an alarming sense of danger. But before it could think about anything else, Nick's voice sounded out beside it again, like the whispers of the devil.

"What is the use of will?" Nick asked calmly.

Hearing Nick's simple question, the Orb answered in a serious, but confident manner.

"The path that you are destined to walk, is that of an Emperor. And not any Emperor that rules just the land of man, but an Emperor that will rule above all, beneath neither the heavens nor earth, stepping on heaven's chosen as if they were nothing, but weeds growing in your garden without your permission!"

"And to become such an Emperor, one must have the will to rise above all, and needs to be overbearing, never stepping back from any challenge! Don't you agree?!" It was confident in its answer since it was one it had prepared for millennia.

Hearing that long-winded speech about being Emperor astounded Nick, the words the Orb said sounded like a genius author with unbelievable good looks had written them…

After a few seconds of contemplation, Nick sighed and put on the expression of a disappointed parent, he kept looking at the Orb and shaking his head over, and over again, as if he was trying to shake all his disappointment away, but just couldn't.

The Orb was furious as it kept hopping from one side of space to the other as if trying to hop away all its rage but couldn't.

"Are you questioning my answer brat?! Humph...tell me then, what do you think the use of will is?!"

Nick sighed and spoke as if the answer was quite obvious. "Sure, educating the uneducated, is what I do in my free time anyway."

After saying this Nick moved his hands habitually to fix his tie, only to realize that he wasn't wearing any, he wasn't even wearing a suit…well that was embarrassing.

Nick then used the hand he stretched out to fix his tie to cover his mouth as he throat and said, "Let me ask you this. If an Emperor finds a stack of walls in front of him what do you believe he should do?"

The Orb responded domineeringly, "Go through them!"

"But wouldn't it be easier to walk around them? Wouldn't everyone laugh at an Emperor that couldn't figure that out?" Nick asked another question quickly.

The Orb grew quiet for a while, then just snorted as a response.

"Okay, let me ask you another question then, if an Emperor finds a sea of flame around him, what do you believe he should do?"

The Orb responded domineeringly again." Walk, through it!"

"But wouldn't the Emperor then have seared feet, where would the Emperor put his face then...huh? Wouldn't he find it easier to extinguishing it first, hmm?" Nick asked again, silencing the Orb.

The Orb grew confused; it had always believed that the only way to create an Emperor was by strengthening their will a hundred-fold If not a thousand-fold, he believed it would all work out if he made them domineering enough.

But now, hearing the brat speak, and thinking back to all the previous owners that had died incredibly early, it couldn't help but doubting its approach a little.

Of course, Nick wasn't the first person it had chosen. It had three previous owners, whose will's it had reforged, by using the exact method it had proposed to Nick. And boy were they glorious! Just thinking about them, made him so proud. The Orb started reminiscing.

Oh, how domineering they were, the first one was so overbearing, he went to a brothel and ordered for all the women to serve him.

Sigh, just thinking back to that brave and unyielding face the man had put on while those women exhausted him to death made the Orb so proud.

The second one was even more glorious, because the incredible man, stood in front of a dragon, and started a spitting contest! Needless to say, it roasted him alive.

But the thing that made the Orb proud, was that even while being burned alive, his second master still managed to land spittle on the dragon's forehead! Which proved that hadn't died in vain.

And the third one was his favorite, sadly he died before he even started cultivating. The man was passing by an ocean when he suddenly saw a fish diving into the sea at incredible speed.

Angered because a fish was showing off in front of him. The man dived into the sea and started a deep-sea swimming contest with the fish.

He would have won too if he had just known how to swim....sadly, the man died from drowning, and only served as a meal for the fish he was chasing.

The Orb had wallowed in sadness in the sea for a week, only to see the fish his third master was chasing, attempt the same thing again! The fish kept jumping up and diving back down, hoping to bait someone as 'domineering' as its third master, only to fail at the end.