The System Awakening, Finally!

Nick didn't know that he had dodged a huge bullet by refusing to have his will remolded. He didn't know that all the other masters before him had gone insane because of the crazy method the Orb had proposed to him. Nick was having a great time brainwashing the Orb instead.

"Let me ask you one last question, if an Emperor finds an endless space in front of him, what do you believe he should do?" This was the last question Nick had prepared.

"Alright, brat I get it... I get it! Just shut up already." The entity within the Orb spoke in a quick but exasperated tone. And after thinking for a while it realized it had nothing to lose, if Nick failed and died it would just find another host, but if Nick succeeded, well, it didn't believe Nick would succeed…

Nick was waiting anxiously by the side. It was all up to the Orb now.

Ding! Do you accept 'The Emperor's System'?!

Suddenly some golden letters floated in front of Nick, dancing in front of him playfully.

And after Nick read those words, he felt a rush of excitement wash over him.

One had to understand that before he became a lawyer, he was born an orphan in a nasty neighborhood filled with nothing but drugs and violence.

Yet, through sheer grit and determination, he somehow straightened himself out and became a lawyer. But just being one wasn't enough for Nick. He wanted to be the best; he wanted to have both power and money.

Finding a new goal that fueled him, Nick studied even harder! He read the law book repeatedly, and he studied every loophole and inconsistency in the constitution to an unprecedented degree.

And now that Nick has a second chance at life, with the opportunity one could only dream off, he felt excited and adventurous! Nick had again found a new goal, which was to be powerful enough!

As for how much exactly was enough...heheheheh... of course, it was powerful enough to stand above all the rest!

Nick had no idea what this system thingy was, but he didn't plan on rejecting it, his body was dying out there, what good will hesitating do him now?

"I accept!" And as soon as Nick said the magic words, a monotonous voice started talking, but the voice seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere all at once as it filled the entire space. And Nick watched in awe as the Golden Orb melted down rapidly and covered his body.

[Ding!!! Requirements for system installation met... Proceeding onto installation... Installation complete...Analyzing the host's body...Analysis complete.....Establishing a connection with 'The System's Guide'...Connection established...Loading all files and booting in 5,4,3,2,1.]

Ding! Welcome host, and rejoice, for you have been chosen as the proud owner of 'The Emperor's System', from now on, you will tread the path of the Emperor and never look back. Would the host like to learn about the System's functions?]


Ding! Calling on the System's guide to explain the system's features to the host.

"Well brat, I hope you don't make me regret my decision. I am the System's guide, but you can call me the 'Great Domineering Yin Yang Blackhole Punch King'!" Suddenly an Old and messy looking Old man appeared beside Nick, the man looked to be a hologram though, since Nick could see right through him. But the voice of the man was familiar, this voice was the same one coming out of the Orb earlier!

Feeling proud of his name, the System's guide waited patiently and silently for Nick to address him with his proper title.

Nick reeled in shock, so, the ancient being that was acting so high and mighty just previous, was just some guide to the system?! The man was practically just Siri if she was an ugly old man! And what the fuck was up with that crappy name?! Nick could immediately tell that the Old man had come up with the name himself.

Of course, Nick wouldn't call the Old man with that long-winded name that, probably had nothing to do with anything. So, he ignored him once again and started checking out the system on his own. As a young man from the twenty-first century, he could recognize a Gaming panel when he sees one.

The System had three features; they were the Status, the Store, and the fusion function. The Fusion and store functions were grayed out and were inaccessible no matter how Nick tried to open them. So, Nick went ahead and opened the Status function instead.


[Name: Nick Michelson

Energy cultivation: None

Physical Body Cultivation: None

Cultivation Techniques: Star Devouring Dragon manual

Physical Body Skill: None

Experience points:0

Domineering points: -1000(In debt, please pay it back as soon as possible. Thank you.)

Bloodlines: Heaven devouring Ancient Dragon bloodline (not active)]

Tired of being ignored the System's guide could only concede and did his job by explaining the system's functions.

"As you can see your energy cultivation level is nonexistent, and so is your body cultivation, you can gain Experience points by killing demonic beasts and humans, or absorbing energy stones! "

"As for the bloodline, I can only say you are the luckiest person I have ever seen." The Old man seemed angry that Nick had gotten the bloodline.

"That sly reptile must have been severely injured for it to put all its essence and soul into that book."

"Its plan sure was ingenious. Everybody that cultivated the technique would have unknowing absorbed tiny strands of that Dragon's essence. And the day it revives, all it would have to do, was to take back those essence strands, along with energy and flesh of those that cultivated the technique, to rebuild its body!"

"It was a brilliant plan really, and if it wasn't because I, the Great Domineering Yin Yang Black Hole Punch King was there, it would have succeeded."

"I took the liberty of using 500 domineering points to kill it and absorb its bloodline for you. And when you got thrown into the unstable space tunnel by your servant, I used another 500 domineering points to keep you from being shredded to pieces. And that should now explain how you're One thousand Domineering points in debt, right?"

"Keep in mind boy, to buy that bloodline from the system would have cost you an arm and a leg, also, after the activation of the system, the domineering points loaning function is now officially closed. So, this was a one-time deal!"

"Aren't you touched, boy? Are you feeling bad about doubting me? How about you call me Grandpa Black Hole from now on and we call it even?"

Nick processed what the Old geezer said and finally relaxed, at least with this advantage in this world, even if it didn't guarantee he would be outstanding, it was at least implied.

Nick smiled and said, "Wow, you sure did help a lot...but, was I not saved by using my own points? If you truly want me to be thankful, how about you erase my debt? I will call you Old geezer, until then."

Hearing Nick's words, the old geezer was hopping mad, but he had nowhere to unleash his anger. Afraid of being angered any further, the Old geezer ran towards the ungrateful bastard, lifted him up, turned him around, and literally kicked his butt out of the space and into consciousness.

Nick did not understand how he had left that space. He had only seen the old man running at him, and without waiting for him to react, the violent Old foggy had turned him around and kicked his butt, literally! But when Nick returned to his body, it shocked him to find he wasn't in pain anymore!

And he was sure this wasn't because of the soothing light that had previously numbed Nick's body because that only prevented him from feeling pain. No, Nick wasn't feeling any pain because his injuries were all healed up now! Which was surprising, considering the terrible shape he was in previously.

Nick was excited and was going to sit up straight, but he heard that girl's voice ringing beside him in a cold and detached manner, as she said.

" have wasted one of our most precious herbs, the least you can do is lay down and let it do its work!" The girl was clearly dissatisfied. When she left to make dinner earlier, her sneaky little brother snuck into their secret storage and fed Nick one of their most precious herbs.

She had spanked the brat for an hour before she let him go because her hands started getting sore. Then she came to check if there was any of their herb still leftover from healing Nick, only to see him wake up and look happy over his healed wounds…what a bastard.

Nick had learned his lesson, and he didn't turn around to look at the girl. He had just recovered from his wounds; he didn't want the girl to kill him now. You have to understand that this wasn't because her looks scared him, or that she was too ugly for him to look at, but because he knew himself pretty well.

He had grown up in a very…unsavory neighborhood, where curses were served with your every meal. People there sometimes insulted each other as a greeting, so even as a rich lawyer, he had retained this nasty habit of his. So, he didn't know what he would slip up and say if he saw the girl's face again.

This one time a big client came over to his firm, the man had everything except a good personality! And when he got to the building the man yelled 'bring me coffee, black!' to the owner of the firm! The owner of the firm was so furious, he appointed that client to Nick, he knew of Nick's nasty habit, and he was certain that this Big client would learn a very dear lesson that day, and boy did he!

The client walked into Nick's office without knocking, looked around judgmentally, and then perched himself on the chair in front of Nick with his feet mounted on the table.

And although surprised, Nick still asked with a smile "Why don't you slip into something more comfortable like a…coma or a casket?"

The Client furiously stood up and said, "What did you say, boy, do you even know who I am?"

"Of course, I do. You, sir, are the big zit on the ass of life!"

"You bastard!! Do you want to die?" The client said with his trembling index finger pointed at Nick.

"Shut up! If I wanted to hear an asshole speak, I would fart!"

The client then cooled down after being insulted for 10 more minutes then yelled "I've changed my mind! Any firm that allows an uncultured person like you to work for them, isn't worth my time!"

" changed your your new mind…any better?" Nick asked seriously.

The client's cheeks puffed up, and after breathing raggedly from all the pent-up anger, the man finally fainted. And was carried out of the firm, sigh...good times.

After rehearsing the words he was going to say and making sure there weren't any curse words in them, Nick slowly turned his head towards the ugly lady and spoke.

"May I ask the name of the beautiful maiden that saved my life?" he said those words fluently as if they were the truth.


Back on earth, Nick's office phone rang, and when the receptionist answered, the client whom Nick had previously insulted to the point of fainting was on the other line.

He asked the receptionist to speak to Mr. Nick Flames. "I'm sorry, sir," the receptionist said. "Mr. Flames passed away yesterday." "Oh, is that right? Goodbye." he hanged up the phone.

But every day for the next two weeks that same client called back again and again as the same exchange occurred. Finally, the receptionist said, "Sir, I have told you repeatedly that Mr. Flames died, why do you keep calling and asking for him?!"

"Oh," the giggling client replied, "I just like hearing it, hehe!"

The receptionist immediately lost interest…so…it was just another person that hated Nick…