Lily's Past

"May I ask the name of the beautiful maiden that saved my life?" Nick said those words fluently as if they were the truth.

But Nick's words only caused the girl to shake her head in pity. Yet another man who has fallen for her. Why was she cursed with heavenly beauty?!

The girl's name is Lily Jefferson, and she was a devastating beauty! Or at least, that's what she believed… Lily was born in one of the most prosperous cities in the entire continent, and her father, Steve Jefferson, was the lord of that city. Which meant that Lily had grown up pampered and taken care of.

When she was born, the clouds moved back a thousand meters, as if the heavens had pried them open to look at her immaculate face. And all the maids that helped during the birth, killed themselves, frightened that they would soil her beauty with their peasant eyes.

When Lily turned five, she won the Miss Beauty Empress competition held by her city. And even when she hit puberty, covered with zits, she still carried immense charm as suitors lined up the streets to curry her favor. But her father, Steve, refused to let any of them into the mansion, because he was afraid of the commotion that her beauty would cause, at least, that's what he told her.

But Lily always got the feeling it was because it scared her father. She believed her father must have been worried she might run away with one of those men and wanted to horde his beautiful daughter all to himself.

But then her father brought a young man one day and declared that she would be marrying him, and of course, she objected. How was this man worthy of her beauty?

The man wasn't even that handsome, but that wasn't even what bothered Lily. What bothered her was that the young man was blind! How would a blind person be able to appreciate her beauty?

But Lily's father was immovable on the matter and refused to budge on his decision, angering her to no end.

But how would Lily know Steve's pain...his daughter was born hideous, so hideous that all the clouds moved back a distance of a thousand meters as if they were given a terrible fright.

And Steve even had to kill all maids that helped with the childbirth to keep them quiet, then he appointed his most trusted female guard to take care of his daughter.

Luckily for Steve's wife, she had passed away during birth or he would have personally tortured her to death, after all, how can he not see it, he was born with God-given looks and his wife was a heavenly beauty, how could their child look like that unless...

Thinking up to this, Steve's rage quickly surfaced as he started killing every ugly person in the mansion, paranoid that one of them might be the bastard his wife cheated on him with. But just as he was done with his rampage, and managed to quell his angry heart, an ugly beggar with a horrid stench started a commotion at the front gates, demanding to see him.

And Stevie was about to ignore the ugly beggar and tell his guard to teach him a lesson when he noticed that man sort of resembled…his daughter?

Filled with disbelief, Steve hurriedly told his guards to let the beggar in, while he went to the main hall and sat on the Head seat with authority in his posture.

The beggar came in slowly and clumsily while being unsightly the whole way. He sometimes scratched his ass and smelled it, sometimes danced a creepy dance, and even took out his penis, just to check if it was still there.

Finally, the beggar made it to the main hall, and he looked really upset as he stared at Steve sitting on the main seat, and not getting up to welcome him.

The beggar then screamed, " Brother, I am aggrieved! I feel terribly aggrieved!"

Thus, began the weirdest conversation known to man.

"Please address me as Lord, I am the lord of the city after all! And why, may I ask, are you aggrieved, and what has that got to do with me?" Steve was praying with all his heart that what he had already guessed was wrong.

"Sir…lord, of course, it has something to do with you! We have both been played by that wife of yours!" You could hear the indignation in the beggar's voice.

"Oh, and how did my wife play with you? If I have guessed correctly, you are just a beggar, so you shouldn't have any relation with my wife?" Steve clenched his fists with anxiousness even though he spoke calmly.

"Your wife played with my feelings lord...and as far as our relationship is concerned, she was my one and only true love, the apple of my eye, the fire to my loins!" The beggar started getting poetic.

"And even though I could allow a prominent person such as yourself, to share her with me, I found out today that she has been sleeping around with all my friends, who are also beggars by the way?! Even if she has a fetish for foul smells, she shouldn't take it so far, right?!"

"Just thinking about it makes me mad! Lord, let's kill every beggar in the city, otherwise, I feel like my rage won't let me sleep!"

"But since we were both with the same woman, I think you and I have a deeper connection, don't you think so? You can consider me your bigger brother from now on. And I will start calling you by your name now if it's okay with you. Also, do you have anything to eat, I am starving?"

After a minute of silence...


Stevie's pulled his hair in rage and turned it into a mess, then, he roared out curses and threats at his departed wife. She had made a cuckold out of him! And to prove his threats weren't idle, Steve turned his head sharply to the startled beggar and began hacking him into pieces with his favorite sword. He then instructed the city soldiers to eradicated all the beggars in the city as he headed to the nursery to kill the child she had birthed.

But when he stood in front of the ugly child who was looking at him with nothing but innocence and curiosity, Steve found that he couldn't bring himself to do it, even if his wife had wronged him so badly, he couldn't bring himself to take the life of an innocent child!

And so, he could only resign himself to raising the child. Casting the child away might lead others, who knew he had just birthed a child, to question where she was.

But he still couldn't let the world find out what she looked like, or everyone will know his heart-wrenching secret.

So, he lied to the world and gave her the title of the city's number one beauty by creating a beauty competition, which had his daughter as the only participant. He even made a professional painter draw a gorgeous girl and told everyone that that, was his daughter. And then he killed the painter so that no one would know the truth.

But he went through all this trouble not only because he wanted to keep his secret, but also because his love for his daughter was growing day, by day, He loved her so much even though she reminded him of his treacherous wife; the man was a loyal little cuckold...

Seeing the portraits Steve had faked, men lined up through the streets hoping to catch a glimpse of his daughter in real life, and yet none ever did.

Finally, Steve found a perfect candidate to wed his daughter to, a blind person with a large background who was willing to stay in the mansion with them.

Happy and excited, Steve quickly brought the Blind young man to the mansion and told both of them they would wed the next day, but he didn't expect...

Apparently, the Blind young man wasn't blind, but was practicing an eye technique, called the 'Eyes of the bewitched', which dictates he closes his eyes for 10 years and should only open them in front of his beloved wife...

So, on the day of their wedding, which was a closed ceremony might I add. He finally opened his eyes to complete his technique and to admire his Beautiful wife whose beauty he had heard songs about!

But what he saw when he opened his eyes caused his eye technique to backfire, blinding him, for real this time.

In retaliation to this, the boy's parents wiped out the entire Jefferson family including the family head, Steve to vent their rage, but Lily and her little brother Mike managed to escape through the tunnels underground the mansion.

Upon thinking of how her beauty had caused a poor man to lose his eyesight and her family to meet their downfall, Lily couldn't help but hate the heavens for this curse. If only she was born uglier...

Coming back from her thoughts, Lily took another look at Nick, who had just complimented her, and said she was a beautiful maiden. And he didn't go blind or run away once he had seen her beautiful face! Which was a pretty good sign. But then she sighed and said, "If only you were a little more handsome...?"

Hearing her sigh, Nick felt sorry because he thought she had seen through his lie. He had thought the woman kept shaking her head for the irony of his compliment, because how could she not know how bad her own looks were?! But, when he heard the words coming out of her mouth, Nick just wanted to slap her!

How can the woman be so shameless?! She walks around with a face that can make onions cry, but she still dares to judge other people's looks? The last time Nick saw a face like here's, he fed it a banana!

After choking Nick with her words, she said.

"My name is Lily...since we have spent a precious herb on you, you will work for us for the time being."

"Starting tomorrow you will clean the traps!" Lily spoke in a commanding tone, then walked out while shaking her hips seductively.

Seeing her catwalk, Nick vomited a little in his mouth, then slowly laid back down to rest.

Ever since the start of his new life, Nick had gotten no proper sleep. He was first nagged, and rushed, into cultivating by that asshole Mathew, before he was then thrown into this unknown place.

Recalling all the crazy things that happened to him in such a short time, Nick slowly, drifted to sleep.

"Sister, is he a good person?" Asked the middle-aged voice in the living room.

"Time will only tell brother, hey, why do you use this voice when you're still in the house?! One would assume you were an Old man, humph!"

"I'm practicing sis, tomorrow, when we pull that job, it will come off more fluently." The middle-aged voice seemed to have transformed into a teenager's voice all of a sudden.

"Good, then keep practicing." Lily was proud of the perfectionist her brother had become.

The next morning Nick woke up feeling refreshed and upbeat.

Getting up from the bed, he walked out of the room with gusto as he began looking around the place in an appraising manner. But Nick's early morning cheerfulness got disrupted when a high-pitched scream startled him half to death.

"Ahhhhhh! Pervert!" Lily, screamed.

Nick had completely neglected the fact, that he was completely naked. Lily had undressed him just the other day to look at his wounds and never bothered to put them back on for him. But if it was just this Lily wouldn't have screamed so crazily. After all, she had seen Nick naked yesterday, and she hadn't minded it.

But the problem now was, Nick had gotten used to living alone, and had neglected the early morning wood! This was something that usually occurred to men randomly, without the need of being aroused. But in the eyes of Lily, she was dead certain Nick had gotten that thing thinking of her! What a disgusting pervert!

And Nick soon realized the problem as well, but he had no idea how to remedy this situation. So, he ran back to the bedroom and dressed up in his old bloody cloth. Nick then walked back out to the living room, as if nothing had happened, and looking around, he saw Lily cooking something with her head bowed low, refusing to turn around and acknowledge him.

Yet Nick seemed like he hadn't noticed this awkward atmosphere as he walked over and sat around the shaky dining table naturally as if this was his own house.

"What's for breakfast?" Nick asked with a shameless smile.

"Go help my brother with cleaning the traps, you can…eat after you finish!" Lily looked a little more shy than usual since she didn't even lift her head when speaking to Nick.

This confused Nick, from what he remembered yesterday the lady was talking to him comfortably even though he was naked, so why was she acting like a shy maiden today?! Wait, it can't be that she thought that thing had stood up because of her right?! No, He must be overthinking things. It must just be that time of the month; Lily should just be experiencing some mood swings…