The Noble thief

From the argument between the two little kids, Nick learned that they were twins. But except for their ragged clothes, they couldn't look any more different.

The boy had a calm silver hair and looked mature for his age, he could be considered a cute little boy if it weren't for all the scratches and bruises on his face. While the girl had scarlet hair and still retained a hint of her childishness on her face, but her darting eyes showed she was a natural-born rascal.

Nick was surprised by their request for a beating but he didn't let that stop his movement as he approached the kids swiftly.

"I mean you no harm kids, I was just passing by when I saw a little girl entering a secluded alley so of course as a righteous person I came to help, so, no need to be scared." Nick said righteously.

"Oh, sir, you came to help us?! Wow, you must be an awesome cultivator then!" The little girl exclaimed.

"Of course, not to brag but there aren't a lot of people that are my match in this city!" Nick couldn't help bragging a little anyway.

"Wow, brother, did you hear that?! he is here to save us, we are saved!" The little girl did a merry little dance.

Nick was feeling heroic right now, and thought, this girl sure has talent in buttering people up. And yet, as he was wrapped up in his thoughts, he felt a violent tug on his right arm.

Curious Nick looked down to his arm, only to find the little girl pulling one of his duffel bags in an attempt to rob him, her face was from the amount of force she was using.

She was furious inside, she had buttered up this weirdo with all her might just to rob him when he was distracted but who knew that this guy had such a strong grip.

Looking up the little girl quickly noticed Nick was staring at her, but she wasn't the least bit embarrassed as she stared at Nick with her cute wide eyes and asked, "Sir, could you please let go of my bag?"

Nick's eyebrows jumped in surprise, this girl was really shameless, why does he have such bad luck in meeting people?! Especially when it came to siblings he just couldn't find a good pair!

He was such an upstanding person but the first siblings he encountered forced him into becoming a thief and kicked him out after he served his proposal, while the second siblings he encountered were trying to rob him in broad daylight.

Maybe he didn't have any affinity with siblings, Nick thought.

"Aya…is this your bag, I am terribly sorry about that little girl, I will return it right away! Just let me transfer the things inside into another bag, sigh...little girl, you must have been sad without your bag."

The little girl didn't really expect her plan would work, and she only used it as an excuse to explain her behavior. And she had expected that after her plan failed, Nick would say 'This isn't your bag, it's mine.' and she would say 'Oh, sorry, I made a mistake because it looks similar to mine.' Then that would be it. This was how the conversation would go if she was conversing with a normal person.

But for some reason, Nick had to find a way to irritate her. He knew that she wanted the things inside the bag, but he played along with her as if the bag was really hers?! Bro, can't you pretend that your dumb and give me some face here? Why do you have to be so sarcastic, you won't find a girlfriend if you keep acting this way.

But as she thought about the beating they were going to take from that gang later, she couldn't help but start sobbing violently. And watching his sister cry prompted the little boy to walk in front of his sister as a shield.

"Sir cultivator, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for my sister's actions, she was just trying to protect us, Please forgive her and don't take offense." The little boy couldn't watch his sister crying anymore, so, he knelt down to apologize.

He remembered what his father told him,' A man can only kneel to his family and the heavens, and should never kneel in front of anyone else!' But what could he do, his sister was a spirit realm rank 6 expert, same as him, but she couldn't even make the man's arm budge.

If in anger the man decides to kill them both, then no one would question him, cause in this world the strong was just, and the weak was wrong.

Nick couldn't help smiling seeing the deep love the two had for each other, and even though he could never understand their bond since he never had any good siblings, but he could understand their circumstances.

"Alright, alright, why are kids these days so dramatic? Quick, tell me what is going on, and let me see if I can help you."

Nick was not a saint, far from it in fact. But he kind of liked these two nutty kids, the boy was stubborn and honest, while the girl was sly and cute. They were just too adorable to not like!

The two siblings were stunned for a moment and exchanged multiple looks of surprises. And after realizing Nick wasn't joking, the two began to use their twin telepathy(which wasn't a real thing) to come to a decision. Then after one last nod to show their agreement the two began telling Nick their life story.

Apparently, their dad was a Noble thief. A man who was this world's version of Robin Hood, except he was a little more…reasonable? The man stole from the rich and gave to the poor, just like Robin Hood, but…he then stole from the poor and gave to the rich just so no one would feel left out.

The poor would get money, and valuable treasures, while the rich would get bed bugs, worn-out underwear, and chamber pots…

Everyone loved this thief since the poor got richer and the rich got to understand the poor a bit more, but one night as this noble thief stood outside a house waiting for the owners to sleep, he overheard their conversation.

"Why can't you get it up?! Am I not beautiful anymore?! Am I too old for you now?!" The voice of a distressed wife that could echo inside people's hearts rang out.

"No! Darling, please don't be angry, don't be angry! Who can be as young and beautiful as you?! You just need to pet it a little longer, it's only acting this way because it's shy." The cries of an embarrassed husband resonated with the masses worded out.

The Noble thief was sad, why couldn't other people be as naturally endowed as he was?! Why are women suffering this way?!

Once everything quieted down, and all the candles were blown out, The Noble still waited patiently for hours, and only after a few more did he make his move, The thief jumped onto the balcony of the bedroom and quietly picked the lock.

After entering the house, the thief noticed that the place seemed to be filled with all sorts of weapons notifying the thief that this house most probably belonged to a warrior. Knowing this, he increased his vigilance as he stuffed the things of value into his bag.

And after cleaning the bedroom the thief looked over and notice a man and woman laying on the bed, the man was sleeping all curled up at the edge of the bed, while the woman slept comfortably on the rest.

The noble thief sighed and thought, this lady must be suffering from terribly intense heat. And he contemplated whether he should give her a treasure to pass through this difficult time. But although this treasure was precious to him, the thief still took it out from his breast pocket and laid it by her side. With this little treasure, she wouldn't need to bother her poor husband anymore.

But the thief didn't expect the husband would suddenly jerk up and take a sword out from under his pillow, and before the noble thief could explain his actions he was stabbed to death. The husband was apparently the leader of a dangerous gang, so, he naturally assumed the thief was going to assassinate him.

The wife screamed as the husband lit a candle to take a good look at the intruder, but what surprised him was the weapon in the hands of the assassin! Which was not a weapon at all, but a long, wide, carrot?!

The Gang leader was furious when he thought about the news spreading, that he, the leader of the fiercest gang in the city, was almost killed by a carrot! Now filled with rage, the Gang leader ordered his gang members to track down the assassin's family.

But what the Gang leader didn't know, was that the Noble thief always had an accomplice with him! And although that accomplice usually stayed by the door and helps the Noble thief carry the stolen things out, this time the accomplice was a witness to all that had happened.

This accomplice knew that the Nobel thief had died trying to fix the Gang leader's marriage problems and he knew that the Leader would go after the Noble thief's family next, so, although he was too scared to warn them in person, he did send them a letter explaining the whole situation, everything from their father's identity as the Noble thief, and how and why he died was explained, and he also told them that the gang would come after them next and that they should escape while they could.

But sadly, the kids, mournful of their father's passing, reacted too late and were caught by the Gang leader's men.

And when the Gang leader found that the assassin had two kids he became even more furious, why was it that he, a majestic gang leader, could not have children, but a petty assassin could?!

After that, the Gang leader took out all his frustration on the two kids, as he forced them to become thieves! And if they didn't fulfill their weekly quota, his men would give one of them a good beating.

And this week the kids were missing nearly half of their quota meaning that the beating would become even more violent!