
As they recounted their tragic story, the twins began wailing violently.

Nick sighed, he could see how much the twins have suffered. Even a grownup would have broken down from all the stress and violent beatings, but these kids somehow managed to retain not only their sanity but also their love for each other.

Seeing the two kids were crying with no intention of stopping anytime soon, Nick could only try to console them. "Hey, it's alright now, Big bro Nick is here, look at me, look at my muscles, look at my handsome face, nobody will bother you anymore, okay?"

Nick did different poses to highlight his muscular build, which brought a smile to the kids' faces, "So does this mean big bro will take care of us from now on?!" The girl couldn't help but ask hopefully.

Nick frowned hearing her question, it would be troublesome to carry around two kids wherever he went, especially considering how he was now a cultivator who could get into fights at any moment.

But then, as Nick looked at the pleading faces of the twins, all he could see was the dire hope that they could finally have someone to rely on, someone to shield them from the pains of this cruel world like their father once did.

Sighing heavily and taking a deep breath Nick became resolute as he said, "Big bro will not leave you alright, so you don't have to worry, but you have to listen to me no matter what I say in the future. Because this world is extremely dangerous, but I don't need to tell you that, so when I tell you to do something you do it without question, understand?"

"Yes, we understand.....waaaaaa" The little sibling could barely finish their sentence as they grabbed each other and began bawling, but these weren't tears of sadness like they were before, no, these were tears of joy.

It took them nearly half an hour to stop crying and by the end, both their eyes were violently red, and after the two stopped crying they ran over and grabbed a hold of Nick, the boy didn't let go of Nick's sleeve as if afraid that he would go back on his word and run away.

And the little girl was even crazier as she climbed her way onto Nick's back and closed her eyes as if she was asleep, and no matter how hard Nick tried to wake her up and remove her from his back, the girl held on tightly as if her life depended on it!

Nick could only tell himself that he should get used to being hugged by the two kids as he walks around, whatever he should just consider it as weight training.

As they walked out of the alley Nick realized that he didn't even know the names of the twins, so he asked them their names.

"I am Maggi, and this is my little brother, Dean." Maggi was the one to answer Nick's question, even though she had been pretending to be asleep on his back the whole time.

"We're twins, how can you possibly be older?!" Dean was dissatisfied with this sister of his, who liked to take every opportunity to claim superiority.

"I am definitely older! I remember as soon as I was born, I was thinking, 'How, I wish I had a little brother.' then pop you came." Maggi told Dean how he was born…

"You are utterly shameless! How can someone remember what happened as soon as they were born?" Dean wasn't stupid, he knew that people couldn't remember anything before the age of one.

"That's because girls have a better memory than boys!" Maggi explained her version of biology to Dean…

"No, they don't!" Dean argued with his biology teacher…

"Yes, they do! If you don't believe me, we can ask big brother! Aren't I right big brother?" Maggi asked the wrong person…

Nick was stumped by Maggi's question. Did the little girl really expect him to support her claim that his memory was inferior to a girl's...?

And the twins seemed to have finished arguing, as they both looked up to him waiting for Nick to act as a final judge.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the thieving twins, have you got our weekly payment ready?" A sudden voice sounded out behind Nick and the kids. But Nick saw the horror in the eyes of the twins when they heard that voice. And from their obvious reaction, Nick could easily tell that the speaker must be one of the gangsters that forced the kids into child labor.

Nick slowly turned his head to face the speakers, and found a group of people ten, to twenty men, glaring fiercely at the kids who were shivering slightly behind him. But Nick was expressionless, he wasn't angry, scared, or disappointed, there was just a terrifying calm.

He wouldn't be a hypocrite and pretend he stood for the weak, he was the type of person that did things on a whim, he would help those he wanted and found pleasing, and ignore those that he didn't.

And since he had promised to take care of the kids, he will now take them from this place regardless of who tried to stop him.

"I believe your grudge was with their father, and as far as I know, you have already taken his life, which means these kids owe you nothing! I have now adopted these two, so back off and go back to wherever you came from!" Nick said.

Nick didn't take this gang seriously, so what if they had more people on their side?! Only he knew how terrifying the amount of power coursing through his body was.

"What did you say, boy?!" Suddenly a voice rang out from behind the group of men, and the Gang seemed to fear this speaker as they parted to make way for him. This man was the notorious Gang leader!

And as soon as the leader showed himself, Nick immediately lost his cool, as he started coughing violently, and looked to be desperately trying to get some words out of his mouth.

" like...cough...cough a blobfish...cough, cough!"

Every person on the street grew quiet and looked terrified. They had gotten used to this gang beating up people in broad daylight so they weren't really surprised about the confrontation, but this was the first time someone had dared to insult the Gang leader before.

Nick wasn't trying to insult the man, he was just stating the resemblance, the Gang leader's nose tip touched his lips, his eyes didn't have eyebrows, and lastly, the wrinkly fatty skin hanging on every side of his face, as if to protect the leader's shy neck, all making the man look like a blobfish.

+2 domineering points

+2 domineering points

+2 domineering points

+2 domineering points

Nick stood there, surprised. If insulting a gang leader could get him ten domineering points, then how much would threatening one get him?!

"Boy, do you want to die?! What part of me looks like a blobfish?! You're the blobfish, your entire family is a blobfish! I have been tormented by my good looks ever since I was a child! My mother always said I was a work of art!" The Gang leader was furious.

"Yeah, maybe abstract art...fuck! Was your mother blind, or a professional liar?! And you dare to curse back at me, let's just curse at each other then!"

Nick was never afraid of anyone when it came to a verbal battle, after all, he was surrounded by thugs growing up, back then, fuck you served as a good morning, a good afternoon, a good evening, and a good night!

"You started it!" The Gang leader warned Nick and began cursing right away. "Shut up...I...I...Slept with your mother!" But as soon as the Gang leader said the curse out loud he regretted it, what if he crossed the line and the boy killed himself in depression?! How would he be able to torture him then?

"Wow, that must have exhausted your entire vocabulary! Who knew you were ugly and Stupid?!" Nick decided to use simple insults on simple people.

"Didn't you hear me...I slept with your mother!" The Gang leader was furious. Why didn't he learn other insults, as a reputable gang leader he must definitely expand his arsenal of vocabularies when he gets back.

"No way my mom would never sleep with a fish. But my dad…?"

Nick was having so much fun throwing insults around, and if anyone asked him one of his favorite pastimes in his last life, it was definitely googling creative insults and comebacks.

Feeling pleased with himself, Nick looked back to check on the kids when he saw Maggy seriously writing his words down in rapt attention, while Dean just stood there looking at him in awe. Sigh, is this what it means to give to the next generation?

"Ahh, I will fight you to death!!! Chaaaarge!!!" The Blob fish…cough…the Gang leader roared, enraged. He has never been insulted this way!

Nick didn't even look at the charging Blobfish gang, since he was too busy watching his newly acquired 20 domineering points being taken to repay his debt.

Dejected, Nick looked up and realized that the Gang members were running over, he became even more depressed upon finding out the insult contest was over, but he still decided to get one last insult in before they fought.

"Sigh I would love to keep insulting you but I'm afraid I won't do as good a job as nature did…now, let's fight!"

As soon as Nick finished saying his words, his pupil tuned golden and released the dragon eyes suppressive effect.

The Blob gang just felt like an imaginary dragon was pressing them into submission.

+5 domineering points

+5 domineering points

+5 domineering points

+5 domineering points

Nick was surprised to find his technique was made to act domineeringly, with his golden eyes he had made every Blob gang member kneel.

And in just a few seconds he had earned fifty domineering points. Now all he needed to do was keep it up.

"From now on your gang will be no more!"

+5 domineering points

+5 domineering points

"I will end your gang!"

+5 domineering points

+5 domineering points

"I will end your gang if it is the last thing I do!!!"

+2 domineering points

+2 domineering points

Huh? It seemed it wasn't domineering when he just kept talking. Immediately Nick took out a low-level spirit sword from his duffle bag, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he killed one of the gang members.

"Your all next!!!" Nick then threw out another threat. And the gathered crowd must have thought he was domineering since the points surged.

+7 domineering points

+7 domineering points

+7 domineering points

And Nick kept repeating the process, killing and yelling, until he couldn't get any more points. After that, he outright killed the rest.

Nick wasn't even the least bit sorry when he killed them, because they weren't good people, and neither was he.

"Wow, did you see that, he must be an immortal, to protect those two kids, he slaughtered an entire gang!" One of the spectators by the side commented.

"Yeah, so cool, so overbearing, domineering!" A young man replied excitedly, wishing he was the one that killed those Gang members heroically.

Hearing their praise, Nick waved his hands humbly and even flapped his sleeves like an expert, but then he crouched down and started collecting his spoils of war, driving the whole crowd speechless. Brother, are you an immortal, or a thief?

And after Nick finished, he walked away in a suave manner, but it came off weird because he was being hugged on both sides by the clingy siblings.