Karma, part 2

"Soooooooo, mommy, where are you taking me? And why do we need to fly there?!" Sweet baby duke, also known as the Emperor asked while wrapped around Nick's legs, he was terrified of falling, and no matter how many times Nick told him he could also fly he didn't dare believe him.

So, for the past hour and a half, Nick has been embarrassed by the fact that he was flying all around the place with a fully grown man wrapped around his legs. He had tried asking the Emperor to let go, he has tried ordering him, he has tried flinging him off, and he has even tied to kick him away, and yet, the Emperor refused to budge as he simply closed his eyes and enjoyed the wind brushing against his body.

"Mommy, where is my daddy?" Suddenly, while he was flying Nick heard a question that made his heart drop, this one question is what every single mother dreaded most, but Nick had always known that he would have to confront it someday.

"Your father was a heroic man my son, he was a heroic man that enjoyed climbing mountains for sport! And I was his faithful wife that cooked and cleaned for him every day."

"But one day, in the middle of a climb, the heavens made both his butt cheeks itched terribly, which also meant he needed two hands to scratch it, however, if your dad did that then he would end up falling to his death!"

"So, he had to make a decision, he could either scratch his butt and rebel against the heavens that wanted him to climb the mountain with an itchy butt, or he could hold it in and make it back to us safely ..."

Nick then took a dramatic pause as he started to the sky, but the moment was ruined by the baby Emperor.

"Mom, I think you are getting really old, how come you can't even finish a story properly? Stop keeping me in suspense and tell me what my awesome father did!" The Emperor didn't understand the meaning of drama or acting, all he knew is that people should finish what they started or why start it in the first place?

"Hmm...okay then, I'll finish the story, your father is dead, your dad was an ape that would rather die scratching his bum and giggling, than live while holding in a moment of comfort!" Nick snapped.

The Emperor felt like something was off, somehow his instincts were roaring out telling him that his father surely wasn't that kind of person, and yet his mother in front of him was telling him he was.

"Mom, are you sure my dad is dead?" The Baby Emperor soon recovered from the epic story plot and finally focused on the main point of the story, his father was dead, and no longer a part of this world!

"Hmph! Would I lie to you my precious boy, why would I make this kind of thing up, if your father was truly alive then where exactly is he?" Nick ruffled up the Baby Emperor's hair as he spoke.

"Okay mommy, I'll believe you then. Hmmm...mommy...Sweet baby Duke made an oopsy, Sweet baby Duke made an oops poopsy!" The Emperor said excitedly, he was finally going to see his sweet mother wash his butt and change his underwear for him!

"Motherfucker!" Nick cursed out suddenly, he had been wondering why his feet were getting slightly heavier as he flew, and he even felt something warm but he had thought this was just his imagination.

"Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go!" Nick's veins bulged out as he tried to tear the Baby Emperor away from his feet! He has to get away from this chronic public shitter immediately and sterilize his feet!

"Mommy keep pulling, I feel like more is coming out!" The Emperor said even more excited, for some reason he found that the more his mom pulled his arm the easier it was for him to make more poopsy, but he figured that this must be the special power of moms everywhere.

"Pull your mother!" Nick snapped, but out of nowhere the Emperor nodded and began pulling violently on Nick's leg!


Nick was planted in the ground for the second time by the Emperor.

"Mommy here, catch!"

Nick had barely gotten out of the ground when he saw the baby Emperor throw something at him. And by reflex Nick caught it, but when he realized what he was holding he cried, but not fake tears of acting like he usually did, but real tears of misery and remorse.

Even he had to admit that he had hurt the Emperor too much, he had robbed the Emperor of a mine, accidentally poisoned him and humiliated him in public, and robbed him of everything he owned while also wrecking his palace, and even had to sleep with some of his wives!

But what could he do, the Emperor had the bad luck of being in the possession of all the materials needed to complete the mission, and he even had a side mission attached to him, so if anyone was to blame for the Emperor's misery then it had to be the system that assigned the missions, Nick was simply a humble servant of the system.

"Hey brat, stop blaming me in your internal monologues! I told you that I could retract the sleep and run mission!" The Old geezer was unable to let Nick blame him for all the crazy creepy things he had done. But he had been celebrating so hard in his tiny internal space as he danced and danced untiringly, karma was so sweet!

Nick could hardly hear anything right now, all his thoughts were preoccupied with the large underwear in his hands which had a large poop stain in the middle, but due to extreme shock and emotional distress, Nick had yet to drop or throw the underwear away.

"Hehe, mommy stop staring and wipe my butt! That was a smelly one mommy haha!" The Emperor ran around the area butt naked as he danced about, enjoying the breath on his little weapon.

Thankfully they were now miles from Imperial city standing in the middle of a barren and deserted land far away from prying eyes, otherwise, if people saw the Emperor acting this way, god knows what would become of the Nova Empire.

But Nick didn't reply to him either, because Nick was too busy glaring at the underwear with his bloodshot eyes right now, he was convinced it was his eyes playing tricks on him, otherwise, how could the dirty underwear of a middle-aged man be laying comfortably in his hands.

"Mommy, do you like it that much, I can make another stain like that if you want?" The Emperor saw his mother staring intently at the underwear and figured that his mother must really love him so much that she was even reluctant to throw his poop away.

"Ahhhhhh! It's really poop?!!" Nick finally realized that glaring at the shit was making him nauseated and that the thing in his hands was real and it would be there until he got rid of it so he threw it away before he chose a direction and flew away at his fastest speed!

He needed to ditch the Emperor before he also went crazy from all of this. It was fine if the man acted like a child, it would even be slightly entertaining to see the Emperor acting that way, but Nick cleaning up his shit wasn't something that could happen, ever!

While flying Nick even used the newly evolved Blue life flame, or as it was now known, Blue soul flame, to propel him even faster, he needed to make sure that the Emperor couldn't find him.

Right after Nick took off, the Emperor starred dumbly in the direction Nick left in, before he began crying miserably and gave chase.

"Mommy!! Don't leave me, you haven't even cleaned my butt yet, you haven't even breastfed me yet, I want your breastmilk mommy!" The Baby Emperor roared out, and as if by reflex he had amplified his voice using his high cultivation, causing even Nick who was now far away from there to hear it.

"Fuck you, just go drink your mother's breast milk! Wait, no, your sister's breast milk asshole! Fuck your Emperor, why couldn't you just act like a normal person would when you're angry, just roar in rage, look for the culprit, swear vengeance, or just hang a traitor or two, why would you go insane over something so materialistic?!"

Nick cursed the Emperor out repeatedly as he increased his speed more by condensing the Blue soul flame as wings behind his back.

But what Nick couldn't see, was that a butt-naked person was glaring in his direction intently as he increasingly closed in, and although the person wasn't flying, he was still just as fast as Nick if not faster just running on the ground!

"Don't even think of abandoning me, mommy?! I will drink your breast milk by hook or crook!!!" The Emperor was determined to suck his mom dry once he catches her.

"Goddess of luck, I know that you did this because two days weren't enough, but how about this, I'll make it a week if you make sure I never meet that man-child again!" Nick was utterly sincere this time.

"Hahaha, stupid brat, go on then, pray to her more, if that woman doesn't make you miss that shit-stained underwear then I swear I will kneel down and kowtow to you!" The Old geezer had never experienced such a pure moment of joy before, this moment was much better than having a hundred women serve him for three days and three nights!

Nick was now curious, was this goddess that bad?!


[Hello there, Author here with a quick announcement. I probably should have done this sooner but, from now on I will be releasing additional chapters based on my spot on the power ranking!

Top 500=1 Extra chapter per week

Top 400=2 Extra chapters per week

Top 300= 3Extra chapters per week

Top 200=4 Extra chapters per week

Top 100=5 Extra chapters per week

Top 50=7 Extra chapters per week

Thank you for all the support, and I hope you keep on supporting me!]
