Karma final part

Nick was running incredibly fast, but sadly, no matter how fast he ran, he could still feel the glare of someone from behind him and he knew without question, that the person was the Emperor!

"Ahhhh, why won't you just leave me alone?! What have I ever done to you...never mind that, just leave me alone!"

Nick cried out in frustration, but he didn't even dare to use the Death monger skill to create clones at the moment, for one, it might not work in deceiving the Emperor this time, because it might be difficult to see through the combination of the disguise skill and the Death monger skill after Nick used it hiddenly, but if he used it under the watch of the Emperor then with the man's eyesight it wouldn't be difficult for him to tell which one was the first person and which one was created after.

So now all Nick could do, was hope that the Emperor would grow tired of chasing him eventually and choose another candidate to serve as his mother, cause even after Nick used the Blue soul flame to burn the bacteria from his hands, he still felt like the hand was doomed, and will never be used for food ever again!

Way behind Nick but fast approaching was the butt naked Emperor, who was chasing after Nick in a leisure manner, he wasn't running at his full speed not because he didn't want to catch up to his mother, but because he was trying to figure out why his own mother would abandon him.


Suddenly a bird flew by the Emperor, but he hadn't paid attention to it.


The Emperor still ignored the bird as he rubbed his teary eyes and kept on thinking about what he had done wrong to make his mother abandon him?

Crooooo! The bird was getting annoyed as it thought to itself, you do know that I serve a purpose in your journey right?! Otherwise, why would I bother crowing at you so many times, I'd much rather go and perform this mating call on the other cute birdies!

"Why in the duck are you crowing so much?! Can't you see that this cute boy is trying so hard to figure out why he was dumped?!" The Emperor pouted 'cutely' at the bird which nearly killed it disgust but it still went on to do its part in the story as it dropped a baby bird in its talons to the ground, then turned around and stared at the Emperor expectantly, hoping that it got the message clearly.

And the Emperor did once he saw the baby bird struggle with the flight at the beginning, but soon, with the fear of falling helping it, it was finally able to fly and glid around the area.

"Ahhhh, so that's how it is, mommy had previously told me I could fly, but I didn't listen to her, so, she dropped me here just like how the bird dropped her own child, not to abandon me, but to help me learn how to fly! Mommy! You are truly the best mommy in the world!!!" The Emperor began gigging away like a little idiot as he began attempting to fly.

And as he ran, little by little, as if it was a knowledge deeply ingrained into his body he was finally able to fly!

"Hehehe, mommy, here I come!!!" The Emperor said joyously as he flew at lightning speed and was just a meter behind Nick in less than a few seconds.


"Little fucker!!!" Nich screamed, terribly startled by the Emperor's sudden appearance behind him.

"Huh, mommy, that's not a nice word! Good people like my mommy shouldn't curse!" The Emperor didn't quite enjoy hearing his sweet mommy saying something so boorish.

"Put your fucking clothes back on, you fucking pervert!" Nick still cursed out, because when he turned around to see how far the Emperor was from catching him, he saw the Emperor's little weapon fighting fiercely against the wind, and his sack swinging about like crazy!

"M...mommy, are you alright, who are you talking to?" The Emperor was curious, there was no one around here, who could his mother be referring to as a pervert?

Was his mom scared that there might be a pervert hiding around here, is that why she looked so scared and kept on running, no, he needed to calm her down, he needs to let her know that her son will protect her.

"Mommy let me hug you and make you feel better!" The Emperor said suddenly and began increasing his speed as he approached his mom from the back.

Nick who heard the words immediately received a mental picture of a middle-aged naked man hugging him from behind, and without the slightest thought he turned around and held his hands out in a 'stop' gesture as he roared out.


"Ahhh!" The Emperor was startled by his mother's abrupt roar and stopped immediately.

"let's go down and talk for a moment s...son." Nick sighed in relief once he saw the worst had not happened, then he calmly talked to the crazy man, today he has finally experienced what true and utter terror was.

"Mommy, wh..."

"Enough! Listen to me first! Let's use common sense here, when you look at me, do you see a boy or a girl?!" Nick interrupted the Emperor harshly, this was a matter of life and death to Nick so he wasn't going to be polite anymore, who knows what will happen if he continued playing along, what if he woke up one day and found the Emperor sucking at his chest while asking him why milk wasn't coming out?!

"A boy!" The Emperor said confidently, which truly startled Nick, but he kept on questioning the Emperor while equipping the Memory surgeon title.

"Then are mothers, boys, or girls?!"

"Girls!" The Emperor again answered confidently.

"Then, what am I?"

"You're my mommy silly, hehe!"

"But I am a boy!"


"Then how can I be your mother if I am a boy?!"

"I don't know...maybe...magic?" The Emperor tilted his head slightly as he spoke cutely, but the deep voice and the fact that he was naked below made sure he came off as incredibly off-putting!

"Magic...magic...haha...magic...the fucker says it's magic?!" Nick was about to lose his mind as well, why was the Emperor torturing him like this?!


"I...am...not...your goddamn mommy!!!" Nick roared out angrily, and was even considering the use of the deception fist skill right now!

"What?!!" The Emperor reacted dramatically, as he went into deep thought while his right hand went down below to fiddle with his little willy, this seemed to be a reflex action as well...

"Stop touching yourself in public!" Nick didn't know what to do with the stupid Emperor anymore.

"So..." The Emperor didn't look like he heard him though, as he suddenly turned towards Nick in a stern manner as waves of horrifying energy erupted from his body, which made him seem like he was about to go in for an attack at any moment.

Nick was being oppressed slightly by the pressure the Emperor released, so, he took out the teleportation talisman just in case the Emperor attacked.

"Where you lying then?!" The Emperor asked Nick scarily.

"No, no, no, I was just..." But Nick got interrupted.

"So, if you weren't lying, and you weren't telling the truth, does that mean...you are my daddy?!" The Emperor was grasping at straws right now, he deeply desired some familial connection, and if he couldn't get it from the person in front of him then he will have to kill this liar and go look for his real mother elsewhere.

Nick was now facing a terrible situation, he could tell just from his expression that the Emperor was ready to kill, which meant he would have to teleport away from here, but Silver was inside the Pet space, so he couldn't teleport to its saddle, and the only other teleporting location was the forest he first found Silver in.

Which meant he would need to journey back from there, and that would take him a lot longer to achieve.

Also, what will happen to the kids and Peter during that time, were they going to remain in hiding in a little village without hearing a word from him?!

So...Nick was only left with the one option, he will become a father! Which compared to being the Emperor's mother would be much easier and safer!

"Hahaha! Boy, it sure took you a while to figure out! Of course, I am your father, how come you still couldn't remember me and kept on calling me mother all that time?!" Nick smiled light-heartedly as he spoke lovingly to his son.

"Ahhhh! Father?! I'm so sorry father, I don't know what happened in that collapsing building but when I got out I didn't remember anything! And since I wanted to have a mommy I assigned you the position! Father, please forgive me...I was about to skin you alive because I had thought you were a bad person that used my memory loss as an excuse to get the ring from me!"

The Emperor scratched his head in embarrassment and explained while blushing.

Nick was stunned, even as a man child the Emperor still retained some of his characteristics, for example, he said he assigned Nick the position of his mother as if he could give anyone any position if he wanted to. And he even said he would skin him alive, which was most probably the Emperor's previous way of torturing traitors.

"Anyway son, please put on your clothes, we will be heading back to see your brothers and sisters!." Nick said sternly, as he threw over some clothes he found in the Emperor's storage ring.

"Yes, father!" The Emperor put on his clothing enthusiastically.

"Haha, father, I am glad that you are alive, to be honest, the story you told me earlier of a father that died scratching his butt made me feel slightly embarrassed, but now I know that my father is alive and well, and he loves me more than anything!" The Emperor said his words with a smile while in the middle of getting dressed.

"Shut up brat! The story I told you was actually the story of your mother's death! How dare you mock your mother's death like that?!" Nick screamed out suddenly scaring another round of shit into the Emperor's pants.