Completing the Main mission, finally!

"Who the hell are you?!" The fat lady Manager asked while trying her best to get up off the ground which looked very difficult because...she had short legs...

"Who the hell am I?! Who the hell are you, woman?! You are ganging up and beating up my employee, yet you still have the nerve to speak to me like this?!" Nick snapped at the Manager.

"Employee?! So, this thief is your employee huh?!" The Manager seemed to have been injected with chicken blood as she did a backflip all of a sudden and landed gracefully, then she began to approach Nick while cracking her knuckles.

"Listen, woman, the only thing I can believe Peter stole, is your heart, and I hate to tell you this lady, but the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, not through a beating! As for the bill, I will settle it. He wasn't running away anyway, didn't he leave his kids here as he went back to grab his money pouch?!"

"If he was going to dine and dash then wouldn't he at least take his kids with him?!" Nick argued, he definitely wasn't going to pay for the meals either, he was just here to take Peter away.

"Father, what is going on here?" Suddenly, a large imposing figure walked into the restaurant, rattling everyone involuntarily with his powerful cultivation.

"It's okay son, go back outside, these people were just trying to bully your father's employee a little." Nick was stunned when he saw the Emperor and immediately tried sending him out as he ran over and started pushing him to the door.

"Your majesty!" Suddenly the fat manager fell to her knees weakly upon seeing the person who entered clearly. Why in the hell did the Emperor leave his comfortable Palace and come to this run-down village?! The only thing he could do here was make everyone feel uncomfortable, anyway!

But when she recalled how the Emperor called the man before her, as 'father', all her stretch marks instantly shriveled up! Who the hell had she offended today?!

In this Empire, especially in a village this close to Imperial city it was impossible for posters and portrait of the Emperor to not circulate among the common people, and since the people that came to this fancy restaurant usually held some power in the village their knowledge of the Emperor was more so clearer.

"Your highness!" Following the manager, the customers and waiters all kneeled down. They were in the presence of the Emperor, after all!

"Rise!" The Emperor for some unknown reason gave out the command involuntarily. It was as if he had said this too many times that his body and mind had been programmed this way!

Nick was standing in front of the Emperor and began to sweat as soon as he heard the Emperor telling the people to rise casually. He was worried that he might have triggered some parts of his memories!

But before the people could stand up and follow the Emperor's commands Nick had already pushed the confused Emperor out of the restaurant and into the main streets and kept on reprimanding him.

"Do you remember anything son?!" Nick first asked shakily.

"No father." The Emperor answered dejectedly.

"That explains your behavior earlier, those people were your elders so you shouldn't try ordering them around! If those people wanted to kneel to me, what gives you the right to tell them to rise?!" Nick reprimanded the middle-aged Emperor.

"Wow! So those people were kneeling to father?! Father are you a king or something?!" The Emperor was excited, was he from royal lineage then?!

"No nothing like that, I just go around helping those in need, which is why everyone in the world refers to me as the Saintly handsome Emperor, don't you think the name fits me perfectly son?!" Nick began bragging, which was scary because once he started he usually found it hard to stop.

"Well, father, you are handsome, as for saintly...hmm..." The Emperor found the question his father asked him was philosophical, so he was taking his time to come up with an answer.

But little did he know that every second longer he took to think about the question, the more his father's heart was breaking!

"What are you thinking so hard about?! Stay here, I'll come back in a few minutes, and if you don't have the answer by then, I will make sure that you never taste my cooking for at least a week!" Nick snapped at the Emperor angrily before returning to the restaurant.

"Sir, please accept our humblest apology, we had mistakenly thought your honest employee was a thief and had even harmed him a little, so please forgive us, we beg your forgiveness!" The manager and all the others formed a line in the restaurant and apologized to Nick as soon as he entered, which didn't surprise Nick one bit.

He came in here with the Emperor after all, and with that kind of backing even the thieving Peter was described as honest, and the beating they gave him was described as little, because who in their right mind would admit to harming a person with some connection to the Emperor severely?!

And to make sure that Nick didn't disagree with them the people of the restaurant had pulled in their resources in just a few short seconds to get Peter an Origin grade healing pill! With this one pill, Peter would be up on his feet and back to normal in just a few short days!

"It's fine, to tell you the truth I was worried that my employee was truly a villain for a moment there, but now that you cleared it up and admitted it was all your fault I feel at ease. Please refrain from accusing innocent people in the future, as for the bill..." Nick then froze there as if he had no intention of continuing, but his eyes kept on winking and glaring at the Manager nonstop.

"What bill sir, they practically ate nothing! And the fact that you're not prosecuting us for harming him is quite enough!" The Manager unlike her appearance was quite fast when it came to these things.

"It's all in the past, let's all learn to get along in the future, okay?" Nick said with a wide smile as he used his energy to lift up the unconscious Peter and gestured to the twins to follow him as he walked out in a charming manner.

"Goodbye sir, thank you for coming to our Golden spider restaurant!" The Manager roared her goodbye to the already leaving Nick as a show of respect, but it would have been better if she hadn't done that because that only reminded Nick who had an extreme phobia of Spiders, of their Logo.


Nick jumped up all of a sudden broke their huge Logo at the door.

"Excuse me for that, the Emperor just hates spiders, and if I hadn't done that he was thinking of burning this village down because of it!" Nick spoke without even turning as he signaled for the Emperor to follow him from the other side of the street.

And be it the Manager, the waiters, or even the customers, none of them doubted Nick for a second! It was common for the Emperor to destroy a city or two in his wrath, let alone a measly little village like theirs.

Maggi and Dean kept on staring at the Emperor the whole way back to their inn, but they didn't ask any questions because Nick had already warned them against it with his eyes.

Back at the inn, Nick left the Emperor who was too busy with the question Nick asked him to even notice his new brother and sister by the door after telling him he needed to think about the question some more outside.

Inside one of the rooms in the inn, Maggi and Dean were about to burst from curiosity and were staring at Nick with their faces red from trying to restrain themselves, but they didn't have to stay like that long since Nick woke up Peter with a few smacks to the face and began narrating most of what happened albeit in a vague manner.

"So, you are telling me that you drove the Emperor insane, destroyed his Palace, kidnapped one of his wives, and then adopted him as your son?!!!"Peter had woken up just a few seconds ago and was prepared for a beating from Nick because he had cursed him right before he lost consciousness, but the things Nick said he did were much scarier than any beating he would receive!

"Enough chit chat, gather your things! We will be heading to a larger Empire soon! Also, where is the three-legged...where is the Empress I left under your care?!" Nick realized that he hadn't seen the Empress ever since he entered the room.

"Oh, she's right here big bro Nick!" Dean said excitedly as he ducked under the bed and dragged out something wrapped in bandages and chains.

The bandages were just an additional measure, the chains were the true article here. These chains were the same exact chains Nick got from the Emperor's vault, the exact one that had chained up the Old man.

Nick was surprised at the way Peter and the kids kept the poor woman, don't these people know how to keep basic human rights?!

"Now quickly, unchain her and unwrap her, I need to feed her something!" Nick was in a hurry.

And following his instructions, the two kids unchained her and began taking off her bandages quickly, Peter on the other hand was sitting cross-legged trying his best to recover from his beating.

"Ahhhh, I will kill you! I will kill you all, little girl, little boy, and you to ugly Old man!" As soon as the Empress felt her mouth was free from the bandages she began to threaten everyone that she believed was there.

But, as soon as her eyes were unbandaged she shrieked in horror and leaned onto the wall.

"You! You're the lunatic with the frying pan!! Stay away from me!!!" The Empress only feared two people in this world, one was the Emperor and the other one was Nick because one can only imagine the horror of having to be knocked unconscious with a pan, time and time again for an entire night!


Nick simply didn't have time to waste at the moment, so he knocked out the woman with his signature pan, then, he opened her mouth while she was unconscious and fed her a little laxative. He wasn't going to give her a lot because that would just be cruel and unnecessary.

Ding! Mission complete, poison the entire royal family with laxatives! Reward-Random Dragon egg!

Ding! You have received, Void shattering dragon egg!

Ding! Congratulations on completing the Main mission, gathering raw materials for the palace.