Another youth helped!

[Ding! Congratulations on completing the Main mission, gathering raw materials for the palace. The host has collected, Dark heavenly gold-five hundred tons, Holy spirit jade-Five hundred tons, Star confining space stone-fifty kilograms, one Void-shattering dragon, and one Shadow dragon!

Reward: The blueprints and building of the imperial palace and level up directly to the transcendence realm!]


Nick's cultivation erupted!

Gathering realm rank one! Rank two, three...rank nine!


Transcendence realm rank one! Nick's cultivation finally stopped climbing once he reached the Transcendence ream.

Ding! Congratulations host for reaching the Gathering realm-Reward-Gathering realm Gift bag!

Ding! Congratulations host for reaching the Transcendence realm-Reward-Transcendence realm Gift bag!

Happiness just came too suddenly for Nick, he had soared through to the Transcendence realm and gotten two gift bags, and there were still other rewards left!

Ding! Blueprints for the Emperor's true palace have been received, building the Palace has begun! The construction of the palace will be completed in twenty-four hours!

Nick was both expectant and worried about this Palace, he didn't know the system's taste, so he didn't know if the palace would be a cliche one made fully of gold, a scary one built from skulls and blood, or even worse, a pink palace that looked like a barbie mansion!

Nick then kept the chains that were used to bind the Empress previously and left the room with the unconscious Empress still in it. But he had also recognized how he had harmed the Empress due to his greed so he left her the pan he used to smack her all this time as a parting gift, what could he say, he was born sentimental!

Peter was following behind the group while hobbling, he was clearly still in pretty bad shape from the beating he received earlier.

"Here, take it, this ought to make up for the beating you received earlier." Nick then threw Peter a bag filled with something.

Peter swallowed his grievances and grabbed the bag, he was truly angry, he was not paid a lot but he worked hard, yes working for Nick could be fun but that didn't mean he should get paid any less than what he deserved, and he had even taken care of Nick's siblings as if he was their nanny!

And even while doing all this Nick had stingily sent a satchel filled with cheap energy stones and got him into trouble, where he was beaten up crazily as if he was a dog! But after today he swore that he would quit being Nick's lackey and return back to his home. Because although that place was not as fun, at least it was safe!

Yet, as soon as Peter opened the satchel, he froze and stared at Nick in utter surprise! Did Nick actually give him these precious things?!!

Fifty Origin stones, one Gathering realm weapon, and armor, but none of these could compare to the most precious thing inside the satchel!

Naked Beauties Magazine! Yes, this was a magazine he had previously seen in Nick's possession and had begged for a little peak only to be refused and rebutted sternly! But now this Precious magazine was his?!!

"Master Nick! Wuuuu, forgive me, I will never leave your side until the day I die!!!" Peter was so emotional, but how could he not be when was seeing how much Nick cared for him?! He knew very well how painful it must have been for a miser like Nick to part with so many things all at once, and yet just because he felt bad for getting Peter into trouble, he took them all out!

"Stay here as I bring Silver over!" Nick said this calmly, but deep down he was roaring, 'If you feel so fucking bad and want forgiveness then give me back my treasures, wuuuu, Mrs. August bust, I will miss you dearly, Mindy the Bendy, I will miss our little chats, Mrs. Mammy long legs hope you achieve your dreams of becoming an actress!'

Nick then bought another copy of the same magazine for one domineering point and threw it into his Storage space.


A day ago, back on earth, in a triple bedroom apartment, a mother was banging on her son's room.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Steven, you better not be playing with your computer again?!!!" The Mother roared out in frustration.

As for why this woman was so angry, it was all because of her son who was addicted to playing video games in his locked room, in her attempt to get her son away from the computer she had tried many things.

She had first brought him the photo of her colleague's beautiful daughter, but sadly her son just took the photo into his room and locked the door before he began playing video games even more vigorously.

Thinking that her son was just shy to ask out the girl in the photo she had even set up a date between them, under her supervision of course, but, that day she found her son would weirdly go to the bathroom and come back exhausted while stretching his wrist every time the beautiful girl smiled at him!

So thinking he was just nervous she bought him a magazine recommended by a bookstore owner for being the favorite for teens his age, 'Beautiful models of the Year collection' but as soon as she gave her son the book the boy went missing in his room for three days straight!

And when he did leave the room the mother was shocked to find his cheeks were sunken and his eyes had dark circles around them, as if the boy hadn't eaten or drunk for weeks!

"What happened to you?!" The Mother asked in horror.

"Playing with my joystick!" The boy said honestly.

"Ahhhhh, enough, I will break that thing!" The mother furiously barged into her son's room and walked over to the laptop which had a set of joysticks connected to it and began smashing them to the ground.

But when the boy heard his mother say she would break that thing he had went into a defensive position to protect his joystick, but he was stunned to see his mother breaking his innocent computer apart. Well, he didn't mind too much anyway, it had been weeks before he last touched that computer.

"Now you will stop playing with your goddamn computer!" The mother was furious.

"Yes mother, I don't even need my computer to enjoy myself mom, as long as I have the nice magazine you got me the last time, can I ask mom, where did you buy it?" The Boy obviously didn't care whether he lost his computer or not, the videos on the internet were no longer fun, and he found that he only enjoyed watching girls printed on hard paper.

"Really?! Haha, good son! Good, I will take you to that book store tomorrow and you can choose your own magazine to read! Remember, girls, are much better than games!" The mother was over the moon, her son had finally seen the light!

"I know mom, believe me, no game can make you a 'stand up' guy, only girls can do that!" The Boy agreed with his mother fully.

The next day, at the crack of dawn, the mother and son drove over to the book store, and after repeated pleading from her son the mother decided to leave her son there to make his choice.

The son then took the money his mom gave him and walked into the book store.

Then, after making sure that the owner didn't see him, he snuck into the Adult section of the store and began browsing, but that was when he saw it, a magazine that loomed over the others like a king, a magazine that made his little guy stand in attention with just a glance of the cover, The Naked Beauties Magazine!

But just as he got the magazine into his hands a dark vortex appeared and tried to snatch the magazine into the vortex. But was the boy so easy to bully?! He held onto the precious magazine with dear life and was also dragged into the vortex.

Inside a dark space, the Old geezer was casually dragging the magazine into the space when he noticed that there was some 'bug' attached to it. And this bug was looking at him fiercely as if he was his lifelong enemy.

"Why are you glaring at me kid?!" The Old geezer snapped, it was fine for Nick to bully him since he couldn't materialize a body in that world to defend himself yet, but even a random person off the street was glaring at him now?!

"I found it first!" The Boy said angrily as he pointed at the magazine the Old geezer was holding.

"And I found it second, so what?!" The Old geezer was stunned, what did that have to do with anything here?

"So it's mine!" The boy argued.

And the Old geezer was about to lash back when he saw something at the back of the magazine written in bold letters which read, 'No one under the age of eighteen allowed!'.

"Hey, boy, how old are you?" The Old geezer asked with a smile.

"Sixteen, why, are you thinking of bullying me with age?!" The boy must have lost too much fluid recently because his brain wasn't functioning properly and wasn't really understanding the situation he was currently facing right now.

If he was sober and could think straight he would have noticed he was no longer in the book store and was instead in a scary dark space with only the area around the Old geezer lit up, and he that he was currently speaking to a floating figure!

"No, I wouldn't bully someone using my age, I'm quite young after all, in fact, I am just eighteen which is exactly how old you should be to read this magazine and since you are only sixteen, you need to be punished for reading something above your clearance level!" The Old geezer then conducted his second ass whooping in this space after that little child who was bugging his mommy for chocolates.

Boom! Bang! Papapapapapapapapa! Pa!

Five minutes later the boy had miraculously appeared back in the book store, and he walked out of the store and into the street quietly.

"Excuse me, do you know the way to..." Suddenly a beautiful lady wearing a miniskirt walked up to the boy and asked him for directions.

"Listen here woman, the skin is the great bane of abstinence, virginity is purer than the light of Alfheim, and chastity is the sacred bond between all beings that should never be broken! A man and a woman should cover themselves up until they get married, just think, if Buddha saw you like this what would he say?!" The boy reprimanded as he took off his jacket and tied it across the girl's waist to cover her up more, than left, right afterward.

"Hmph, virgins!" The lady left and turned to ask another more normal nonvirgin person, she and virgin people just didn't mix well.


Nick then departed to the forest at the south of the village alone to hiddenly take Silver out for their journey.