
"What the hell is going on here Old geezer, is the system glitching or something?! Why did it send me a woman, I know for a fact that it wasn't because I was breathing, neither the system nor you are nice enough to reward me for such an easy reason. Speak up, old bastard!" Nick had no idea how to process this.

"Why are you complaining brat?! You just got yourself a beautiful girl and your first instinct is to question it?!" The Old geezer was annoyed, he had just been punished, but the bastard had not only received a beautiful woman, but he was also cursing out the person that got him the beautiful girl?!

Nick also realized that the geezer did have a point there, from the short glance he had taken of the girl's face before her crash, he could see that she was a true beauty whose looks were almost up to par with his, almost being the operative word here.

Nick then began walking up to the woman to see if she was unconscious, if she was he would check to see if she had any valuables on her before throwing her overboard, and if she wasn't he would simply act like a gentleman and try to get some answers out of her, like, where she came from, and why she just appeared in the middle the saddle.

"I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything!! And you can't prove otherwise!" The woman suddenly jumped up and began rambling on some nonsense.

'System, I think you gave me a defective product, can I exchange this woman for anything, even a chocolate bar would do." Nick was depressed, why couldn't he run into normal people for a change, why did all of them have to be crazy in their own way?

Nick then turned his depressed eyes to the group on the saddle, the first person he saw was Maggi, who was currently looking at the rambling woman warily, as she quickly hid all her chocolate under her mattress and sat on it, Dean, had begun writing a poem for the new girl as soon as he saw her.

Then there was Peter who was trying to sneakily see if the woman had dropped any valuables while she was rolling on the saddle earlier, and finally there was Loyd, who was the worst of them, the asshole was stealing another sandwich Nick had just prepared for himself!

But thankfully Nick had learned his lesson this time, he had learned a new technique that could deal with thieves like this easily, and that was to spit phlegm within every layer of the sandwich, in fact, the sandwich probably had more spit than meat in it!

"Hey crazy lady, what are you talking about, what did you not see?" Loyd had just taken a bite out of the sandwich when he began asking the woman, he was marveling inside, this sandwich is a little different than the one I had before, Nick's cooking is becoming better and better! He actually found a way to add an ingredient that made the sandwich much more moist and easy to bite into!

"I don't want to see you naked, I don't! I'd rather have my eyes dugout, you hear me?!"The beauty was hysterical, she did not want this ugly alchemist to be the first person to see her naked.

Loyd felt like he had lost his manhood as tears welled up in his eyes, since when was he so ugly, and why didn't anyone say anything? To think that he was ugly to the point a girl would refuse to open her eyes to even see him, and she actually said she'd rather go blind too?!

"Miss, can you please explain yourself, I am not that ugly, am I?!" Loyd threw the sandwich to the ground in rage, and as the sandwich landed on the ground, the large amount of phlegm also came into view, prompting Loyd to turn and stare at Nick in horror. To which Nick replied with a polite nod and a happy wave of the hand.

"Lady, are you crazy, just like the Emperor?" Maggi walked over to the woman and whispered in her ears.

"Ahhhh!" Stunned to hear a young girl's voice the woman abruptly opened her eyes and what greeted her were a bunch of people she had never seen before looking at her as if she was the craziest bat in the cave.

"You come upon my mount, insult a very dear friend of mine severely, ramble on some nonsense and you still have time to scream?! Don't you have any manners, quickly hand over your possessions, I will keep them safe for you until you return to your senses!" Nick then ran over to the stunned woman and stretched his hands into her pockets to see if he could find anything interesting.

Loyd who was busy vomiting by the side was shocked to hear such a lie, since when do friends feed each other their spit?! Since when did friends become so vengeful over some stupid sandwiches?!

And by the time the woman had come back to her senses, Nick could feel something valuable in the woman's pockets! As for how Nick knew it was valuable, it was because his little guy only reacted this severely when it sensed money, otherwise not even girls could entice it into such vigor.

But before Nick could take whatever it was he was holding inside the beauty's pocket, a powerful cultivation base erupted from the woman and flung him away violently, but Nick did not fly in a random direction, no, although incredibly shocked Nick still had the time mid-air to change his direction just so he could land knee first on Loyd's back, only after that did he consider the matter settled.

"You! Who are you?! Where am I?! What did you do to me?! Where is the examiner?! Where is the alchemist association?! What happened to those mysterious hands?!" The beauty looked around at the unfamiliar atmosphere and became jumpy, she could sense that she was no longer in the previous continent, just where exactly was she right now?!

"I will answer your questions one by one, little beauty. But first, what should I call you?" Nick stood up poised and spoke while patting some dust off his clothes. But inside he was shocked, some random girl the system threw on his lap was actually at the peak of the transcendence realm?!

"My name Claire, now answer me!" The situation had truly scared her and she was now incredibly defensive. Her father was a sovereign from the upper realms, but due to a huge war that was being waged near her home right now, her father had sent here just until he could sort out the mess, which might take up to ten years!

So without her father to back her up the only thing that kept her safe was the Caregiver her dad sent with her, but she found out that she couldn't reach the caregiver form here which frightened her dearly.

"Okay now Claire, I will answer your questions one by one, first my name, I'm Nick, that boy who's drooling over you is Dean, the man who is glaring at you is Peter, the fact that you didn't drop anything during that violent tumble has upset him you see, that girl over there looking at you as if you are stupid is Maggi, don't mind the Loyd, he usually vomits when he sees a beautiful girl, and finally that little boy over there is my...son, Duke."

Claire was following Nick attentively until the last person because, when Nick called the middle-aged giant a little boy and then his son, she kept on checking to see if Nick had pointed at the right person several times.

"Now to answer your second question, where am I? You are on my mount's saddle."

"You also asked what I did to you, the answer to that is I saved you, I saw you falling from the sky so I sent a mental command to my beast to hover under you so you can land on it, but who knew that you would choose to land on your face, commendable choice, if I may say so myself, landing on one's feet, is so, last year."

"As for the rest of your questions, I will only answer them if I see something valuable, otherwise don't even think of getting another word out of me!" Nick had answered the first three questions because he felt bad, he had accidentally touched something during his little search earlier after all, but that was about all the charity he was willing to do!

"Oh, so you saved me? From what though?" The lady asked sarchastically, as cultivators, the amount of threat hieght posed were becoming lower by each rank, and at her level, falling couldn't hurt her even if she landed on the ground on her head.

"From the ground of course, you might not know this but the grounds around here have been serving as toilets for all the beasts you see before you! So, do you still think I didn't save you?!" Nick spoke confidently.

"I see, so you did save me, thank you fellow cultivator, and forgive me for my violent response earlier when you were just checking up on me." Claire felt bad, she was such a bad person, how could she doubt such an honest man.

Nick was stunned, did the woman think that he was checking up on here before when he was just looking inside her pockets? Was this girl that dense?!

"Hello again, let me make a proper introduction this time, I am Claire, a newly promoted three-star alchemist! And what may I ask is your profession sir?" Claire then stood up and followed Nick's lead in dusting herself off and tried to regain some face by speaking with grace.

"Hi, I'm Loyd, Nick over there is an alchemist just like you, but a much higher rank I'm sure!" Loyd took the liberty to introduce Nick to Claire, he had realized that he had gotten into Nick's bad books by his repeated sandwich theft and was now trying to clear that air by showing Nick how helpful he can be.

Nick on the other hand was shocked, why did the woman turn out to be an authentic alchemist, and why in the hell did Loyd introduce him as an alchemist as well?! Was the bastard allergic to keeping his mouth closed?! Or was this the bastard's idea of taking revenge?! Nick then noted down Loyd for the second time, he would make sure to pay this back as well!