Claire bear

"What?! You're an alchemist too?! What star are you?!" Claire felt some semblance of familiarity as soon as she heard Nick was an Alchemist as well, and of a higher rank too!

"Ummm, yeap, I'm an alchemist alright, but I don't like labels so I don't actually know what star I'm currently on, but an old alchemist did give me this robe when I was little." Nick then took out the neatly folded alchemist robes that he purchased from the system, he had no idea that the system had literally wrestled with this woman to get the robe.

But thankfully for Nick, there was no way to differentiate between alchemist robes, and each one looked exactly the same except for size, and since he had purchased this robe from the system it was guaranteed to be a perfect fit for Nick.

"A three-star alchemist robe?! How old were you when you were gifted this robe?!"

Claire was shocked, she had never expected that the man before her would be a genius, she herself had been trained by some experts in the upper world and learned some other stuff here before she finally succeeded and turned into a three-star alchemist today, but Nick had said he had been gifted the robe when he was a just a child?!

"I think I was five? Yes, I was five years old, I remember because it was also that year that I learned the secret art of food Alchemy! It was also the year I lost my virginity!" Nick was lying and bragging his ass off while trying to put on the alchemist robe at the same time, thankfully even though Nick had no sense of shame, Peter was still smart enough to use a bed sheet to cover Nick from view while he was changing.

Nick's speech had made both Peter and Loyd slack-jawed, which man wouldn't try to show be on their best behavior when speaking to a girl, especially when that girl was a gorgeous as Claire, but Nick had actually told a woman that could hopefully become a love interest in the future that he had lost his virginity when he was five?!

"You lost what?! Never mind that, I don't want to know! More importantly what in the world is food Alchemy?!" She was first startled with what Nick said about losing his virginity at the age of five, but what interested her more was the mention of a secret branch of Alchemy that she had never heard before.

"Oh, Don't tell me that they never taught you about food Alchemy in...Alchemy class? Seriously, how could something so powerful be kept from students?! Well now that I think about it, my master did say I was a special case and that only a chosen few in this world possess the capacity to learn it!" Nick still continued bragging as he walked from behind the bedsheets Peter was holding fully dressed, in his Alchemy robe.

And with that last line, the fish was hooked! What person didn't want to possess a special skill that can only be trained by a few elites, which person did not believe that they were chosen ones that could train in the secret skill?!

So, as soon as Claire heard of the new profession that was unheard of even in the upper realms, all her worries and fears about this new place went out the window, and what replaced it was a hunger, a hunger for the knowledge which could potentially shock her father upon her return!

"Can you demonstrate this food Alchemy you speak of?" Claire was a lot more polite and tame now that she knew Nick could be a potential master to her soon.

"Sure, it would do no harm to teach the ignorant, I guess, you're welcome in advance though," Nick spoke arrogantly while taking out some meat that belonged to a transcendence realm beast from his storage ring, description of the meat was as follows.

[Two tailed ugly serpent meat-(Transcendence realm)

This serpent is known for being incredibly ugly from the back and the front, and due to the wide discrimination it faces from the serpent community the beast usually has low self-esteem, the meat has a savory yet shy aftertaste, but don't worry too much while eating it, what it may lack in appearance it makes up for by flavor!

Effects: 1000 Exp Points, can instantly replenish the energy for cultivators third rank of the transcendence realm or below, and can also heal moderate to severe injuries if cooked using some recipes, if consumed regularly for twenty years it has the potential to make a person ugly...enjoy.

Recipes-Braised, Flogged, Pumped, Humped, Dried, Doggy style...etc


Nick then simply cooked the meat by conjuring some flames from his hand and not even ten seconds later the voluptuous smell enveloped the area making everyone on board and the hovering silver himself salivate unconsciously.

And before Claire could even savor the smell of the cooked meat Nick crudely used his hands to stuff the large piece of meat into her hands, as if he was feeding a beggar. But due to the incredibly inviting smell, Claire had no time to worry about manners or sanitation right now as she simply threw away her elegant image and took a large bite of the meat.

"Mmmmmmmmm, holly molly, what a delicious stick of meat!!!" Claire moaned out and make a comment that instantly made Peter and Loyd's little soldiers stand in attention, while Nick unfazed was trying to see if he could get his hands on the treasure that made him horny earlier.

"Oh my god! This meat is so rich in energy!" Only after she ravaged the piece of meat and made sure to suck her fingers too, did Claire realize the benefits of the meal Nick just cooked, the energy the meal contained was just too rich, and she could tell that the meat had come from a lowly beast at the bottom ranks of the transcendence realm, just thinking of the wonders Nick could do if he had used the meat of a higher realm gave her chills!

"Master Nick, please accept me as your disciple! A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime, and if you accept me as your disciple then I will make sure to cherish you in your elder years!"

Claire spoke her heart, she had seen Nick's son, Duke, which was clearly a middle-aged man, and seeing how Nick was so proficient in food Alchemy, and his cultivation was so low, she would wager his actual age was much higher and that he had used some sort of drug to keep himself looking young, to which she would definitely get to the bottom off because she wanted to look just as young when she reached his age.

Nick just sat there contemplating her words, a father for a lifetime?! Did she think he lacked freeloaders to feed?! Did she think that one idiotic child wasn't enough for him?!

"No, sorry, my skills aren't for the mundane to learn, if you do want to be my disciple then there are trials you must pass in the secret realm, follow me!" Even though Nick was planning on dumping this lady at some point it still wouldn't hurt having an actually Alchemist with him when he was about to pretend to be one right?!

Nick then ordered Silver to fly over to the realm door, as long as he was playing an Alchemist it didn't make sense if he didn't carry their arrogant disposition as well right?!

"Who are you?! Do you think that this is a place where you can just go in with your entire family for a walk?!" A master cultivator at the Immortal King realm floated right in front of Nick and the others and spoke with rage and scorn.

He could also see the Emperor's cultivator base as well, but he wasn't the least bit surprised or scared because all he would need to take care of flies like him was just a wave of the hand.

Nick did not even look the majestic cultivator in the eye though as he simply waved his hands at Claire and said, "This will be your first trial, a man blocks your path right now, not because he needs to, but just because you are weaker than him, now tell me, how will you deal with such an enemy?!"

And just as Nick had figured he saw Claire nodding solemnly and standing in front of the cultivator with her chest struck out. She then stood heroically and said to Nick, "Master, I know what to do!"

Even Nick was shocked when he heard the determination in her voice, was the woman going to start a fight?! No, that can't happen, he just wanted her to show of her identity and get them out of this mess, but if she started a fight with such a powerhouse then their deaths would be written in stone!

"Senior Cultivator! Can you pweeeeeeease let us in? Claire bear just wants a short look with her family, please grant me this one wish, oh, great, and powerful, and muscular, and handsome cultivator!" Claire gave Nick what he enjoyed the most in every story, a plot twist, who knew that the girl could play the cute roll so well!

And with every compliment, she gave the cultivator, the more flushed his face was getting!

But there was only one problem, although his face was flushed, the man's eyes were filled with rage as he turned to glance at a woman that was sitting all the way over at where his Empire was camped and then shivered in fright as he yelled at Claire with the loudest voice he could muster.

"I am married bitch! M-A-R-R-I-E-D! To a beautiful wife who loves me! Are you looking to die by flirting with a married man?!"

The Cultivator was truly frightened of his wife, his wife's cultivation was three ranks higher than his and she was incredibly violent, but worst of all she was the extremely jealous type, and let alone with a girl complimenting him in broad daylight, she even beats him up when he looks at a beautiful picture of her younger self!

Nick also agreed with the man, Claire shouldn't have flirted with the man before making sure he was single first, look at him, he had never touched another person's wife, it just wasn't ethical...!

"Enough! How dare you speak to two great Alchemists like that?!" Loyd couldn't take it anymore, why should they be afraid and threatened when two great Alchemists were here with them?!