Guardian beasts

"Asshole! Bastard! Don't you know that I will be tortured now that you've broken the oath?!" The geezer was beyond furious right now.

"Why don't you sit down and use your old man brain for a moment there Old geezer, first of all, aren't you a spirit that has no body, how would the Soul eating oath harm you when you don't even have a body in the real world?! And secondly, didn't you say this place exists in a shift between time and space, who would dare to come here and force me to fulfill the oath?!" Nick finally learned what people mean by, jinxing yourself.


Suddenly the dark space filled with spatial storms around the palace began to quiver slightly, and the same ghastly figure that had appeared as a shadow in the clouds of the secret realm appeared, but the figure was no longer a shadow now, but a being of flesh and blood, apparently the creepy creature had come here to prove Nick wrong.

"Hey geezer, isn't this creature just a figment of an oath, and isn't it said he just manifests when an oath is taken, I've never heard of the creature appearing to fulfill the oath as well!" Nick felt like he might have messed up, he had actually brought a such a creepy looking thing to his palace!

"That is on normal circumstances, usually if an oath is broken all it does is send a tiny spark of its power to go and absorb the souls of the oathbreakers, but our case is different, brat, in our case the creature not only failed to find me, the person you swore on, but also the oath breaker, you, so the creature must've followed us here somehow to make us pay what we owe."

The geezer's voice was quivering much to Nick's dismay, for some reason he had always thought of the geezer as omnipotent and arrogant, so the amount of unease he felt when he heard him quivering so much was beyond comprehension.

"Wait, did you say absorb souls?! Doesn't the oath state it will burn the souls as punishment?!" Nick was confused.

"Don't be stupid will you, why would a creature so powerful spend its days burning the souls of mortals and immortals alike?! Who would be so free as to do something so thankless?! "

"No, the creature needs to absorb souls for cultivation, but it can't randomly kill and absorb the souls of innocents because such an act would bring the wrath and attention of the supreme beings of the universe. I think the name itself says soul-eating right, people just conveniently like thinking that their souls are burnt not eaten, I think it makes them feel better that way." The geezer must have been truly frightened because he was being helpful without fussing for once.

"Hahaha, poor bastard, now it will learn not to mess with the great Nick!" Nick was trying his best to sound happy and confident, not in his own abilities, but in the system's instead, the system had already guaranteed him that his place was one of the most secure places in the universe and that aside from being difficult to find unless he led someone here like he just did, the spatial storms that appeared harmless against the palace actually carried horrific power that could kill most beings as well!

"No boy, this thing is a being born from chaos itself, so these spatial storms won't bother it much. In fact, you could say we have found it a great breeding ground instead!" The geezer's words crushed the last bit of hope Nick had, did this mean he would have to watch as the geezer's soul was being absorbed?!

"Oaaaaaaaaath breeeeeeeaker! Whheeeeere is theeeee souuuuul youuuuu promisssssssed?!" The creepy creature was walking one step at a time, completely unaffected by the void cracks and spatial storms that were raging on in front of him, While its voice rattled Nick's soul with every word and letter pronounced, it was as if the creature was talking with Nick's soul instead of his body.

"This...I don't know, how about I call you back when I find him, that way you wouldn't have to waste so much of your precious time searching for him!" Nick was trying his best to send the creepy creature on its way, he had indeed gotten the geezer into this, and it just didn't feel right, to turn him in for it.

Nick had been at his wit's end earlier and he couldn't think of any other solution than to make that oath, but he couldn't swear on the kids or Peter, because they were too weak and innocent to drag into this, he couldn't swear on Loyd and Claire, because they were strangers and the oath wouldn't have been accepted if he did.

So, he had only one other option, swearing on the geezer. because not only was the geezer the closest thing to him from a literal standpoint, but he was also someone who was under the protection of the mysterious and powerful system, which gave him the most likelihood of surviving this disaster.

"Laaaaaaiiiiir! If youuuuu won't tell me wheeeeeere he is, taaaaake theeeee punishment instead!" Unlike the creepy and slow way the creature talked its speed when attacking was unrivaled, as soon as it finished talking it had already appeared in front of Nick and grabbed him by the neck!


Nick had never experienced such horrific pain in his life, the creature had grabbed him by the neck and was using its other claw-shaped hand to snatch something blue in color from Nick's head! This was Nick's soul manifested!

Ding! Intruders found on Palace grounds, initiating guard dog protocol! Releasing Guardian beasts!

Nick heard the system say some words just as he was about to pass out, and following those words the entire palace shook for a second, and two large doors that were larger than the one leading to the secret realm appeared by the sides of the palace.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Then Nick saw the most unforgettable thing he has ever seen! The two heavy and ancient-looking doors opened, and from those two humongous doors, two equally enormous dragons flew out furiously!

One dragon looked like nothing but a shadow of a dragon, but the constant flickering and the random glimpses of a dark flesh made body would serve as a correction to everyone's assumptions, that this dragon was not a shadow, but a dragon that existed between the realms of reality and shadow! This was one of the dragons hatched from the eggs Nick found, the Shadow Dragon!

The weird Creature that kept oath's had let go of Nick long ago, as it had sensed the terrifying enemies that were about to confront it.

Thankfully the creature had stopped moments before it began extracting Nick's soul, otherwise if Nick had lost even a fraction of his soul during the process he might have never been able to recover!


Nick was about to turn around and see what the other creature that came from the palace looked like, but he didn't get the chance as the beast had rushed back into the doors and slammed the doors refusing to take part in this fight. And just as Nick was about to accuse the system of raising such a wimpy creature he received another system prompt.

Ding! The danger level of the enemy has been established, the assailant is no more than an insect, the second guardian beast has been retracted since one is more than enough for this pest.

While it would normally sound like an insult when one called another creature an insect, but when it came from the system it just seemed more like a statement of fact, as if the system was telling Nick about what it had for breakfast.



The shadow dragon let loose a battle roar, while the weird creature joined in with what appeared to be a sound one makes while getting their assholes waxed.

The creature then took off as it used it's sharp claws to smack the dragons head. But the claws appeared to have landed on a holographic image since the claws went thought the dragon's head without making it flinch!


The dragon looked at the creature stunned for a while before it also mimicked the creature and attacked with its claws towards the creature's head. The creature ducked in time and survived, but it still received a huge gash stretching from its shoulder to its waist!

This was all the dragon could do at the moment, it had never trained or fought against an opponent before so the dragon could only mimic its opponents attack, and if we were being realistic here the dragon shouldn't even be able to walk at this moment since it was only about just a week old.

But due to the system's mystical abilities, the dragon was able to mature into an almost mature dragon overnight! But other than that it still lacked the basic necessities that would make it a full-fledged dragon, like its hereditary skills, weird bloodline abilities, and other privileges of a dragon which it had yet to unlock.


The weird creature was shocked by what it was seeing, it had attacked the enemy and the attack had landed, but not only was the enemy not injured it even had time to counter-attack using his own technique against him?! This was beyond powerful, this was just not fair at all!







The dragon seemed to have discovered a new word, it was overwhelmed with the joys of clawing at the enemy's head, and when the enemy dodged the attack, the attack would land on some other area which was like a fun little guessing game, not knowing which spot it would hit next.

And sadly for the creature, the dragon's first attack had injured its body severely so it was unable to get out of this space and return to its previous world. So for the next few minutes, the poor weird creature was repeatedly stabbed, until it finally died in the hands of the overwhelmingly violent dragon. And what made it worse was that it hadn't even left a scratch on the shadow dragon, which felt like attacking air!

"Hahaha! Scared weren't you, brat?! That will teach you for using my name for an oath! You really thought that you would die didn't you?!" The geezer was laughing out loud happily, but only he knew the true reason he was happy, he had no idea about the Guardian beasts the system had reared and had honestly thought he would die here.

He lived inside a compartment in Nick's soul, and if that beast had absorbed Nick's soul he wouldn't be spared either!

"Quite the actor aren't you?! Good, good, serves me right for being morally upright for once! I actually tried to cover for you and I almost died, I swear that if I do something so foolish again let the heavens strike me down!" Nick swore in rage.

"Why don't you make another oath to this as well?" The geezer was finally in the position to tease Nick and he wasn't about to let it slip away.

"You motherfucker! Oh wait, I nearly forgot, you're a virgin so you haven't really fucked anyone!" Nick was not idle either as he struck back.

Ding! Enemy executed by the guardian, Shadow dragon, dragon rewarded with ability, Breath of darkness!


And all of a sudden, as if the dragon had just received something priceless it roared to the sky in excitement and breathed out a large dark-colored beam. It seemed the dragon had just learned the skill and was unable to stop itself from using it.