The hands that will steal the egg, part 1

Nick had been constantly running for who knows how long, and that little run-in he had with the oath keeping creature had taken the last bit of juice he had in him! So, all Nick could do was rest in the palace for a moment.

He couldn't leave the palace now either since those beasts and that crazy goat beast could all be waiting for him there. The system could teleport him to the palace from anywhere, but it couldn't teleport him from the palace to a place of his choice, it only teleported him to the exact spot he came from when he came to the palace.

And although Nick was incredibly worried for Maggi, Dean, and Peter, there was nothing he could do about it either, leaving now was basically suicide.

'System, I will die in this secret realm if you keep on insisting on these restrictions! At least let me use my skills and techniques, how do you expect me to fight against someone whose cultivation is much higher than mine without using any skills, do you want me to drown them in my blood perhaps?!" Nick was in no mood to move at the moment so he sat down right where stood as he talked.

Ding! The host is only restricted from using the techniques you've brought with you into the Death arena, any skills or techniques acquired while in the arena are allowed. But weapons are still limited to the transcendence rank.

"Wait, does this mean any skills acquire from the secret realm or its inhabitants are allowed for use regardless of their rank or grade?!"

Ding! Exactly host, this Death arena was set up just so it can serve as a training ground for the host. The host is expected to scavenge or forage for your needs.

"Is it alright for you to encourage me to steal the techniques of others?! Aren't you supposed to be a goody, goody system, how come you always task me with things that will either get me into trouble or get my sanity questioned?!" Nick swore that this system was the true villain not him!

"Don't blame the system brat?! When did the system encourage you to steal techniques?! You know that there are ways to acquire things without stealing them right?!" The geezer was the one to respond this time because the system was done with the explanation and was no longer concerned with what Nick was saying.

"Oh, do enlighten me then! How is it possible to get techniques from others here without robbing them?!" Nick really wanted to know what the stupid geezer's idea was.

"Hmph! Of course, you can get things without stealing, for example, you can buy them, order someone to give them to you as the future One True Emperor, your identity alone would shock the masses! Or you can just beg people on the street if you don't want to reveal your identity!" The geezer's response came fast.

"Buy them? With what, the system has locked up my storage space which was carrying all my treasures and energy stones! Order someone by revealing my identity as the future One True Emperor? Yes, that might work, if I was trying to get myself killed I mean! Who would listen to a person that sounded so delusional!

As for the last one, begging people for it? Why would I beg people when I can rob them?!" Nick was fast with his response as well.

"Hmph, then go rob people then! Who knows, you might run into the married couple from earlier, hehe." The geezer had a creepy grin on his face as he said the last few words.

"Married couple? Pfffft hahaha, I think your growing old there geezer, how would they get in here, did you forget that the Secret realm has a restriction set up that forbids anyone above the transcendence realm from entering?!" But Nick received no response other than the random sounds of chuckling the geezer would let out once every few seconds.

And just like that Nick's sixth sense kept on ringing like crazy! He knew immediately that there was something he wasn't aware of yet!

"Hey system, what is the geezer talking about, did you do another thing to the secret realm aside from letting a couple more beasts in?!" Nick's bad feeling worsened after he asked the question, something was very wrong.

Ding! The system had to make some necessary changes to the Secret realm to make it serve the host well. One of these changes is the slight raise made to the restrictions of the realm.

"How slight are we talking about here?!" Nick was already drenched in sweat after such a bad day and yet the system managed to make him sweat more due to anxiety.

Ding! The restriction has been lifted to grant all those below the Immortal Emperor realm entrance to the realm.

"Fuck me!"

"Never!" The geezer was stunned by the sudden and startling request.

"I didn't mean fuck me asshole, fuck you!" Nick was pissed, why did everyone in this world take curses so literally?

"Not in your life pervert!" The geezer then went into hiding, he had done his job for today and irritated Nick till he felt satisfied.

'System, list down the most comfortable beds in the shop!' Nick stood up from his spot slowly and began heading to the corpse of the creature. The dragon had already returned to its room as soon as it finished testing out its new skill.

The corpse of the creature must have some miraculous uses, but sadly due to his inability to use the cooking skill, for the time being, he couldn't check the description of the body by shouting 'Ingredient' as he used to, thus making him unable to see what exactly he could use the corpse for.

So Nick had to drag the body, which was surprisingly easy, to one of the empty rooms inside the palace. He would make sure to check it out later after he left the secret realm.

After taking care of that, Nick then bought one of the beds which were guaranteed by the system to be extremely comfortable.


A few weeks ago, in a large mountain in the upper realms.

"Congratulations! Master, your wife is about to give birth to a Void shattering dragon which will shake the world!" A very human-looking Middle-aged man was cupping his fists to the master in front of him. The reason that this man was considered human-like and not human was due to the large pair of horns sticking out of his forehead.

"Housekeeper Wu, I thank you for your kind compliments, you have served this family and me well for these past thousand years, and I hope you keep on showing the same loyalty and support to my soon to be born Son!" A Kind and gentle-looking man spoke while sipping on some tea, but this man was different since his horns unlike the Grey dull ones on the housekeeper were Black and shiny!

These horns signify that these beings were mighty dragons, but in their human forms, which was an ability a dragon gains, once their cultivation reached high enough.

"It is my honor Master, I long to see the day that your Son makes the Void shattering Dragon race proud again! The day where we will gain back our title as one of the five Great Dragon royal races! But master, how is it that your sure that it will be a Son this time?"

Housekeeper Wu was concerned, if the Egg laid this time wasn't male they wouldn't be able to fight for their position as royals, because laws dictated that only a male heir of the family was allowed to fight for his clan.

"Don't worry too much housekeeper, I have talked with a powerful Seer who sees into the future, and she has guaranteed me that it will be male! But..." The Master was proud and certain until he reached this point, but his face turned weird once he did.

"What master, but what?!" The Housekeeper's face was scrunched from restlessness! This was one of his character flaws, he was a naturally curious person, if a person told him half a story then vanished, he would make sure to search for that person and turn him into mincemeat, this was after he had the person tell him the rest of the story of course.

"But, that seer also said the egg will be stolen by...a hand..."

"What hands master?! Whose hands master?!" The Housekeeper was about to die from curiosity, why did his master enjoy keeping him in suspense so much, it was times like these that he considered the idea of rebelling!

"That's just it, the seer said the hand will just appear out of thin air, hands that don't belong to anyone from this world, then vanish with the egg! But I'm not worried, with our defenses mounted so fiercely who'd dare touch my son!"


Suddenly the doors were barged open by a female servant who rushed in and said, "Your majesty, Madam is going into labor!"

"Already?! Hmph, can't the woman hold it in a little longer, always doing such things while I'm talking with friends!" The Man's statement showed that he carried not one fatherly or husbandly bone in his body, as he got up and began leaving the room while telling the servant what to do next.