The hands that will steal the egg, part 2

Suddenly the doors were barged open by a female servant who rushed in and said, "Your majesty, Madam is going into labor!"

"Already?! Hmph, can't the woman hold it in a little longer, always doing such things while I'm talking with friends!" The Man's statement showed that he carried not one fatherly or husbandly bone in his body, as he got up and began leaving the room while telling the servant what to do next.

"Go, call Doctor Zou, he will take charge of my wife's egg-laying!" The Man was calm and collected as he sent the maids away, no anxiousness of a soon to be father could be seen on him.

The Houskeeper Wu was surprised, "Master, did you say Doctor Zou is here, but isn't he very arrogant and expensive, I've heard he only helps those clans that are in the royal list!"

The Master was proud as stuck out his bosom and said, " Of course it is the same Doctor Zou, hmph, even though he would usually be arrogant with the other small clans, what clan are we, we are the Void shattering dragon clan! A few thousand years ago we were among the top five clans of the dragon race! How could he decline an invitation sent by the master of such a clan?!"

But the truth was another story entirely, the Master was cringing from shame inside just remembering how he had cried and begged the Doctor to come and help him. He remembered how many of his daughters he had offered to send to the doctor as wives and concubines only to be rejected harshly.

And he had even tried to sell his wife of by telling the doctor he can have her after she gives birth to a child, only to be told that the doctor doesn't use second-hand tools, according to the doctor it wasn't sanitary!

Then finally he managed to say something that interested the Doctor, he told the doctor that he would give him free access to their extensive clan library which carried the legacies and techniques of their clan, and only then did the Doctor give in, because even though the clan had fallen to its current state, the library was still filled with some long lost arts that were kept by the previous generation of the Void shattering dragon clan.

The Egg-laying of a dragon was different than most other beasts, in fact, their's was a lot more painful and difficult to get through without the aid of these great doctors who specialized in this particular subject. Due to the dragon race carrying a powerful bloodline, their reproduction was of course more difficult, this was a rule set by the universe to keep the balance.

Because if dragons could give birth to another dragon each year like other beasts then there would no longer be any reason for other species to exist aside from being kept as food! Dragons give birth to a single egg by sacrificing half of their vitality, which would take hundreds of years to recover, and even then there is a chance of the egg not receiving enough and being damaged!

And that exactly where these doctors came in, they would manipulate the vitality of the person giving birth to make sure that the egg doesn't get malnourished or overnourished, which was quite a difficult task to accomplish when a pregnant dragon was thrashing about violently in the room!

The servant that came in to inform the Clan Master of his wife's birth did not leave to do what she was ordered though, instead, she looked at the Master with a puzzled look.

The Master who was already in a terrible mood because he was reminded of all he had sacrificed for this glorious moment soon noticed that the servant wasn't leaving to accomplish the task he set, but was instead staring at him dumbly as if she was mesmerized by his handsome appearance.

"What the hell are you staring at woman?! Go and do what I told you to do! Go and call Dr.Zou immediately!"

The Servant was flustered as her eyes darted around in a nervous manner and said, "But master, someone is already tending to Madam's egg-laying! According to the person, he said he, was in charge of the eggs-laying!"

"What?! Wow, I guess this why Doctor Zou is so renowned! To think that he would sense the child coming and would come in advance, brilliant, truly brilliant!" The Clan master couldn't be more pleased.

"Yes Clanmaster, the doctor is indeed brilliant! He is handling this pregnancy without even using his full body!" The servant said a few words of praise as well since her Master was in a good mood, who knows, the master might want to hear her sweet talk in private sometime...

The Clan Master was about to agree and brag a little about how he had managed to find such an excellent doctor when her words finally sunk in. " What did you say?! What do you mean not even using his full body?!"

But the bad feeling in his bones suddenly worsened as he chose not to wait for the servant's answer and headed there himself, and not a second had passed when he appeared outside the doors of the room and he heard the cries and screams of his wife.

"What are you doing?! That is the wrong hole!!!" An aggressive lady could be heard screaming in surprise as she said this.

"Ooops, hehe, why are they so close together, this is so confusing!" The voice sounded like it came from an old man this time.

But the Clan master found that the second voice was out of place, he could recognize his wife's voice, but the second voice definitely didn't belong to Doctor Zou!


In a rush to get to the bottom of this he barged inside and roared out. "What the hell is going on here?!"

The room was humungous since the dragon needed to be in their beast form to give birth to the egg. So when the clan Master barged inside he was welcomed by his wife who was thrashing about in pain, and the difference between beast and human women giving birth was the amount of strength their attacks held during pregnancy!

When a dragon was giving birth their strength would multiply a hundredfold! And their random movements alone where enough to cause severe damage to anyone unprepared!

The Clan master looked around the room and saw way, way in the back of a room were two hands which weren't connected to anything whatsoever! And these two hands were currently just shoving about in search of a dragon egg, and one could hear that old voice being heard from the hands even though there was no mouth to say them.

"Damn you, system! Don't you know I know nothing about childbirth?! Why did you task me with such a burdensome task?!" The voice was definitely from the old geezer.

The Clan master then remembered the seer's prophecy! She had said that hands would appear out of nowhere to steal his child. " Stop right there, thieving hands!"

"Oh shit, someone is here, time to do it the hard way then!" The geezer then stuffed his hands deep into the female dragon and began to randomly search for the eggs.


Overwhelmed with pain the female dragon searched around to look for anything to squeeze to ease her pain, and there she found him, the main source of her pain, the culprit of all he anguish, the man that got her pregnant, her husband!

"No stop..." The Clan master was rushing to the hands and hadn't really paid attention to his wife, so when his wife's claws came in for him, he was caught unprepared and was lifted up.

"Put me down, woman!" The Clan master wrestled a bit and began roaring when he realized he was helpless against his wife who was under the pregnancy adrenaline!

"Sorry husband, but it hurts so much!" The female dragon seemed to have regained a little bit of sanity when she heard her husband's voice, and just as she was about to let go of him she heard her husband say something which stunned her.

The Clan master was being lifted in the air by his wife, and from his current spot, he was able to see the hands had caught something and would soon vanish after they took it out! So he hurriedly yelled, "Quick woman, clamp your ass shut! Don't let them take it! Clamp it shut. that's an order!"

And that's what the female dragon did, she clamped her claws shut and crushed her husband into meat paste, her strength that was multiplied a hundredfold due to the labor came in hand! She had never heard a more ridiculous request in her life!

"Thank you, my lady! Don't worry too much about your son, he will follow someone great in the future and will be the pride of you and your family!" The geezer said some consoling words just so he wouldn't feel as bad over his blatant kidnapping then vanished back into the vortex.


The female dragon roared to the heavens in happiness! Not only had she taken out the gigantic egg that was clogging up her up, but she had even killed the bastard that brought her nothing but misery her whole life!

And this was how Nick got his Void shattering dragon egg!

Now back on earth, in the present time, in a large furniture store, a famous celebrity by the name of G-Mole was doing a tv advertisement commercial.

"Hey what's up people of the world, this is G-Mole here with an important message! Why do we slave away every day working so hard when we can sleep all day on this, 'Prime V Bed'!" Then G-Mole turned over to a smiling person standing beside him, who happened to be the owner of this furniture store and continued with their rehearsed lines.

"Hey buddy, do you know what I said to a girl when she if she could sleep with me?!"

"Nooooo! What did you say, G-Mole?!" The Man asked while smiling.

"I told that bitch, not in my bed! Hahaha!"

"Owwwww, G-Mole, you got us again buddy!" The Man said with a smile, it was as if his face was stuck that way.

Then G-Mole did the last scene of the shoot, he was going to jump onto the bed sideways while giving the camera a thumbs up.

But while he was in the middle of the air a large wrinkly and musty foot came out of literally nowhere and stepped right on his face.

"Hahaha, system, you didn't think of this did you?! You said I can't smack them, but you never said I can't kick them on the face!" The geezer laughed happily before taking away the bed G-Mole was going to sleep on into the vortex.

"Brilliant! This will be the new commercial! Something actually kicked away G-Mole just to compete for my bed?! You can't make a better commercial if you wanted to?!!" The Owned was happy beyond belief.

But the feet came back just when the man was laughing so happily with his mouth open wide and tried to step on the Owner's face as well.

"Hmph, if you're going to use my beautiful feet for advertisement the least you could do is may the price!" The geezer was not one to be taken advantage of. But sadly his kick came at an inopportune time as they landed inside the wide-open mouth of the owner...

And this was how Nick got his very comfy bed.


Sadly Nick had no idea of how many people around the universe were getting robbed and facing injustice every time he bought something, but if he did he would have probably bought some more things just to make sure the universe wasn't too calm and boring.