Nick the popular

Nick tried to fall asleep for two to three, and yet worries kept him up. He always prided himself for being unattached to most things and yet, just thinking of how terrified and lonely that Dean and Maggi were in this scary realm where even he had to run for his life wracked him with worry.

"Fuck it, they probably left by now right?! System, is there really no way for me to see the place outside this palace before I leave?!" Nick felt like it was dangerous, his energy had recovered, but he had only escaped earlier because he had tricked the beasts, if he met them again then there was no way that they would fall for the same trick again.

Ding! The palace is still at level one, please level up to unlock additional features.

"What the hell?! Even the palace can level up now?! Then at what level do I need the palace to be for me to see the outside world?" Nick had his fingers crossed. He was hoping and praying that the level wasn't that high and that the upgrade requirements weren't that harsh either.

Ding! The palace needs to be at level three in order for that function to be available.

"And how do I level up the palace?"

Ding! To upgrade the palace, all the host has to do, is to accomplish the Palace growing tasks that have been added to the system panel menu.

Nick didn't waste time rushing over to the system menu right away as he checked to see what these tasks were.

But it startled him to see that there was only one task available in the taskbar.

[Bring an inhabitant into the palace.]

That was it! That was currently the only task available.

Nick thought about it for a while, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out how he was going to bring someone into the palace when he could not even leave the palace himself.

But then an impossible sounding idea came into his mind, but although he felt like the possibility of it working was low, he still felt like it wouldn't hurt to try.

So Nick tried to see if he could connect to Silver, who was in the secret realm!

'Silver, come in Silver! Do you copy?!' Nick was a big fan of action movies in his previous life. So…this was happening.

'M...master?! Where are you?! Wuuuh, master, someone bullied me! Some immortal kept on chasing me for fun! And when I asked him why he was chasing me when I hadn't even offended him, he said that he was curing obesity and that I needed the exercise, but master, are all humans, aside from you, of course, such hypocrites, the man was fatter than I am!"

Silver seemed like he had found a savior as he kept on whining. Cause to him, as long as Nick was there then the bad Immortal would surely get a good spanking. But how would he know that his usually overpowered boss was currently one of the weakest beings in this real!

"Well, it's good that you got some exercise anyway, lets not fight against those who've helped us, alright?!!" Nick wasn't crazy enough to fight against someone so out of his league at the moment, he had enough worries and problems to deal with as it is.

Nick then crossed his fingers again and asked while holding his breath, "Hey Silver, can you sense my location right now?" This was it, the moment of truth, the moment that decides on whether he could leave the palace safely, or whether he would have to risk his life to do it.

"What do you mean Master, if I can hear you then I can definitely sense you, you aren't too far away from me, we're coming your way now." Silver sounded confused and excited at the same time. He would soon return to his master where he will be safe and well fed.

Ever since he had become Nick's pet he had realized how joyful life could truly be, he would fly to different places, get to live in a weird place known as a pet space which was filled with rich cultivation energy, and even get to eat the scrumptious delicacies Nick produced from time to time! So, who would want to stay away after being pampered so much?

"Great, hurry on over! Also, did you just say 'we', who is there with you?!" Nick was dancing around the place and jumping on his bed in happiness. Finally, a way out that doesn't involve depending on luck!

"Yes Master, I am about a mile away. And I found Loyd while I was running from that pesky immortal, he's on the saddle, and he looks like he's been in a rough battle, he is tending to his wounds."

"Loyd? What good will he do?! Just dump that bum on your way here." Nick was in no mood to take care of another person right now when he was so defenseless himself.

"Yes, master, I will dump him right away, his power can't compare to mine, anyway." Silver was all for lessening the load he would carry.

"Wait, do you think he has some techniques stashed away on him?" Nick then taught about his current predicament and couldn't help asking.

"Probably...why? Are you in need of some techniques? Surely that can't be the case, right master, after all, you have so many powerful unorthodox skills!" Silver had doubts, he just couldn't understand why Nick would talk about Loyd's techniques right now.

"Silver, I've never been so disappointed in you. Do you think that learning a new skill and furthering your knowledge is something shameful?! Besides, who said I was after his techniques, I was just asking for little Dean and Maggi. Okay, make sure you don't drop that bum on your way here!" Nick was trying to hide his embarrassment as he spoke.

What could he say though, Silver and the others looked up to him so much, the image he had built in their minds was just too mighty and great! How could he admit that he was as poor as a beggar right now for techniques, how could he tell them he had nearly lost his life to a crazy goat just earlier, when he was a person who could even drive an Emperor to madness in their minds?!

"Master, I'm right in front of the place that I sense you in, but I can't find you no matter how I look, all I see is a bunch of beast scouring the area!" Silver was anxious. Where exactly was his daddy?!

"I am right there, you just can't see me. Do you see a beast around there that resembles a goat?!" Nick was trying to make sure that Silver was in the right place before he risked his life in coming out.

"Yeah, there is an ugly goat screaming crazily, she keeps on yelling, 'Come out here human, I promise to kiss you twice if you do!' Wait, now she said she would do it three times, Master, who is this human this goat is speaking off, it can't be you, right?!" Silver was curious.

"Sigh, Silver, remember how I told you that I am appealing to any species of any gender, beast or human, male or female? Well, that goat has been chasing me all around the place begging for a kiss, and you know how kind I am, so how can I harm someone who is chasing after me as a fan?! Now I'm in hiding in that area, so I need you to chase them away or kill them I don't really care which, so I can come out." Nick could only lie again. But what could he do, tell Silver he confessed love to a goat in order to survive?! Nick would rather castrate the geezer than say that!

"Hey, brat, why are you dragging me into your inner monologues?! And why do I need to be castrated just so you can keep a secret?! Go castrate yourself!" The Old geezer felt like this wasn't right.

"Your right geezer, how can someone with no manhood lose it?" Nick casually threw a comment that forced the angry Old geezer to shut up. But even Nick felt that it was Abuse of the elderly by this point, if he was in his previous world he would have probably faced so much public wrath and lawsuits.

"But Master, there are other beasts looking for you as well! There are even male beasts…wait, don't tell me that even the male beasts are after you, Master?!" Silver was horrified. Since when was his master so popular?

"That's the heavy price of being as good looking as I am my pet, a price that I will probably have to live with for the rest of my life." Nick firmly believed this though. He firmly believed that if it wasn't for the beasts being shy, they would have all confessed the real reason they were chasing him earlier.

"Wow, Master you sure are popular! Just give me a few minutes Master, I will clear these pesky beasts up before you count to twenty!" Silver spoke confidently before he got to work.

Silver then stood like a giant among the other beasts, and roared out, "Everyone, I am Silver! I am the pet of the person you're chasing after, and although he appreciates all the love you're showing him, he would still like you to go on your way. My Master would like you all to appreciate his privacy, so run along now!"