First inhabitant

After laughing very hard at Silver's expense Nick was finally able to release all the worry and stress he had been dealing with since he got into the realm. In fact, he deeply regretted coming here, he had let his curiosity get the better of him, and now he was paying the price.

"Silver, don't you worry too much about it, even if you don't get any better at it with time, there are still alternatives. You can still take medication that can not only increase your sex drive but even the size of your little whip!" Nick was trying to encourage the poor fellow, as for whether there was indeed such a thing as beast viagra, that was for god to know, and Silver to find out.

"Really master?! Are there really medications?! Do you have any of these medications you speak of Master?! Or can you make me some?!" Silver was excited, he had heard that his master was a legendary Alchemist earlier, so he was certain that he wasn't lying about the pill.

"Of course not! Did you forget how powerful I am when it comes to bed battles?! Why would I carry around such a thing when I am so naturally endowed, as for making it myself, that isn't possible, I don't have the recipe for it, maybe you can ask our new Claire later if we find her."

Nick reminded Silver. He had told Silver a huge lie back when he had made it his pet, he had told Silver he was capable of fighting it out on the bed for weeks nonstop, which wasn't humanly possible! He had even made up a story about him and an immortal which Silver associated with a living breathing woman!

Nick then jumped onto the Silver's head and commanded it to fly in a random direction, it was all up to luck now on whether he would be able to find his siblings or not!

As for Peter, he wasn't too worried, Peter was a man that lived according to circumstances, if he met a weak enemy he would bully them until they forgot their own names, and if he met a powerful person, he would lick their feet until they ran away in disgust!

"Master, I sense a powerful aura up ahead it seems to be..." Silver hadn't even finished when he got interrupted.

"Avoid it!" Nick replied without hesitation, after all, he was no longer as resourceful as he once was. He no longer had the teleportation talisman, nor the overpowered deception fist that would shake both mortals and gods alike if it hit its target.

"But why master, that would make us look scared?" Silver spoke his thoughts.

Nick didn't respond though as he simply sat cross-legged on his bed and tried to calm down. He found being in this realm very nerve-racking. Then something he forgot struck him, he had yet to move an inhabitant into the palace!

Nick then thought about it for a while before he sent Silver a message telling it to grab a small weak beast from the ground. He couldn't send Silver in since watching such a large beast vanish would be conspicuous, especially with Loyd sitting right beside him.

"Loyd, watch this, this is a new technique I've been developing which can turn an enemy into nothingness in seconds!" This was the excuse he was going to use for the small beast that was about to go into the palace.

"What?! That's impossible! A being made from energy has to leave something when it dies, whether it be meat, blood, or even ashes." Loyd was intrigued by Nick's claim, but he also believed that it was impossible.

"Really? Then watch carefully my friend." And at Nick's command, Silver tossed the beast towards the top of the saddle. Nick was also expecting it since he jumped up and caught it right away.

"Abra...kadabra!" Nick said while waving his hands above the small beast, trying to act all mystical and stuff. But he was telling the system to send the beast into the palace with his mind.

Ding! Do you want to send the Black Drake, into the palace?


Ding! Asking the beast's permission...

"Pfffft! What?! Why would you ask this weak beast's permission for that?!" Nick was stunned.

Ding! All that enter the palace must sign an agreement dictating they will not be going against the host in the future. This is to prevent the thing that causes most kingdoms to fall, rebellion! And all those that betray the host will be punished according to the severity of their crimes, the worst case being death.

The Black drake's eyes were white for quite a while, it seemed it was resisting against the agreement. According to the system all beasts, big, small, smart, or dumb would be able to understand the agreement, so it wasn't that the beast was unable to sign, but unwilling to!

But Nick couldn't blame the beast, it had been snatched from the ground without warning, it was then tossed onto a saddle where two men were sitting, one utterly handsome and the other that looked like a frog, and finally it was asked by something it couldn't understand, to sign an agreement that stated it will never betray a man it just met! This was simply wishful thinking by this point.

Yet Nick wasn't too bothered by it, so what if the Black drake refused, the system had told him the people that came into the palace would be eternally loyal. So he could just send Loyd in, Loyd knew him and thought of him as a powerful Alchemist, so he would never think he would try to trick him.

"Nothing is happening...?" Loyd kept on waiting, and waiting, and waiting until he couldn't wait anymore. The Black drake was still standing there unharmed!

"Huh? Forget that, I was just saying that to make you forget about your sever looking injuries." Nick lied simply then went on to say, " Listen, Loyd, can you keep a secret?"

"Oh...that...was nice of you brother Nick." Loyd was disappointed, besides Nick had reminded him of his severe injuries. But when he heard the later part of what Nicks said his dwindling curiosity went back up again. "Of course, I can keep a secret brother Nick!"

"Come closer...I don't want my stupid beast to hear us." Nick whispered while looking around guardedly.

'Silver, I know you heard that. But pretend like you didn't.' Nick could see Silver trying to ask a question, probably about why he had called it stupid just now, but that wasn't important in this situation so he made it shut up.

'A secret that even his own trusted pet can't hear?! What is it?!' Loyd used one hand to cover his wounds as he walked over to Nick. Nick didn't even have the decency to go over to the injured man when he was trying to trick him.

"I know of a healing space where your injuries will only take a few short hours to recover!" Nick whispered in Loyd's ear.


"Shhhhhhh, don't say anything out loud," Nick warned Loyd.

"Brother Nick, can I trouble you to take me to this miraculous place?!" Loyd was excited. He had heard of these kinds of places before, he knew that Alchemists placed their failed healing pills into a pool until they ferment long enough. And after a couple of years, the amount of healing power these pools hold would become extraordinary!

"Sure, but there is a catch. The place requires us to teleport there, and in order to do that you need to sign a contract set up by my master." Nick said helplessly, his tone was of a man that wanted to take his friend to a place but was helpless to do so.

"What kind of agreement, brother Nick?" Loyd was anxious to heal his wounds, but he was also wary of the agreement Nick mentioned. One of the things cultivators abhorred were contracts and oaths, and usually, they wouldn't sign them unless they had no other choice.

"See for yourself!" Nick replied nonchalantly, but deep inside he was praying that the Sandwich stealing bastard would fall for it.

Ding! Do you want to send Loyd, into the palace?


Ding! Asking the Cultivator for permission...

"Brother Nick is this, a non-betrayal agreement?!" Loyd asked in surprise, these agreements were usually signed by people serving as Palace advisors to make sure they would stay loyal.

"Yeap, so, will you sign it?" Nick asked while his face constantly struggled to stop a wide grin from popping up.

"Well, I don't know if..."

"Wait, did I mention, there is a shelter in that place, and I won't need to leave you in this secret realm alone when I go there!" Nick continued tempting the man. Nick had truly missed his calling as a succubus.

"What?! You're going to leave me here?!" Loyd was shocked.

"Of course, I was, as I already told you that place is a secret, and all the others you saw earlier, aside from Claire, of course, have signed the agreement, so I can take them to that place directly. But since you haven' will be difficult." This was Nick's long way of saying sign the contract or get off!

Loyd then frowned for a few seconds as he thought about his options, then after one final glance at his wounds, he went to the mysterious parchment paper hovering in his mind and signed it.

The fact that the agreement had come into his mind and not on physical paper was enough to prove to him that Nick's master was extremely powerful and that there was nothing to be lost from swearing not to betray him.

Loyd then vanished in front of Nick's eyes.

Ding! Loyd has entered the palace.

Ding! Loyd has been added to the True Emperor palace registry.

Ding! Congratulations host, you have added an inhabitant into the palace. Palace leveled up to level two!

Ding! Palace leveled up, the host has unlocked the feature, Healing pool!

[Healing pool: A pool that can heal those in it. Currently only able to heal those below the immortal realm. Will be upgraded every time the palace levels up.]

Nick was stunned, was Loyd really that lucky? He had lied to the man and told him that he could heal in the palace, but now the actually can?!

Ding! Black Drake has entered the palace.

Ding! The Black Drake has been added to the True Emperor palace registry.

The small beast seemed to have finally decided to enter as well, as it followed Loyd's example and vanished from the saddle.