Finally, techniques!

Nick also followed the Black Drake and Loyd into the palace. He had to set some ground rules for them, otherwise what if the two took a shit in the main hall of the palace?!

But before Nick left, he was about to throw Silver into the pet space, when he received a system prompt.

Ding! Would the host like to anchor the palace to your pet?

And before Nick could ask, the Old geezer had begun explaining. After being clueless about most things that were currently taking place around Nick, the system had decided to transfer some of the relevant knowledge to the geezer so he could serve his purpose as the System's guide well again.

"Ding Motherfucker! Hmph, maybe if I introduce myself like that from now on you will learn to respect me! Anchoring the palace means to secure your exit on top of Silver, making your exit mobile."

"Usually, even if you went into the palace while standing on top of Silver, you will still come out right on the spot you went in, but if you anchor the palace to Silver, the exit will be tethered to Silver, which means no matter how far Silver travels you will be teleported right on top of it!" The Old geezer proved he was still as classy as ever with his flashy entrance speech.

"System, do the Anchor thingy, quickly!" Nick was excited, with this he wouldn't be a sitting duck anymore. At least when he runs into powerful beasts in the future he could have Silver flee while he returned to the palace, then when the coast was clear he would return to the comfortable saddle once again.

And after giving out the command Nick joined Loyd and the Black Drake, he would let Silver keep flying now since they could save time that way.

"Brother Nick, what is this place?!" Loyd was shocked. The space surrounding the palace was so chaotic and gave off a scary vibe. He got the feeling that if he stepped out of the boundaries of the palace, not a single piece of him would remain intact.

"It is my palace, welcome, to the 'Super Classy Imperial Palace of the One True Emperor!'" Nick was proud of his palace, who cares if it was unfurnished, at least it was safe and cool looking, who cares if most of the rooms were yet to be unlocked, he still had two Guardians who could kick ass!

Ding! Name too long, please pick another one.

'Wait, I get to name the palace?!' Nick was excited. If he were to say he was born with one god-given ability aside from his glib tongue, of course, it would be the ability to assign names. Who else in the world would have a cool name like Nick Flames otherwise?

"Ding Motherfucker! Yes, why don't you let me name it for you? I will give it a nice-sounding name, one that fits your palace perfectly! How about, 'World Dominating Wrath Unleashing Demon God Slaying Palace'?!!!!" The Old geezer was excited. If there was one ability he was born with, it would be the ability to assign cool and powerful names!

Otherwise, a name like his, a name like the 'Great Domineering Yin Yang Black Hole Punch King', doesn't exactly grow on trees now does it? Sadly he had nearly forgotten his own name due to being called Old geezer all the time, in fact, the name had secretly grown on him, but he would never admit it.

"Shut up, I would rather kill off all your relatives before I take naming advice from you!" And with that weird comeback, Nick had shut the Old geezer up long enough for him to think of a name himself.

"System, name the Palace, 'The Palace!'" Nick believed that simple was always the best. The system would mention the name of the palace multiple times during entry and exit, so giving the palace a long-ass name would just waste his time. And if he ever felt like changing the name again he could see it was possible so he wasn't really worried.

The Old geezer had thought of so many domineering names that would inspire fear and awe. But Nick had ruined all his preparation by naming it so simply.

"Luke, do you see the pool right over there, that is it. That is the place I told you about. Go for a little swim in the pool and recover my friend." Nick pointed at the pool which had just appeared outside, this pool was large enough to compete with the ones in four stars hotels!

And even though Nick had acted nonchalant about the pool, the same couldn't be said for Loyd.

He knew full well how valuable pill pools actually were, and he also knew that healing him up would probably take a large part of the pool's energy. Yet Nick was offering it to him with no hesitation at all, and he could see Nick wasn't acting to put up appearances, he was sincerely offering it to him! It wasn't a surprise to say Loyd was touched, and the little regret he had left over the signed agreement, vanished.

Nick had no idea that the sandwich thief would be sentimental over something he was clueless about. But the system had guaranteed him of the pool's infinite healing properties time and time again, he had even made sure that the pool had self-cleaning since it wouldn't be sanitary to use it later after the wounded Loyd took a dip in it. Yet the system swore that every night the pool water would be switched and its cleanliness was guaranteed!

"Brother Nick, I will not forget the grace you have bestowed upon me!" This was the only way Loyd could express his gratitude, he would later show his thanks with action rather than words, so these words would do for now.

"Hm, it would all be worth it as long as you swear an oath to protect me with your life." Nick stared expectantly at Loyd. Who knows, maybe all the spit covered sandwiches he was fed had gone to the bastard's head, and impaired his judgment!

"Uhhhh, I would love to do that brother Nick, but, I firmly believe one agreement is all my injured body is able to handle. And I've already signed one!" Loyd then hurriedly took off his bloody robe and jumped into the pool without hesitation.

For some reason, every exchange with Nick felt like a gamble where he might lose out something. The oath Nick was talking about right now sounded like a slave contract.

Nick was disappointed, you can't trust anyone anymore. Loyd had said he would remember his grace and stuff, but he wasn't even willing so swear such a simple oath?!

But this was life, not everyone could be as kind and honest as he was, Nick sighed in disappointment again while he riffled through the bloodied clothes and the haggard satchel Loyd had left behind when he jumped into the pool.

And from it, he was able to secure two skill books, one fist technique and another one for speed, then there were some energy stones which were useless to him right now.

Ding! Do you want to learn the 'Deboning fist' technique?

[Deboning fist technique(Transcendence level skill)- Is a skill created by a master beast deboner! The master bone remover had removed countless bones of beasts from all around the continent until he was finally confident enough to say he could see the bones of other beings through their skin! This fist technique focuses on dislocating, fracturing, and even relocating an enemy's bone with every attack!]

'Learn it!'

Ding! Do you want to learn the 'Snappy feet' technique?

[Snappy feet technique(Transcendence level skill)- Your feet are in a hurry, so they're snappy about it. This technique uses the power of sonic booms to increase the user's speed, and these sonic booms also tend to sound like snapping fingers. This technique is powerful when it comes to speed, but stealth is not in its vocabulary!]

'Learn it!'

Nick then calmly placed the two skills back into Loyd's satchel and walked towards the Black Drake which was peeing right beside the main doors of the palace. And after a minute or two of 'tough love,' the beast was finally able to learn the difference between littering and relieving oneself.

"Master, there are two human immortals fighting up ahead, what do I do?!" Silver's urgent message suddenly appeared. And Nick was about to give his usually answer 'escape' when he suddenly frowned. He wouldn't be able to go anywhere this way, how could he find the kids when he was being turned around in circles by random powerhouses that sprung up?!

"Go towards them!" Nick left the palace space and appeared right on top of Silver's saddle as promised. He hoped that as fellow humans they would be able to understand his current situation and let him pass. Which shouldn't be difficult in theory since they carried no animosity towards him.

Nick then placed Silver into the pet space when they were about a mile away from the two fighting experts. He didn't want anything to spark their anger, what if they were pissed at him for having a pet mount when they might not even have their own. So in this situation, humble and haggard was the way to go!

So, Nick wiped on some mud onto his face and tore apart his robe to make him look like he had just escaped from death's door. And only then did he dare to head in the direction of the fight.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Green sparrow immortal! Your attacks are still as despicable as always I see!"

"Hehehehe, Light Prince Immortal, your attacks are still as straight forward as always I see!"

The Two immortals stood face to face as their powerful auras clashed repeatedly, causing shockwaves to resonate for hundreds of meters! But then, both of them noticed, what seemed to be a man running towards them in a panic, and from his appearance, he must not have had a pleasant time in this realm.