Advice from a kindred spirit

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Green sparrow immortal! Your attacks are still as despicable as always I see!"

"Hehehehe, Light Prince Immortal, your attacks are still as straight forward as always I see!"

The Two immortals stood face to face as their powerful auras clashed repeatedly, causing shockwaves to resonate for hundreds of meters! But then, both of them noticed, what seemed to be a man running towards them in a panic, and from his appearance, he must not have had a pleasant time in this realm.

This haggard-looking figure was our dear old Nick, who had covered himself in mud and torn his clothes to resemble a poor pitiful person. Nick then stopped and began inspecting the two Immortals before him closely.

One was dressed in all green and was carried a large scarlet staff, which, in Nick's opinion didn't match his clothing at all. Why didn't he paint the staff green as well, everything was better when it matched after all.

But aside from his clothing, the man's face was his most defining character, since even just standing there his face was incredibly shifty, almost as shift as Nick's face when he was about to launch the Deception fist. Anyway, this middle-aged man in all green was the man referred to as the Green Sparrow Immortal!

The other man looked to be the same age as the Green Sparrow Immortal, but his clothing was much more modest and dim as he went between a blend of grey and silver, and his weapon of choice was a long sword.

If there had to be one thing that stood out from this man it would be the crown on his head made entirely of light! And unlike the Green Sparrow immortal this man's face carried a righteous and straightforward aura, this man was the one called Light prince Immortal!

"Hello, seniors, sorry to come and intrude on your civil conversation, but I was being chased by a band of Beast and I had no other choice!" Nick spoke out of breath as if he had run a marathon, but that didn't stop him from politely bowing to the two seniors.

"Young lad, why don't I see these beasts you speak of?" The Green Sparrow immortal looked behind Nick, but no matter how far he stretched his vision he was unable to detect these beasts Nick was talking about.

"What?!" Nick looked really surprised by Green Sparrow's revelation. He even turned back to look into the distance to make sure Green Sparrow was right.

"Hahahaha, thank you mighty Senior Immortals! Your presence must have stopped the beasts from chasing me a while back, but who knew that due to my fear of death I wouldn't even look back to check, sigh, I truly ran myself exhausted for nothing." Nick then bowed to the two Immortals for the second time.

"Hehehehe, it's good you're here boy, you can be the judge here! You see, my friend over there and I, have a little problem that we haven't been able to settle for centuries now, but since you're here, you will serve as an impartial third party and settle this once and for all!" The Green Sparrow Immortal seemed to be happy he was there.

"Green Sparrow Immortal, let this poor boy go! How many of these so-called judges of yours have we had to kill over the years because they judged in favor of the other person?!" The words of the LightPprince rang out in rage, but if one heard him clearly one would feel something wasn't right about the statement.

Nick also felt like the Light prince was a good person when he heard him telling Green Sparrow to let him go, but when he heard that he had also killed some of these judges he was honestly frightened.

He actually preferred the Green Immortal, who was straight forward in his deceptiveness rather than those like the Light Prince immortal, that pat your shoulder with one hand while patting your wife's butt with the other.

"Light Prince, we have been judged a hundred times now, and we have fifty rulings each! This young man's ruling will be the deciding factor to settle this matter once and for all!" Green Sparrow had made his decision, he had to win today whether he did it using politics or his fists!

Nick was frightened, if they have fifty rulings each, then doesn't that mean there have been a hundred judges before him?! So these two bastards have killed this many people to solve their dispute?!

"Fine then! Let's end this feud today! Boy, judge fairly, or my blade will judge you accordingly!" Light prince seemed to have been convinced into doing it by Green Sparrow.

"Wait! Senior immortals, there is one thing you don't know about me. Ever since the LIGHTNING SAGE, took me as his DISCIPLE, I was harmed while practicing one of his SECRET TECHNUIQES, and so my judgment center, which is situated in the middle of the brain has become damaged! Now I can't even make decisions on the simplest things in my daily life! So how can I decided over something as important as the feud you're speaking of?!"

Nick had made sure to emphasize some keywords in his speech, in short, what he said could be translated to, 'I have a well-known backer that took me in, and I am so close to him that he thought me his Secret techniques, so don't harm me, not for my own sake, but for your own.'.

"The Lightning sage?! You mean to tell me that, crazy Old freak who's obsessed with his granddaughter to a sickening point actually took you in as his disciple?! Why would he do that, from what I can see, there is nothing special about you!" The Light Prince immortal spoke his doubts.

When Nick heard this he gulped in nervousness so hard he nearly swallowed his adam's apple! He now had to do something that was incredibly nerve-wracking, and scary, yet had to be done nonetheless!

"Excuse me, Senior! You can eat what you want, but you can't say what you want! My ma..." Nick hadn't even finished when he got interrupted.

"Are you saying I can't say what I want?! So, should I ask your permission before I speak?!" The Light Prince was suddenly shrouded with murderous aura. And Green Sparrow watched from the sidelines with heated interest.

"Slip of the tongue, that was a slip of the tongue senior! What I meant to say was, you can eat what you want, and you can say what you want, everything is within your grasp, but if you insult my master again I swear I will..." Nick was doing his best to appear like he was truly the Lightning Sage's disciple, but he was interrupted yet again.

"You will do what?! Kill me?! Torcher me?! Or will you go and tell your master on me?!" The Light prince was the type that could be easily provoked, and the fact that Green Sparrow was laughing at him right now didn't help him cool down at all.

"Of course not! How can I kill you when I am so much weaker than you?! How can I torcher you when you have never harmed me before?! As for telling my master, I would never do that, I know very well that snitches get stitches! But, if you do insult my master again, my poor heart won't be able to bear it, and I will break down crying! And is that really what you want to see senior, a fully grown young man crying with snot and tears covering his face?!"

Nick's mind couldn't have been working any faster if it was on drugs! He was really working on overdrive at the moment.

"Humph! A grown man crying?! Preposterous! Why would the Lightning sage bother getting a disciple like you?!" The Light price was still not convinced that Nick was the Lightning sage's disciple. And neither was Green Sparrow who was scrutinizing Nick as well.

"Well, two seniors, what I lack in cultivation, I make up for in looks...I mean brains!" Nick's terrible habit of bragging had nearly cost him his head.

"Brains?! Hahahaha, and what can your brains do?!" Green sparrow was the one that spoke this time. Cultivation and strength were what mattered most in this world, brains were secondary! A strong man without brains might live for a week in this world, but a weak man with a large brain won't even survive a day!

"Well, Seniors, I can learn any technique, strong or weak, in just a few minutes, and I can master it in a few hours!" Nick announced proudly. It was time to prove he was a genius that can't be easily offended.

"Humph!" The Light Prince snorted in rage and flew towards Nick slowly, but no matter how Nick tried, he just couldn't move at all!

"Lying is a sin punishable by death!" The Light prince had obviously taught Nick was lying, what he claimed was just too unbelievable! And just as he was about to stab Nick in the heart with his sword, the Green Sparrow appeared behind the Light Prince and attempted to jam the large Staff of his, towards the middle area of the Light Prince's butt, exactly where the butthole was supposed to be!

"Ayyyyyyyyy! Despicable!! Utterly despicable!" The Light Prince released a squeal of agony before he retreated to the side and began cursing Green Sparrow out while using his one hand to cover his butt.

"Bullseye! Right in the nono circle! What did you think of that brat?!" The Green Sparrow was proud of himself, and he couldn't help asking Nick's thoughts about the attack. He looked like a little child that was waiting to be praised.

"Why...didn't you aim for his head?" Nick was confused, Green sparrow could have killed the man, but he had chosen to sexually harras him instead?!

"Hmph, do you think that immortals are stupid, they always guard their vitals rigorously! So, when you surprise attack them, remember, you aim for the areas with weak cover and are unguarded! Like their asshole!" Green Sparrow was apparently much more adept at these things than Nick.

"I see, thank you for opening my eyes to the world Senior!" Nick thanked the man in front of him from the bottom of his heart. He had just received a life lesson that will last him for a lifetime! This was advice from a kindred spirit!