The miracle of birth, Part 1

Nick knew that lying to the two in front of him didn't matter since they were both unable to betray him anyway, but Nick wasn't one to tell someone what they wanted just because they asked nicely, no, he would rather you die from curiosity! "None of your goddamn business!!!" Nick snapped. And immediately he felt a lot better.

"Brother Nick, there is no need to be angry here. It will just agitate your wounds…how about I massage you?" Loyd was ever so helpful with his comments, and he didn't even wait for Nick to agree when he stretched out his hands toward Nick's shoulder to start the massage.

"Massage your ass! Don't you dare touch me!! And who do you think you are fooling with your kind acts, I distinctly remember one of you shoving me into a pool, and the other calling me a pervert!" Nick yelled at the two poor individuals in front of him, prompting them to bow their heads in shame. This was one of Nick's specialties, no matter how distressed he was inside, all he needed to do was yell at people and he would immediately feel a lot better than he did before.

"Master, I was the one that shoved you into the pool to save your life, please don't place me in the same category as this stupid human beside me who defamed you, by calling you a pervert!" Silver felt like he was being judged unfairly, he had shoved his master because he wanted him to reach the pool faster after all.

"Shut up, stupid Beast! How was that, do you like being called a stupid beast?! Always calling me a stupid human, so from now on I will call you a stupid beast as well! Also, Brother Nick jumped into the pool without warning, and while I was still naked inside it too! If this can't be classified as pervert behavior then I don't know what can!" Loyd retorted. Since he was mostly healed up now, he didn't need to fear Silver that much…okay, he was speaking so boldly because Nick was there to protect him, otherwise he'd rather die than talk back to such a humongous beast.

"Cough, cough!" Nick felt like all his dispersed rage gathered back up all of a sudden. Why can't Silver and Loyd just shut up and take the berating quietly?! Can't they see he needed this?! How could they neglect the needs of an injured person like this?!

Nick then fell into the same predicament as before, where he wanted to check if the two immortals outside were gone, but he couldn't because he had no means to look into the outside world just yet. Nick then begrudgingly took a look at the Palace Level up quests.

Ding! Birth a life in the Palace space!

"What?!" Nick couldn't believe it. Did the system expect him to bring a pregnant woman into the palace just so she can give birth in here?!

"Hahahaha, Little brat, it's your lucky day, hehe…" The Old geezer said in a very cryptic manner, scaring Nick a little. What did the Old virgin mean by it's his lucky day, didn't he nearly die today?!

"Explain yourself Old bastard!" Nick hated people that didn't explain themselves clearly.

But the Old geezer was quiet, a little too quiet even.


Suddenly, as Nick was throwing curses at the Old geezer trying to get him to say something, a loud, pained cry broke out from another part of the Palace. Curious, Nick and the others ran to the source of the sound.

"Oh my god! Master, what is this?! What is it doing right now?!" Silver was the first to voice his shock upon their arrival.

"It…it…is…" Loyd was at a loss for words, and a little unsure as well to be honest.

"Damn it! The Black Drake is giving birth! How come I didn't know that it was female?! And why the hell are you staring at me like that?!" What he was seeing left Nick shocked as well. Upon their arrival, what welcomed the group was the beautiful image of the Black Drake on its back with its hind legs wide open. And as it breathed in and out laboriously, the Black Drake kept its eyes trained at Nick the whole time, as if he was the one responsible for it getting pregnant.

"Hehe, Brat, the beast seems to be suffering from indigestion, I guess it needs a little help, good luck, haha!" The Old geezer was beyond happy right now. Just thinking of Nick helping a pregnant beast give birth gave him goosebumps of excitement.

"Oh, indigestion, you say…" But the Old geezer had forgotten something. He had forgotten that he wasn't conversing with a normal person!

'System, give me a bottle of laxatives!" Nick ordered. It was simple enough right, the beast was unable to push it out, so a drop of laxative would help it on its way. Nick even wondered why the doctors back on earth didn't think of this yet…

"No!!! Are you crazy, boy?! It would kill that beast and its child if you gave it such a strong laxative now!" The Old geezer said, horrified. How in the world did someone as crazy as Nick become a successful lawyer in his last life?!

"Oh, so then…would it work if I get Silver to blow into the Black Drake's mouth, you know, until something pops out from the other end...?" Nick asked, like a curious little biology student. He didn't know what would work for the beasts of this world.

"No! How could you even think that would work?!" The Old geezer couldn't hide his utter disbelief.

"I see, then how about we punch the beast in the face?" Nick was out of ideas and was just saying what ever came to his mind by this point. Hoping that one of the random crap he was saying would earn the Old geezer's approval.

"This is just animal abuse by this point!" The Old geezer felt like he was losing years of his life span with every passing second he talked to Nick.

"What?! Well, that's a letdown, then, what did you mean when you said it needed a little help earlier?" Nick asked, unable to understand the geezer.

"I meant someone to help it in labor…hehe…" The Old geezer's laugh this time was fake, Nick had sucked all the fun out of the situation by acting so frivolous.

"Oh…I see…Silver, go scare the living child out of that beast!" Nick commanded. This was all the help he could provide for the poor beast. His injuries haven't healed enough for his heart to survive him shoving his hands inside a beast yet…

But this time the Old geezer need not say anything, for Silver had beaten him to it! "Master, that feels wrong. Female beasts are women too, you know? Would you do the same if the pregnant creature in front of you was human?!" Silver asked Nick righteously.

Nick was going to honestly tell Silver that he didn't discriminate between species and that he would treat a human just the same, but the look on Loyd's face was just too…scary to do so. So, Nick said this instead, "Sigh, you are right Silver, I have learned something valuable today. Thank you, dear friend! Loyd, let's go and wait outside as Silver takes care of the Black Drake his way, I don't think it's even appropriate for us to look at the beast when she is naked and spread out like this!"

Bang! The two had humans had run out quickly and closed the door behind them.

"Master, wait! Loyd you…stupid human!" But alas, the two humans had left poor Silver alone inside. Silver couldn't help but curse Nick out for his shamelessness, how could Nick claim that staring at a naked beast was inappropriate, which clothed beast had he seen until now?!


"What the fuck are you mooowing about, you aren't a cow!" Silver snapped at the beast.

"Be gentle with her, Silver! Would you treat her like this if she was carrying your child?!" Nick's head popped by the door, berated Silver, and popped back out.

Silver then wobbled over to the flailing Black Drake and tried to comfort her at first. Silver slowly lowered his head to the Black Drake's face and said, "It's okay, breath in haaaaaaa, breath out huuuuuuuu, breath in haaaaaa, breath out huuuuuu, breath in haaaaa…"


The Black Drake grabbed Silver's close face and used her hind legs to kick him right in the eyes. The bastard was just too close to her face, so, when he breathed in to show her how to do it, he sucked in all her oxygen, and when he breathed out he bathed her in his stinky breath!

"Fucking bitch!" Silver cursed, fully enraged.

"Now, now Silver, that is no way to speak to a female, especially one that is in the middle of giving birth! Try being patient with her…hehe!" Nick popped in and out again. He felt like life was just too wonderful by this point. His pet had thought itself to be a righteous earlier but now look at him, the bastard couldn't wait to tear the pregnant beast to shreds, without an ounce of the sympathy from earlier.

"Of course, Master!" Silver said, his teeth gritted and his skin shivering from rage.

Silver then turned to the Black Drake and asked it in the beast language, "Then what do you want me to do to help?!"

The Black Drake was silent for a moment after Silver posed this question, but then, after seconds of silence, it said shyly, "Well…the child needs a father…"

"…" Silver was speechless.

Nick and Loyd had no idea what the two were talking about in there, but for some reason, their male instincts told them to run away…