The miracle of birth, Last part

"Sorry, I am still too young for that much responsibility." Silver replied calmly. He had too many sexual issues as it is, and he wasn't going to add to that by taking in such a weird little wife.

"Humph, men! Always ready to play but never accept the consequence!" The Black Drake said scornfully. And then she went back to mooowing in pain like before.

"Hey, what do you mean 'ready to play but never accept the consequences'?! Do you even know how difficult it is for me to do that?! Do you know how bad I am at it, let me tell you something, you cow wannabe! I am so bad at sex that I can't even get someone pregnant if I tried!" Silver tried his best to set the record straight.

"That's even better! Think about it, you can't have your own, beast as a mate, so I can be one for you! You have no child, so the one in my stomach can be one for you!" The Black Drake spoke matter-of-factly. She wasn't afraid of Silver since all the adrenalin of childbirth was going to her head. And she was dead set on making Silver the father since she wanted this powerful beast to protect her child.

"Oh…then what race is the child going to belong to?" Silver asked because it wasn't too much responsibility to become a beast's father, all he would have to do was not eat him as he grew up. But what concerned him was the species of the child. He already knew that the mother was a rare Black Drake, but he didn't yet know what species the child's father belonged to. He didn't want to raise a mouse as his child after all.

"His father?! His father is a dragon amongst his species, a hero of his people! But sadly, he died trying his best to fight the enemy from within!" The Black Drake spoke loudly. But inside she was hoping that Silver hadn't caught on to her wordplay back there.

"A dragon amongst his species? I asked you what species he belonged to, lady, not the guy's character!" Silver caught her wordplay instantly. He had long since gotten used to Nick playing tricks on him using his words and compared to a devil-like Nick, the Black Drake was still just an infant sucking at mothers tit!

"Well…he was a…Blue Horned…Hog…" The Black Drake said shily.

"A pig?!! You almost had me raise a pig as my child?!" Silver snapped.

"Not a pig, a hog!" The Black Drake spoke correctively.

"Well then, how did this HOG die fighting an enemy from within?!" Silver was honestly curious.

"That…he choked on a piece of chicken bone…" The Black Drake replied shily, but honestly.

"I see…" Silver said, but then he pointed to a spot behind the Black Drake and said, "Look, is that a Blue Horned Hog?!"

"Honey?!" The Black Drake looked behind her in agitation, but when she saw nothing there, she turned her head back to Silver…but…


Silver had taken this time to get close to her, and when she turned her head Silver was waiting for her with the scariest face he could muster, and roared at her!


"Oink, oink, oiiiiink!" And out came a little beast with the body of a lizard and the head of a pig, oinking away like there was no tomorrow.

"What do you know, it works!" Nick had rushed in when he heard Silver's roar. He was afraid Silver might harm the Black Drake and his chances to level up the Palace, with it. But when he saw how his ridiculous plan from earlier had worked, it made him very happy. This proved that he could have been a doctor in his last life if being a lawyer didn't pan out…

Ding! The Palace Level up quest, Birth a life in the Palace space, has been completed!

Ding! Palace leveled up to the third level!

Ding! Unlocked the function, 'Who's out there!'!

[Who's out there: A function that allows the host to check a thousand meters around the area outside of the palace space. This function is guaranteed to come with a 360 degree all surround vision and high definition audio. (Can level up with the palace!)]

"Master, I did it!" Silver rushed over to Nick excitedly, and ducked his head, begging for praise.

"No Silver, we did it!" Nick said as he patted Silver on the head.

"Don't forget about me!" Loyd showed up as well, and also extended his hands to Silver's head, trying his best to join in on the bonding moment.

"Yes, bring your hand closer, I have been thirsting for human flesh!" Silver said eerily, scaring Loyd's extended hand back.

But as this warm and brotherly scene played out, a tiny figure wobbled and waddled its way to Silver's feet and began rubbing its head against Silver's gigantic feet affectionately.

"Oink! Oink! Oink!" The Drake-Hog squealed at Silver. Apparently trying to communicate with Silver in its own way.

"Who the fuck is your daddy?!" Silver was so shocked, he replied back using the human language.


For the second time today, Silver got abandoned! The two humans had rushed away immediately upon knowing that the Pig was trying to find its father.

Nick and Loyd split up midway though, with Loyd heading to the healing pool, and Nick rushing off to the bathroom for a…bath.

While soaked in the bathtub, Nick decided to take a little peek outside, just to see how things were, out there. But when Nick looked outside, he nearly jumped out of the tub in shock. The entire area was a mess, with giant sword marks that cleaved apart the ground, which were most inflicted by the Light Prince immortal. And the large circular holes in the ground, most likely from the Green Sparrow trying to poke the Light Prince in the butt.

Nick even wondered how he had survived the wrath and the attacks from the Light Prince earlier. And upon thinking up to this point Nick frowned. He wasn't too happy with this 'Rage of the Black Tiger' technique he got. Sure, the technique must have its strengths if it was able to keep the Light Prince at bay for a while, but all that didn't matter if Nick couldn't make calculated decisions. And if he ever regained clarity and found himself in a situation like the one earlier, it would be a heart attack that kills him, not his enemy.

"Silver, go outside and head straight forward, I don't believe we are unlucky enough to run into other powerhouses like that again." Nick sent Silver a mental message. Then after anchoring the Palace exit to Silver's saddle like before, he sent it outside.

And as Silver flew forward, Nick could see a thousand meters in every direction ranging from him! It was like Nick was enjoying a movie while in the bathtub.

"Silver, stop! There are a couple of humans up ahead, and they seem to be pretty weak, so catch them unaware and question them about the rest of our crew." Nick saw a group of five consisting of three women, and two men rushing in Silver's direction, and since he was too lazy to move anymore, he had Silver do the talking.

"Yes, Master." Silver said. And immediately he swooped down to the ground and used his wings to cover his entire body, and since Silver's wings were riddled with black scales, he resembled a small Black mountain, and not a fierce a beast!

And just a few minutes later, the group of five had approached Silver.

"Hey, do think what they are saying is true? Has the secret realm really upgraded itself?!" Girl One asked.

"I don't think so. Most probably the higher-ups just said this so that no one will question their Secret realm testing methods." Girl Two replied.

"Hey guys, don't you think we have flown enough, why don't we camp a little by that mountain over there?" Boy One said, as she sneakily got closer to girl One and stretched his hands to her bottom.


"Please refrain yourself, I have a boyfriend!" The girl smacked the man's hand away before he even got lucky, and she proudly announced that she was already taken.

"But we don't!" The other two girls said in unison.

The Poor Boy One then held his injured hand and looked at the faces of the two girls with a forced smile. As he refrained himself from saying, who fuck asked you?! And instead said kindly, "Please control yourselves ladies, I am already taken!"

"But I am not!" Boy Two, who was feeling left out of the conversation, jumped in.

The two heart-broken girls looked at Boy Two's face in unison and forced a smile. As they refrained themselves from saying, Who the hell cares?! And instead said sweetly, "Sorry Big brother, we prefer men with looks." These ladies didn't care about saving the Poorboy some embarrassment at all.

"Savage!" Nick who was listening in from inside his bathtub at the Palace commented.