Do you have insurance?

"Now, we wait…and build a food stall!" Nick replied, excitedly. It had been a while since he last cooked, and although the meals he makes won't be as incredible anymore due to the inactive Cooking skill, it would still taste better than nothing! And if you add the fact that he was broke for the time being, building a food stall made a lot of sense.

"A food stall?!" Loyd was taken aback.

"Yes, a food stall," Nick replied. As he took out spices from his storage ring.

"Alright, brother Nick, but where do I get the materials for building the stall?" Loyd asked.

"That is for you to find out, I can't leave this place since those who completed the bounty will come to find me here. Now go, and leave your satchel here, I don't want you to get robbed on your way back." Nick spoke as if he cared about Loyd, but in truth, he just didn't want the bastard to run away after enjoying all the benefits Nick had to offer.

"This…brother Nick, there are valuable and private techniques in my satchel that I just can't let you see," Loyd said with a frown.

"Why not, you already saw me use them earlier, right?! I don't need the books and I just copied them of your movements, so why would a talented person like me need to steal your low-level books?! Also, didn't you hear me say I was handing out an Immortal king-level technique to the people, and although it is incomplete, it is still far better than yours. So, stop acting like you're a rich cultivator when in fact you are a mere beggar in my eyes!" Nick scolded.

"Sigh, brother Nick, your words cut me deep inside, why do you keep hurting my feelings so much, I already apologized for the sandwiches and the burgers I ate, why do you hold grudges so deeply?!" Loyd felt fed up with the continuous insults and comments.

"Oh, so you stole my burgers as well?! And here I was, thinking of letting you off the hook, but you stole my precious Double cheeseburger with extra beef on all layers?! Unforgivable!" Nick was enraged. He had created that burger following the descriptions in the Cooking Skill, and it was said to be the best burger in existence! But due to already eating five of those he wanted to rest before he ate the six one.

But when he woke up the burger was gone, and so was the evidence that proved he had even made it! And after a thorough search around the saddle, Nick finally gave up, believing that he had calculated wrongly. But now he knew that this fucker was the one that ate his last burger?! Any man knows that you can't touch another man's food, especially when it is the first or the last one!

"I have to go now, brother Nick! Here is the satchel, bye!" Loyd ran off. He had stepped on his own foot this time.

Nick looked at the running Loyd and smiled, what a dumb ass. He had actually listened to him and left his satchel here?! Nick laughed as he stored Loyd's satchel into his storage ring casually, never to take it back out for the rest of his life.

About two minutes later.

"Brother, look at this!" A man ran over to Nick excitedly and showed him something.

"What…is that?!" Nick asked, honestly curious.

"Wow, brother, you can't even recognize your neighbor's hair?!" The man said contemptuously.

"This…is Peter's hair? But…what do you want me to do with it?" Nick for the life of him couldn't understand what the man wanted.

"What do you mean, brother?! You wanted your neighbor, didn't you?! Well, I have found his hair for you!"

"Yes, you did find his hair, now go find the rest of him and you get your prizes," Nick replied, unable to understand the man's point here.

"But, don't I get something for this hair?" The man asked.

"Yes, you do, here, a comb, it's a gift from me to you." Said Nick, as he threw the man a comb that was wrapped up in some cloth. Nick had bought this comb for the little piggy in his palace, but he wasn't going to use it anymore since the Piggy had swallowed the comb and pooped it back out to make her point to Nick. Apparently, piggy would rather suffer pooping that large thing out than suffer getting combed with it!

"Fine, I will go find the rest of him! But remember this, I will not forget this insult!" The man sounded really upset.

Nick was unable to understand the crazy man until he saw the man's shiny bald head. Apparently, the man had misunderstood him, but Nick wasn't going to correct him. Why increase the number of words exchanged with stupid people like that?

After thinking for a moment Nick wrote some words on the large cardboard box which used to house the speaker and wrote the words 'All participants must bring the bounties themselves and not their body parts!' Then Nick placed it in front of him for all to see.

"I guess this won't do then, huh?" A man suddenly walked up to Nick and blinked at the thing in his hands before showing Nick what it was and asking.

Nick looked at the large beast bone and asked the man, "What, just what made you bring this in and think it would work?!" Nick was about to lose his mind over these idiots.

"Well, you never know unless you try." The man said enthusiastically.

"Of course, you can know before you try! I asked for living breathing humans, and you brought a large beast bone that looks nothing like them!" Nick snapped.

"Sheesh, brother Albert, you should try calming down a little. It isn't good to be so stressed." Another man said as he took out a large ball of hair just like the first person and said, "I heard you get a comb as a reward if you find their hair."

"…" This was one of those times Nick really missed the Deception Fist skill.

A few grueling minutes later.

"Brother Nick, I am here with some wood," Loyd announced his arrival. As he swaggered up while carrying a large pile of wood.

"Brother Nick, you can give me my satchel back now," Loyd said as he placed the pile of wood down.

"Sorry, Loyd, someone just stole it from me." Said Nick as he admired the nice and clean pile of wood, which would be perfect for the stall he had in mind.

"What?! Brother Nick, please don't joke with me, all my valuables are in there!" Said Loyd, anxiously.

"Well, that's too bad. A man came over just earlier and took it right under my nose! I tried to stop him, but the bald man used his shiny head to blind me!" Nick looked at Loyd and acted really frustrated, as if that was really the truth.

"How could you let him take it, brother Nick?!" Loyd was on the verge of tears. All his treasures and skills, gone!

"Well, do you have insurance?" Nick asked.

"What is insurance?!" Loyd snapped.

"Sheesh, brother Loyd, calm down. It's not like I got robbed on purpose, the man even took little piggy's comb! Too bad you don't have insurance though, if you did then it wouldn't have been as bad." Said Nick.

"Ahhh! I will go through the city and look for him! Brother Nick, wait here in case he comes back this way! Humph, how dare someone steal from us?! We will make that person pay with blood!" Loyd spoke through his gritted teeth.

"You go right ahead and do that. I don't plan on taking revenge on the poor man. Just imagine how delusional he must be to steal a freaking comb when he was bald?! I have already grieved for Piggy's stolen items and my stolen time. And I have moved on with my life, and I think you should too!" Nick said as he set up his stall.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Loyd ignored Nick and left for the middle of the city, determined to get his things back if someone really did steal them as Nick said. In fact, Loyd hoped that it was stolen, because if it wasn't and Nick was the one that took it, the chances of finding it were even slim to none!

"Damn it! That lazy bastard is getting out of work by using this as an excuse, isn't he?!" Nick felt like he got tricked.

"Brother, what is this stall for?" A gorgeous cultivator walked over to Nick's stall and asked with her sweet angelic voice.

"Oh, my god! Has anyone ever told you that you are very sexy?!" Nick ran over to the woman's side, ignoring the stall he had been supporting, causing it to break back down and fall on the ground.

"Ah, not really. Actually, I am kind of the ugly one in my family." The girl giggled cutely and spoke modestly.

Nick hated modest people the most, they were just people that lowered themselves just so someone can compliment them and tell them they better than they think they are. It was exhausting dealing with these kinds of people so, Nick looked at the woman and said, "Well, it is good to be honest." And he went back to building the stall.

"Uh, well, to tell you the truth, I am actually not that honest." The girl said humbly. But it shook her inside, Nick didn't tell her she was wrong, and that she was just being modest, so, did this mean he really thought she was ugly?!

"Good to know, I don't like honest people." Nick's interest returned, and he dropped the stall again. He really didn't like honest people that much. They were just too boring to be around.