The famous food stall, part 1

[No double chapters today since I got the light back up just a few hours ago. I will do it tomorrow though.]

"Uh, well, to tell you the truth, I am actually not that honest." The girl said humbly. But it shook her inside, Nick didn't tell her she was wrong, and that she was just being modest, so, did this mean he really thought she was ugly?!

"Good to know, I don't like honest people." Nick's interest returned, and he dropped the stall again. He really didn't like honest people that much. They were just too boring to be around.

What…? The girl got confused. Who doesn't like honest people? And why the hell did this man take every modest comment she made literally?! But taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, the girl said, "Well sir, you haven't answered my question just yet. What are you building a stall here for, are you perhaps selling weapons and armor?"

"No, nothing so cliché. I am building a food stall! Hehe, young lady, what is your name?" Nick wasn't a hypocrite that would close his eyes to the beauty laid before him. Since the lady walked up to him and talked so much then it stands to reason that he should return the favor.

"A food stall?!" The girl's already large eyes widened even further in disbelief.

Nick walked over to the girl's side and spoke with his arms now around her shoulder. "Yes, why are you acting so surprised though? Don't you know that being innovative is the best part of any inventor?! As a brilliant inventor, I spend my time doing things that others believe to be pointless, and when the entire world looks down on me for my arrogance, I will prevail and then laugh at their ignorance!"

"This…I see, I have heard you introduce those great inventions earlier. It seems that small minds like mine can't compare to those of a genius like yours." The girl sounded like a fan of Nick's already.

"Don't say that, your mind isn't small, it is just dusty, that's all. All your mind needs to reach my level of ingenuity is some cleaning, polishing, waxing, and minor surgery. Anyway, young lady, why are you making a busy inventor such as myself ask your name twice?" Nick was walking the girl closer to his stall as he educated her.

"Ah, sorry about that! My name is Emily, Emily Johnson. I already know who you are though since I heard you introduce yourself to the crowd earlier." The girl said shyly. She had just woken up from the trance Nick's 'interesting' words had put her in and realized how close Nick had gotten to her. And his warm arms around her shoulder which no other man had ever touched before made her face flush from a weird sense of excitement and anxiety.

"Well, Emily Johnson, how about you give me your number and I call you…wait, that doesn't work here does it? Hey Emily, how do people of this world keep in contact when they are dating?!" Nick stopped in front of the stall which he hadn't yet finished setting up and asked.

"Dating? What is that? Also, why are you talking as if you're not from this world?" Emily asked Nick in a confused manner.

"Well, dating is when, two people of the opposite sex…well that wasn't politically correct of me! I meant dating is when two people, who like each other, get together and have a good time." Nick explained to the confused girl, at the same time refusing to address her other question about being from another world.

"Oh, you mean marriage! Well, that…" Emily had yet to finish when Nick interrupted her.

"No! Not marriage! Are you trying to kill my freedom, woman?! I mean the thing you do just for fun, to see if the two of you actually like each other." Nick was anxious. How could the woman say the M-word so casually? Didn't she know that this word was a taboo for most handsome bachelors such as himself?!

"Do you mean, a marriage introduction, where you sit down and talk to each other to find out if you are compatible, and you get married the next day if you are?" Emily asked, feeling like she got the answer this time.

"…" Nick was excited to hear Emily at first, thinking that she had finally understood him, but her final words were like hammers that broke his heart. The lady didn't understand him at all!

"Sigh, Emily, how about we forget about marriage and enjoy each other's company?" Nick said with a sly grin and his eyebrows dancing.

"That sounds like fun, Mr. Albert. What do you propose we should do?" Emily asked.

"Well, hold this for a moment. Yes, just like that, lift it up, a little more, perfect! Now spread it open, wider, wider, lower, wider, too wide, perfect! Now I will try to shove this in there, ah, it's stuck, try shaking it a little, harder, shake it harder, yes, shake it just like that, shake it for dady."

"Mr. Albert, it doesn't seem to fit."

"Humph, get ready, I will shove it in hard."

"But, what if it splinters?!"

"Humph, how can a man back down from a challenge just because of that?! Don't worry, I have plenty of spares."

"Hey, brat! Could you not speak like that, someone might misunderstand and think you are doing something…dirty!" The Old geezer spoke anxiously.

"Huh…?" Nick held the piece of wood that he was going to use for the finish on the food stall with confusion, who would misinterpret, him, building a food stall with Emily, as dirty? But as Nick looked around, it stunned him to find out everyone in the area was staring at him and Emily weirdly.

Nick and Emily were just building the food stall…

"Mr. Albert, why is everyone staring at us?" Emily grew self-conscious.

"They must really like the…food stall?" Nick felt confused as well.

"Oh, well then, Mr. Albert, it seems your stall is going to be successful!" Then Emily said nothing more as she helped Nick fit in the last piece of wood for the stall.

"What will you be naming it?" Emily asked, she felt really satisfied with this stall she had made with her own two hands.

"Well, since you helped, I will let you name it," Nick said generously.

"Really?! In that case, how about…Emert!'


"You know, Emily and Albert, Emert!"

"You know what, on second thought, we can always leave it nameless." Nick decided to never ask another person from this world for naming advice again.

"So, what will you be making?" Emily asked, even though she felt slightly offended with Nick's blatant disregard for her great naming idea.

"I will make a Double-decker burger!" Nick announced as he took out a carcass of a large beast. Loyd had killed this beast on their journey to the city, and Nick had offered to keep it for him since Loyd didn't have a storage ring of his own yet.

"Wow, I can't wait to taste it, I will come by later, make sure to keep me a serving," Emily said with a smile as she walked away from Nick.

"Of course, I will keep a serving for you! But where the hell do you think you are going?! Can't you see how in need of helpers I am? How could you just walk off after having your fun?!" Nick snapped.

"Uh, then what can I do to help?" Emily had already labeled Nick a crazy person and was now just doing anything that would get her away from him sooner.

"Skin the beast, take the meat out, and mince it. I will inform you of your next instructions." Nick commanded. And went to the side to prepare the side ingredients.

Shwa! Swish! Sha! Sha! Sha!

Emily displayed her expert swordsmanship skills as she turned the carcass inside out in seconds and laid the perfectly minced meat before Nick in the next second.

"Will that suffice?" Emily no longer looked amiable.

"It will have to do."


"Now go and advertise the stall as I cook!" Nick took out a barbecue grill and began roasting the meat patties.

"How do I advertise the stall?"

"Use this, it is the thing I used to amplify my voice earlier. Try gathering a crowd to the stall." Nick handed Emily the microphone and turned the speaker back on.

"But…I don't know what to say!" Emily felt anxious, she wasn't comfortable being on stage.

"It's easy, just do what I do now!" Nick scoffed and took the microphone back and began speaking.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, step right up and taste, the Burger! And this isn't just any burger, but the famous Double-decker burger that heroes have fought wars over, and damsels in distress get distressed over! With one bite, this burger will cure a hundred ailments! And if it doesn't cure your ailment, it just means that your ailment isn't part of the one hundred ailments it can cure!"

"Ladies, a snack that can make your skin fairer, your butts firmer, and your chests…hehe. And for men, this meal will not only give you the extra Umph in bed, but even your little buddy will go through another growth spurt!"


Immediately a crowd gathered by the stall, and chaos ensued.

"I want one! No, make it ten, my husband needs them!"

"I want one as well, I want my butt to be a little firmer!"

"Me too! I want my chest to…hehe!" The crowd went wild!

Emily stood there stunned. What was going on here, why did people believe such an obvious lie?! And why did she want one so badly now?!