The famous food stall, part 2

Emily stood there stunned. What was going on here, why did people believe such an obvious lie?! And why did she want one so badly now?!

"Amazing, isn't it? This is the power of specialized target advertising." Nick could see the shock and awe on Emily's face so how could he stop himself from bragging a little.

"Chef, please stop talking with the lady and cook the burgers! We are waiting in line you know! Humph, she isn't even that beautiful, how about I set you up with my daughter instead?" An impatient woman who couldn't wait for her butt to be firmer interrupted Nick's nice little chat with Emily.

"Who does your daughter take after?" Nick asked.

"Me, of course." The woman announced proudly.

"…" Nick didn't say anything back to the woman and went to his grill to cook the patties in silence. The nerve of some people.

"Mr. Albert, should I just repeat your earlier words again when I advertise?" Emily walked over to Nick who looked kind of dejected and asked.

"No, just say whatever you feel others are lacking. For example, tell people with a short height that the burger can make them a little taller, and tell chunky people that eating burgers can make them a little thinner. Catch my drift?" Nick explained to Emily with slight whispers, which he masked using his cultivation energy so that the crowd won't hear him.

"That sounds a little too good to be true, Mr. Albert. Can the burger really do all this?!" Emily asked. With a little sarcasm and doubt detectible in her tone.

"Umm, sure it can, just go and advertise the burgers as if it can do anything. Have you ever seen a device that can amplify your voice a hundred-fold without the use of cultivation energy before?! You obviously haven't, but look, aren't you holding one right now? A brilliant inventor such myself doesn't just go around scamming people you know I have my pride to protect!" Nick sounded a little angry that Emily didn't believe him.

"I see, well then Mr. Albert, I will trust you this time and do as you say. But please remember, if you are lying and you make me out to be a liar then don't ever dream of talking to me again!" Emily warned Nick with the scariest threat she could think of other than death.

"Deal!" Nick replied quickly. So, what if he couldn't talk to her anymore, by her uptight demeanor the chances of his scoring with her were slim to none, so might as well get her to work for free and part ways.

"Ahem, ladies…and gentlemen, I am Emily!" Emily felt so nervous, she yelled out her own name, scarring a lot of birds and people half to death.

"Are your crazy woman?! Don't use your real name, what if the people come after you later?! Just use an alias or a stage name if you have one." Nick snatched the microphone from Emily and pulled her to the side to give her some sound advice.

"Why would they come after me? Is your product not legit?!" Emily asked in shock.

"No, it is definitely the real deal. In fact, I am troubled over how much I should charge for it! But, don't you know how many people will want this miraculous burger when word gets out?! What if those people catch you and torture you for more burgers after I am gone? Why do you keep taking my well-meant advice negatively?!" Nick, as always got out of the situation sneakily. And came out as the hero in all this.

"Sorry, Mr. Albert, as you can already tell, I have minor trust issues. Please, forgive me, I will work twice as hard as an apology! Hmm, but what is that 'stage name' you spoke of earlier?" Emily sounded very apologetic.

"A stage name is a name used specifically on stage and nowhere else, it's a name you use to communicate with multiple people while hiding your identity!" Nick explained while toasting the bread buns he purchased in bulk from the system.

"Ohh, that's interesting. How about I call myself, Stephen?" Emily sounded excited at the prospect of having a new name.

"Nice, Stephany will do." Nick nodded. He was putting the finishing touches on five burgers.

"No, Mr. Albert, I said Stephen, that way I can confuse those that look for me later by making them think I am a man!" Emily explained.

"Hmm…interesting. Go ahead then." Nick felt a little regretful, the lady had such a decent potential for crime, but she didn't seem like the kind to enjoy, fun activities like that.

"Ahem, excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I had told you my fake name earlier, my real name is Stephen!" Emily reintroduced herself, just as loud as before, and then turned to Nick and gave him a very obvious wink.

"…" Nick took back what he said about Emily having a potential for crime.

"Now ladies gather around, tase the Burger of wonder! All your wrinkles, gone! You there, yes you sir the man with no arms, eat a Burger and regenerate it in seconds! And you, beautiful lady in white, I can see you're anxiously looking for someone, eat this burger and it will help you locate that person instantly! Oh, madam, are you suffering from back pains, taste the holly Burger, and get cleansed of all your injuries!" Emily got very excited, as her promised got bigger and bigger!

And the scariest part of it all was that Nick couldn't catch her! Nick had been chasing Emily to take the microphone back but the girl was just too fast for him, and he just couldn't catch her! Apparently, she was way stronger than him.

"Sir, are you going outside the city to hunt beasts and make a name for yourself? Well buy a burger and take it with you, because any injuries sever or not could be healed with one bit! Don't doubt it, the Burger was invented by our famous inventor Albert here who has created many other miracles! And from what I know about this Burger's endless capabilities, it can even bring a dead person back to…"

Emily was very worked up and excited over her new job, especially when she saw the endless stream of people each of her comments brought to the stall! She was even dodging Nick who seemed to be trying to hug her for a job well done. But before she made her biggest Burger promise yet, her microphone died. Confused she looked back at Nick only to find him next to the speaker, looking at her in pure horror.

Nick was truly horrified, the promised he made were not that tangible in a short amount of time, and he made sure to make it sound like nothing was guaranteed, but Emily spoke as if everything was possible instantly after eating a burger! How was he going to regenerate a man's arm with cheese, and how on earth was a burger supposed to help you locate someone?! The damn bitch was even going to tell people they could revive someone with a burger if he hadn't reacted fast enough!

"What is going on Mr. Albert? Why did the speaker stop all of a sudden?" Emily asked Nick as she scratched her head in a confused manner.

"Haha! Brat, how does it feel to have your own plan backfire on you?!" The Old geezer felt like dancing, it wasn't so often that he could get Nick to mess up, but when it happened the happiness and joy that came with it were priceless.

Nick frowned deeply for a little while, but then he sighed heavily and went over to the burgers he was making. He also turned the speaker back on and signaled for Emily to continue. Since he was fucked anyway, then why not make a lot of money out of the situation?!

And after giving the crowd one last look of pity he took out a large bottle and dumped its contents into the minced meat, and mixed it all together. The thing inside the bottle was obviously laxatives, Nick figured that the people won't be able to complain about broken promises since they will be too busy to do so! Besides, Nick had learned countless times back on earth to avoid street food, and it was about time he shared this little lesson with the people of this world.

"Stephany, tell the people the price for one burger is fifty Transcendence stones!" Nick informed Emily, who was in the middle of telling a woman how smooth a burger would make her hair.

"Mr. Albert isn't the price a little too…" Emily felt like the price was a little too cheap.

"Of course not, this Double-decker burger is worth every stone! Do you think cheese grows on trees?!" Nick snapped, completely misunderstanding Emily.

"No, Mr. Albert, I meant it is a little too cheap for such a powerful and magical meal," Emily explained.

"Emily, it seems like you are smarter than you look! I couldn't agree more, and the reason that I set the price so low was because I didn't want others to suffer too much even if I had to. But now that you mention it why do I have to suffer a loss when I am serving everyone diarrhea…ahem, excuse me, heaven on a plate?! Go ahead and put up a price that you feel is right." Nick gave Emily the privilege of naming the price since this was the least he could do when he wasn't going to give her anything for today's work.

"Everyone, the price of each burger is a hundred transcendence stones!" Emily then looked back at Nick asking for approval and Nick smiled brightly at her. And deep in her heart, she knew, that she had made him very proud and happy.