The Scary Master Crow, part 4


The Frost Titan roared to the heavens as he hammered his chest aggressively, causing a couple of ice blocks to flake off and crash to the ground violently.

"Elder Frost, it seems your Titan form has reached great height since I saw you last. Why don't I show you how I've progressed as well, then?!" Elder Grimm felt competitive.

Fire and Water, Flood the city!

This was the secret technique of the Fire and Water sect, and unlike the Giant Frost sect, it only had one ultimate attack move. But its power was undeniable!


Fire, blazing with unbelievable ferocity, rushed from the right!


Water, theming with unrestrainable momentum, rushed from the left!

And with the Titan standing in the middle with white smog exiting his nostrils, all these powers carried a terrifying aura and momentum as they glared down on Master Crow.

"Well, well, well, it seems this isn't going to be an easy battle after all." Master Crow didn't seem happy at all.

"Haha, scared now?! Humph, now that both those elders have gotten serious then your life is as good as over!" One of the huddled up disciples spoke out.

"Hmm." Master Crow shot the boy who spoke a look, and suddenly Crow's eyes turned into mist, the same dark mist hovering around.


Ever since the Dark mist appeared it had surrounded everyone there, but it just kept on hovering in the air, seemingly harmless. But the mist right behind the boy who spoke earlier began to ripple as a bony hand that resembled Master Crow's extended out and pierced right through the poor boy's throat!

"You are not qualified to look at me, let alone talk to me!" Master Crow grinned evilly. Killing that disciple was as easy as flipping a hand for him.

"You!" Elders Frost and Grimm stared in shock. Not by the fact that Master Crow could kill a weak disciple, but because he had killed him right under their noses, and they didn't even know how he had done it!

Wrath of the Frost Titan!

Fire and Water, flooding through the city gates!


Both Elders launched their attacks on the dark mist. Elder Frost's Frost Titan used its colossal fist to strike at the Dark Mist, and the two seas of Water and Fire Created by the Elder Grimm clashed together, but instead of defusing each other, they seemed to fuel each other as they rushed to the dark mist and rammed into it violently.

"Ignorant fools, do you think that my dark mist is something your silly attacks can stop?!" Master Crow looked on with cynicism, not intending to interfere at all.

"Hehe, do you think we became Elders of the sect by sleeping around all day?" Elder Grimm suddenly turned to Master Crow with a look of contempt.

And while Elder Frost didn't say anything, the lack of reaction to Master Crow's sarcastic words showed how confident he was in his own attack.



The patches of Dark mist that came in contact with Elder Grimm's attack got dispersed by the fire. And the Dark mist that came in contact with the Elder Frost's Frost titan got trapped in ice and fell to the ground as icicles.

"As you can already tell my flames are anything but ordinary! Keke!" Elder Grimm chuckled with glee once he saw the dark mist was being dispersed by his flames.

But Master Crow didn't cast him a glance, instead, his attention was focused on the Frost Giant who was staring back at him. And after looking at the Giant for about a second Crow said, "Interesting, this Giant is not made of ordinary ice, is it?" Master Crow could see his dark mist trapped in those icicles but he couldn't control them, because the surrounding ice was blocking him out.

Frost Titan, Angry rampage!

It seemed that unlike Elder Grimm and Master Crow, Elder Frost wasn't too interested in talking much. Instead, he wanted to end this battle quickly. And with the angry Titan now on a rampage, the dark mist began to lessen with more and more of them being turned into icicles and crashing to the ground.

'I can't maintain this for much longer! Sigh, this old body of mine is failing me.' Elder Frost's Frost Titan was more powerful than Elder Grimm's attack. But Elder Grimm still dared to challenge him earlier for a simple reason. And that's because Elder Grimm knew the scary weakness of the 'Frost God Giants twenty transformations' technique. It used up too much of the user's energy and stamina!

And once the cultivator has no more energy to give, they should immediately stop the technique, or the summoned Giant God will prey on the cultivator's life force next, shortening their life span.


Meanwhile, back at Master Crow's layer.

"Hey, should we still follow the instructions Master Crow left? Do we go after Shadow Two even though Master Crow is pursuing him personally?" Shadow Four asked Shadow Five.

But Shadow Five simply shrugged his shoulders. It was up to the high-ranking member here to decide that. Shadow One was the only one here that could decide what to do now.

"Shadow One, your assignment hasn't changed! You should chase and catch Nick before he disappears!" Shadow Three barked.


Not even a second later, Shadow Three's head got buried halfway into the Mountain walls.

"Did your little power trip in front of Master fry your brain? Are you looking to die by speaking to me that way?" Shadow One's words clearly showed he was angry, but his voice was as calm as ever.

Even though Shadow Three's head was buried in the wall he could still hear Shadow one. And using his to hands to push against the wall he freed his head and landed gracefully, into a kneel.


"Forgive me, Senior brother!" It was true, Master Crow's approval and support had gotten to his head and he had forgotten his place for a moment there.

"Hmm." Shadow One nodded calmly to show his approval.



Suddenly a weird sound drew the group's entire attention and everyone turned to look at the one responsible for this weird sound.

"Is that…a Hog?!" Shadow Five, who was usually a person that didn't show much emotion, lost his cool for the first time in months.

Oink! (Your mother is a Hog!)

Shadow Five wasn't a bumpkin, he had seen a Hog before. But since when did Hogs dress up in cute little outfits with the words, 'Let's hug, not fight!' sewn into them?!

"It's cute! Let's keep the Hog!" Shadow Four looked at Shadow One with pleading eyes.

Oink! (Your father is a Hog! I, according to Nick, am a Noble Pig!)

"No, Master will cook it the moment he finds it." Shadow One was still as calm as ever when he replied.

"Oh, but look at him! He's such a cute little…' Shadow Four walked towards the Hog as he spoke, trying his best not to startle it and chase it away. But out of nowhere, right when his hands were inches away from grabbing the cute little guy, it vanished and, in its place, a face wearing a monkey mask popped up.

"Surprise, motherfucker!" Nick then used the deboning fist to hit Shadow Four in the Neck.



And before anyone could react, Nick had taken the unconscious Shadow Four into the Palace with him and left Piggy there to explain in his stead.

"Be careful! This Hog can transform into a monkey! But don't attack it, we don't know where it has hidden Shadow Four yet. We can't make a move and risk his safety!" Shadow One frowned. Things weren't going too well.

Nick laid the unconscious Shadow Four on the ground and monitored the outside world. He could only use that trick once. Because the system prevented him from entering the Palace once his enemies have detected him and they are within a hundred meters distance of him on the outside. That meant if he left the Palace now, he won't be able to enter back again unless he defeated the remaining three Shadows completely.

"Wow, that's amazing! You actually knocked Shadow Four unconscious in such little time?!" Shadow Two walked over and examined Shadow Four with interest on his face. But he was also checking to make sure he was alright because at the end of the day they were family to him.

"Run!" Nick suddenly turned to unsuspecting Shadow Two and screamed.

"Huh?" Shadow Two blinked in confusion, but by the time his eyes opened from the blink, he found out that he was no longer in the palace, and was instead being glared at by Shadows One, Three, and Five.

"Run, Shadow Two, run!" Nick used the Shadow Radio to send Shadow Two a message. He was honestly cheering him on from the bottom of his heart.

"Fuck you, you fucking bastard!" Shadow Two felt rage overwhelming him, but he had nowhere to vent it.

"Shadow Two, you traitor, how dare you show your face here again?!" Shadow Three roared out in rage and rushed at Shadow Two with his hands shaped into a claw.

"Stop!" Shadow One was clever enough to tell that something wasn't right! How could someone just appear out of thin air like that?

"Yes, Brother Three, Stop!" Shadow Two screamed as he ran. He would heed Nick's advice this time because running was his best option at the moment. Otherwise, there was no way he would stand a chance against Shadow one, let alone with the other two piled on with him.

"Not on your life you bastard!" Shadow Three hated Shadow Two with a passion. This bastard had come into the organization much later than him, but had taken his rightful number from him?! So, all Shadow Three wanted to do right now was kill Two and take back his number!

Shadow One didn't move though, and his eyes remained trained on the Hog that started all this. He believed that the Shadow Two here was an illusion created by the Hog to distract them from it!


But as he was looking at the Hog a familiar sound entered his ears and when he turned to look, Shadow Three was no longer there, and neither was Shadow Two!

"What kind of sorcery is this?!" Shadow One looked at Piggy with horror as he asked.

Oink? Oink! (Sorcery? You really are a country bumpkin!)

The reason that this crazy event had taken place was because Nick had removed the anchor from Piggy's back and placed it on Shadow Two before he sent him out for a little run. And after waiting for Shadow Two and Three to get a hundred meters away from the others, Nick popped back out, right behind Shadow Two, and caught Shadow Three completely off guard!

Inside the Palace, Nick placed the unconscious Shadow Three down with the other one.

"You run pretty well." Nick also threw Shadow Two a thumbs up.

"…" Shadow Two just kept panting. The run wasn't what tired him though, no, what tired him out was cursing Nick out, while he was running!