Running in the forest.

I use my vamp speed and I'm in the forest. I just ran 10 miles in one second....AWESOME! I look around I feel empty...I look around and I see a huge rock....I remember that rock....why does this place....feel so familiar....I get on top it....I remember this place....I put down my backpack and I stand on it....Woah...

A amazing view of the small town I live in....I rememeber this veiw....I was here with Liam....Me and him came here once. It was so fun me, him, Zack, Samantha, Layla, Rick, and Taylor. We had so much fun. Zack's parents took us up here for his birthday. All of us did the youth theatre and we spent the night here. We sat here and watched the sunset. It was beautiful...I miss....I miss being with him....He sat on the rock with me....We sat here....his arm was around me....and we watched the sun turn into the night sky with a million beautiful stars.....I would do anything to go back to that day....that night when he held me so close.....around the campfire.....I get off the rock...

"I...I wonder..." I see the big oak tree in thee distance...there!

I run over to it and I see me and Liam's Names carved in it. I put my hand on the carvings.

"It's still here..." I start to cry.


"Ella come on." He whispers as he grabs my hand.

"Shhh! Liam we shouldn't be out here...let's just go to sleep like the others...." I say unsteadily talking my hand back. He smiles at me.

"Come on, don't you trust me?" He looks into my eyes and he holds out his hand. I feel nervous but, that doesn't matter. I take his hand.

"Absolutely." I say and he pulls me through the forest running quickly with his flashlight.

"Where are we going?!" I ask.

"To the Oak Tree!" He smiles looking back at me then he finally shines his light on this beautiful oak tree.

"'s huge..." I smile touching the tree trunk..."It's beautiful..." I blush.

"Just like you..." He sighs. I look at him quickly.

"You mean that?" I ask. I didn't think I was beautiful I mean sure I am beautiful in my own way but that's how I see myself I didn't know others see it.

"100%" He squeezes my hand. I blush red.

"Liam why did you take me here..." I ask him. He takes out a pocket knife and starts to carve his name out and then puts a plus under it.

" we can always have a spot." He smiles. I blush a bit and carve my name under the plus.

"I love you Ella..." He says and he hugs me so tight I feel his breathe against my skin and the cold air all around me doesn't compare to his warmth.

"I love you too Liam..." I say back. I put a heart next to out names before we leave. He puts his knife back in his pocket.

"Ready to get back." Liam takes my hand gently.

"As long as you're with me." I smile and we walk back to the campsite. I really do love him. He's my best friend. He's the one...but how do I tell him that...


I stop crying and wipe my tears. I wish he was still here. I sit against the tree. I miss him so much. I was supposed to grow up with him and yet that's not what hurts...I take of my backpack and I feel the weight of the book...I know what to do. I quickly take it out and flip through the pages.