The Hologram Dream Spell.

I hold out my hand and say "Holgram Dream spell. Let me send this to the guy I love, Liam. Let this get to him the next time he sleeps and see the background I am in now." Then all of a sudden through a light shines through my hand and I see myself. I guess this is how it records me message of me.

"Hey Liam..." I start smiling. "You remembered me. That was a first." I stare at myself. "I went to the woods today...the oak tree is here still...with our names carved in it." I stop smiling. "Who am I kidding this is hard on me. It was hard losing you. I miss you so much. I want to find you but I don't know how to do this Liam? Can you send me a sign or something?!" I notice a tear fall from my eyes.

"You know I love you right?...It's hard to....but I do....I love you so much....You mean so much to me....and a part of me is scared of who you are now...I wish you would have told me all of this before....I wish I knew what I am getting myself into....I promised you I'd find you....I will keep that promise..." my voice shakes and I wipe my tears. "See you when I find you my star." I say strongly. I wave bye and close my hand. I hope he gets it. I run back to town. I see Dylan and I dodge him but then he runs after me.

"Ella! Please here me out." He says. I turn to him.

"I'm sorry." He starts and I just hug him.

"'s alright....I need you right now...."I say. He wraps his arms around me.

"I love you." He says into my ear.

"I love you too." I say hugging him tighter.

"Hey, come on let's go find the we can find Liam..." He says.

"W-wait w-what." I blush. I wasn't expecting that.

"You need him and it's what you want..." He says. "I will be there with you when you find him and I want to support you in this journey." I feel him lossen up on his grip around my waist. I love him....I love this guy....He would do anything for me....and that means so much to me....I wish I could just stay here forever.

"Come on let's go." He smiles breaking my hug and puts his hand out for me to take.

"You sure you want to do this?" I ask.

"It's what you want. I want you to be happy." He smiles at me. I look at his hand still out for me. I debate in my head. I should take it....let's do this and find Liam...I am scared to find him though....then I think....BE BRAVE....No matter what happens it's fate so be brave and take this risk. I take Dylan's hand.

"Alright...Let's do this." I see his smile grow wider and I smile feeling this electricity running through my veins. I will find you Liam...If it's the last thing I do...