The Path to the Magic Realm

"How are we going to find him anyways?" Vanessa asks sipping her sprite.

"The girl has a point we want to find him but we don't know where the hell he is." Tre backs her up.

"Well, can we do a locator spell?" Sandra asks me while braiding V's hair.

"Maybe..." I say.

"Are we sure this is even a good idea?" Ryan says.

"We need to do this." Dylan snaps.

"Well, I can try to do a locator spell." I say. "I don't know if it will work."

"It doesn't hurt to try." William says.

"Why is this ok?!" Ryan says.

"Because it's love and childhood friends we are trying to unite together." Sarah snaps.

I see two black figures outside watching us. They both have yellow eyes and a black cloak. It looks like they are floating. I don't think they are human.

"Do you guys see that?" I ask pointing at the window. I see their yellow eyes blink. I stare at them as they stare back at me. It feels like they are staring in my soul. I see something on their shoulders. It looks as some kind of animal. It has light purple fur...I can tell what it is from here.

"See what?" Dylan says.

"Those black figures..." I say.

"What black figures??" Vanessa asks.

"They are watching us...." I say.

"What do you mean??!" Tre says.

"I see it!" Ryan yells.

"What are they?" Dylan asks.

"Only one way to find out." I say.

WOLF I think. I turn into my werewolf form.

"Watch my backpack. Stay here." I say and run out the book store.

"Ella!" I hear from inside before the door closes. Dylan I will be alright.

"What are you guys?" I ask the figures. The rest of my squad comes out.

"I told you to stay inside!" I yell at Dylan.

"Not a chance Wolfie." He says.

"We aren't going to let you go through this by yourself." Vanessa says.

"So, who are you?!" Sandra yells at the figures

They just blink at us. I look at the animals on the shoulder they look like squirrel monkeys with very vibrant colors. The purple monkeys jump off the cloaked figures and the cloaked figures disappear.

"What the hell." I say.

"Uh...Hello Monkeys....Nice Monkeys?" Ryan says hiding behind William.

"Hello, Ella." One of them say. "I am Nella and this is Tyron." She says.

"They can talk!" William smiles. He is enjoying this too much.

"How do you know who I am?" I ask.

"Well, sir Liam likes you a lot dear." Tyron says and starts to lick his hand.

"L-liam." I say.

"You're witch boyfriend?" Tre jokes.

"Shut up?! You mean Liam...My Liam...the guy who gave me my pendant." I say.

"Yes, why you are the girl he gave the pendant to." Nella says.

"How do you know Liam?" I ask.

"He is like witch royalty." Tyron says. "We had a mission to find you from the King of the Purple Monks." Wait....did he say....royalty....

"WHAT!!! YOU MEAN LIKE A PRINCE LIKES ELLA!!!" Vanessa yells her mouth drops open.

"Well, actually yeah. He is a heir to the throne for he is the head of witches." Nella says. Woah...

"Why do I matter when it comes to all of this?" I ask.

"Because Liam made that pendant for you Lady, Eliza. This means you hold importance to him. Our kingdom of Purp Monks have a relationship with Liam and his family. Since they are always on the run and barely ever at the witch realm where their kingdom is located.We assume you are trying to find him now. Our king sent us because we need to make sure you are safe." Nella says.

"Why yes..." I say. Human I change back to a human.

"Well, you will need to go to the Magic Realm. So, you're highness will you come with us?" Tyron asks.

"Can we come back before sundown?" Sandra ask.

"Yes of course, we will teach Eliza how to use her portal magic to get to the Magic realm." Nella says.

"Then let's go!" Vanessa smiles.

"Dylan..." I look at him.

"Yeah let's go." He says taking my hand.

"Alright..." I say. "Please take us to the realm."

"Why of course your highness." Tyron says. I watch them as they turn around and put the hand up to command the portal.

"Magica Realm Portal Open!" Nella and Tryron yell in unison. A light blue portal opens.

"Follow us!" Nella smiles running in with Tyron. Sarah, William, Ryan run in after her. Vaness and Tre walk through.

"Ella you ready?" Dylan asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say. We walk throught together.
