
Sitting on a tree Ezekiel Kairais watched as his prey was clueless to his presence walking right beneath him towards the bait he set.

The chicken looked around as it slowly walked towards the feed that was sitting on the ground. It clucked in joy as it saw the seeds sitting there with nothing protecting it. This was the easiest meal of its life!

Ezekiel watched as it slowly began eating the seeds. He waited until the most opportune moment before yelling in his mind 'NOW' as he jumped down from the tree onto the chicken.

The chicken squawked in fright, as it was not expecting some one to interrupt its meal, and began struggling to throw Ezekiel off of it. Do bear in mind that this chicken was not a normal one, and was at least half a meter tall, so it had a lot of strength.

Ezekiel pulled a talisman he had in his pocket out and slapped it onto the chickens head, but received a reply from Genesis saying "The Target still has enough energy to break the talisman please exhaust the target more".

Ezekiel cried out "How much of its energy do I need to exhaust?" he panted as he was having trouble holding down the chicken.

"You must exhaust its energy below thirty five percent".

"Well what is its energy level at right now?!" Ezekiel yelled as he was rolling around on the floor with the chicken.

"Targets current energy Levels are at forty three percent"

Ezekiel readied himself as he kept wrestling with the chicken. He knew this was going to be tiring.

Slowly the chicken began to tire and Ezekiel, who was also exhausted placed the talisman on the chicken.

The talisman stuck to the chicken before it began to glow, and it released a white light that wrapped around the chicken before it disappeared.

"Congratulations host! Your first Mission has finally been completed!"

Ezekiel collapsed in exhaustion. Finally! He had completed that damned mission that had been plaguing him for his entire six years of life.

"Hosts Monster Farm has now been unlocked"

"Two Rank-1 Lottery tickets have been rewarded"

"Basic Monster capture toolkit has been rewarded"

Hearing the influx of information made Ezekiel stunned.

"Can you tell me what all this means?" He asked Genesis. The voice had always answered questions he had while he was growing up, if it was able to.

"The Monster Farm is the place where you will store your captured beasts. To enter your farm just say 'enter' and to exit is the opposite"

"The Basic Monster Capture Toolkit is a set of tools used by beginners to assist in capturing wild beasts. It comes with a Basic Rank-3 Monster Incense Pill, A monster encyclopedia on all beasts up to Earth Rank-3, and 20 Basic Monster Capture Talismans".

"The lottery ticket is just as you would assume a ticket for a lottery." Genesis said

"I know it's a lottery ticket I want to know what I am able to receive from the lottery!" Ezekiel yelled.

"The lottery tickets are able to give you beasts, Items, Pill Recipes, Weapon and Armor Recipes,Talisman Models, Formation Blueprints, and cultivation manuals" Genesis timely replied.

Ezekiel did not know what half of these things were. He came from a small village called Delphi and had no idea what talisman models or cultivation recipes were. He can make assumptions about the items, but he had no hard proof of what they did.

He got up from the floor after resting a while and decided to head home. Staying out in the woods at night was not safe, especially for a six year old child.

Even though he figured he was smarter than the average six year old, he still would not be safe out in the woods alone at night. Night was a scary time in the forest. There were countless beasts roaming around looking for a midnight snack, so none of the villagers left the safety of their village at night.

Their village was protected by something, Ezekiel often asked his parents what kept the beasts out, but they said that they had no idea either. Ezekiel asked the system once, and it said it was an obscuring Formation used to prevent beast attacks. That was why Ezekiel had an idea as to what formations did earlier.

Ezekiel was walking along the path on his way home as he asked "Hey why did you choose me?"

"You don't have access to that information" Genesis replied.

Ezekiel sighed as he asked "Well, what is the purpose of you choosing me?"

"The purpose of selecting you as the owner of the Monster Farm is to make you the strongest existence, and &*1!^#*)" Genesis began answering before its voice became distorted and he could no longer understand what it was saying.

"Sorry, but it seems that someone has prevented me from answering the latter part of the question for you" Genesis replied once her voice reverted back to normal.

Ezekiel was stunned He thought the system was all powerful, but it seems that there is someone of a higher power that can interfere with it.

"Are you being controlled by someone else? Who created you?" Ezekiel asked.

"I only follow the commands of my master who created me, but he is no longer in this world. As to his identity, he told me not to expose it." Genesis replied

"If no one else is controlling you then why did your voice distort before?" Ezekiel asked in curiosity.

"They cannot order me directly, but they can still try and interfere with my functions. It is like how someone else can not command you directly to stab yourself, but that can grab your hand and force you to stab yourself" Genesis explained.

Able nodded as he got a deeper understanding of the system. Seeing as how the village was coming into view he stopped asking question and began running home. He would try out all the new functions of the system once he was in his room in private.