Dorm Room

Today was the day that Ezekiel finally entered into Holy Oak. He was standing at the front gates with all the hunters as they gave him their congratulations, and well wishes. A few of them even teared up a little bit, but quickly covered up their traces.

Ezekiel waved to them as he smiled, "Alright I will come back the the Village when I get some vacation time. Make sure to tell my parents I love them."

The saw him off as they watched him walk into the school. Just before entering he turned around and yelled "Next time you see me I will be a real man!". The hunters smiled at this, but did not comment. They assumed it was just a young child's fantasies, even if he would become someone great it would still take a while.

A few bystanders saw him making a commotion and snickered at his words. They laughed and some of them even taunted, but Ezekiel did not bother with them and walked into the school.

As he walked in he saw a giant sign that read "REGISTRATION" in big bold letters for everyone to see. Under the sign there was a long line of kids waiting for their turn, so Ezekiel walked right up behind them and waited as well.

When it was finally his turn the old man at the desk did not even look up from the papers on the desk. He said in a monotone voice "Name?".

"Ezekiel Kairais from Delphi village" he said in a proper voice, or as proper as he could make it sound.

The old man flipped through the papers before finally stopping and said "Okay you may pass. You dorm room is Room 201, and here is your Identification. Make sure not to loose it because if you do then you will not get a replacement" he handed Ezekiel a necklace with a round pendant at the end.

As he grabbed the pendant he felt power flowing him as it scanned his body. After a thorough search of his body he felt it lock his aura inside, then its power subsided and it went dormant.

Ezekiel was shocked because he knew this was a spell formation, albeit a small one. He asked Genesis why they would give him something that had a formation on it, if they were so rare.

"This is a low rank formation, and is powered by a larger one that covers the whole school. Lower Rank formations are not that rare, and can be manufactured quite easily, thus they gave one to every student to provide them with Identification that can't be forged" she replied.

"Well what about Talismans? Are low leveled Talismans not rare also?" Ezekiel went along the lines with what he was told and asked another question.

"You are right, low leveled talismans are not that rare either, but they are still expensive because not a lot of people are able to produce them." She explained.

Ezekiel was thinking about the implications of what he learned as he finally arrived at the Dorms. This school provided free dorms for all its students, but if one wanted they could purchase a more expensive dorm to live more comfortably. As Ezekiel was kind of poor he had to live in the free dorms.

He walked into the building and up to his dorm room. He passed by a lot of other new students who were settling into their Dorm room, and had to weave through crowds of people. After finally arriving at his door he sighed and opened the door. He was on the third floor, and was situated near the stairs, so he thought he was quite lucky with his dorm room.

As he opened the door he looked inside and saw a very small room, that was only about twenty square meters. All that was inside was a bed, and a dresser. On top of the dresser sat a lamp, but it did not have a candle as he was used to and instead just had an indent where one would place some type of object.

He asked Genesis and she said one placed spirit stone inside to light up the lamp. Spirit stones were the main form of currency in this world, and were also divided into grades.

The grades went from






Each higher grade was worth one hundred of a lower grade. For pricing examples a simple lunch would cost five chipped spirit stones.

He sighed at the luxury of cultivators, and decided to buy candles next time he was out, because this wasted to much money. Each spirit stone would only light up the lamp for an hour after all.

As he was about to close the door he heard a voice shout "Hey neighbor! Help me out real quick! I am in a predicament!".