Welcoming Ceremony

Koopa and Ezekiel were sitting in their seats in a giant auditorium. There was at least ten thousand other year one students along with them in the building. The who building was filled with chatter as the new environment caused a lot of curiosity within the new students.

"Have you heard about the president of the student council?"

"Yeah I heard she was super cute!"

"I also heard she was a princess of the country!"

"Princess? Are you stupid? Why would the princess come to this school instead of the number one school of the capital? Or even the school in the Royal City?"

"What are you calling me stupid for! I heard it from a reliable source! The princess is the student council president!"

They were currently in the kingdom of Shunao. The kingdom was one of the lower rank kingdoms, but it still had its own power. The imperial protector of this kingdom was rumored to be a Heaven Rank expert, and that was why there had been to attacks on the kingdom from bordering ones.

The kingdom was a Rank Five kingdom. The Ranks for kingdoms go from one to six with six being the weakest. To get to a higher rank all you have to do is have a fighting force of the next Rank, for example Earth Rank would equal Level Six while Sun Rank would equal a Rank one kingdom.

The reason that the kingdom was not rank four yet, was because there was no proof that there was a heaven rank expert protecting the kingdom.

While Koopa and Ezekiel were sitting in their seats waiting for the ceremony to start the lights suddenly flashed and centered on stage.

There was a lady standing there and she said "Please Welcome the President of the Student Council Jessica Shunao". The students mouths dropped as they heard this name, because it was the name of the princess of the kingdom.

After waking up from their stupor the students began to fiercely clap as they saw the President walking up onto stage. She was a little girl with long silver hair that went down to her lower back and crimson red eyes. Her eyes looked as if they were able to pull anyone in. Her skin was a flawless white without any blemishes covering it.

Some of the students were already ready to profess their love to this Student council president.

The President tapped on the microphone and waved her hand for quiet. The room instantly went quiet. She smiled at this causing countless male student's hearts to skip a beat.

"Hello students of Holy Oak, I am Jessica Shunao, the new President of the Student Council. You may all be wondering as to why I am here, but I say that is not important. What is important is to make this school no longer number three! For far too long we have been in the shadows of the other schools! With me now as President of the Student Council I say that the bad times are over, and the good times are to look forward to!"

The students began to roar as they heard this their desire for a glory began to show itself. After all who would want to be mediocre? Her promise for a better future made all the students instantly on her side.

"We are the first year students, so the future of our school rests on our shoulders! We shall not wait for the older students to pave the path for us! We will carve our glory for ourselves!" She finished her speech as the students cheered.

Ezekiel watched this stunned. How was such a small girl able to make such a powerful speech. She looked to be the same age as Ezekiel, if only a few years older, but she was already so amazing. This made Ezekiel realize how much he has to grow.

He sighed seeing this, and realized how much he needed the system. The other Student council members went up and introduced themselves, along with a speech, but none were as good as the President. There was some students from second year, and third year on the Student council which made Ezekiel curious as to why they were not the President.

There was no students on the Council higher than third year which also made Ezekiel curious.

The Opening Ceremony ended after all the students who were in positions of power on the campus introduced themselves. It went all the way from the Disciplinary Committee to the student of the Herb Farm.

Ezekiel got up with Koopa and they left the opening ceremony along with the other students. The students were chatting with each other with the main topic being the Student Council president. She was after all a princess of this country.

They got back to their dorms as Ezekiel parted with Koopa, and he went into his room to start training in his [Soaring Sky] cultivation technique. This introduction to all these powerful students began to pressure him, so he wanted to start training harder.