Soaring Sky

Ezekiel was sitting in his room on the floor as he began to circulated his Qi, as it was said in the movement technique. He felt power slowly spreading through his body. As he was trying to grasp this power it disappeared leaving nothing left for him.

He tried this at least five more times with the same thing happening over and over for him. He reread the technique and realized he was circulating it right, but he also had to do the movements in the technique at the same time he was circulating his Qi.

He assumed it was like cultivating where you just increase your power by circulating your power, and then once he mastered the circulation he would then master the movements. Keep in mind that he had to figure all this out by himself because he had no teacher.

Ezekiel sighed and got up as he headed outside looking for a place to start cultivating. He left the door and walked towards the opposite direction of the training field. He did not want other students to see him training in this technique.

He walked until he came upon a clearing in a patch of the woods. There was sunlight seeping through the trees and a brook not too far away. He was surrounded by trees, and had his own privacy, so he thought this spot was perfect.

He went towards the center of the clearing and began to move in the way the movement technique explained. If the movement technique was mastered one could soar in the sky, and flash across the earth unnoticed by the normal human eye.

His feet moved in a pattern as his body began to move around the clearing. He felt the power circulating through his body, but it would always dissipate before he got to use it. He was supposed to use the Qi he circulated in his movements to increase their power.

He maneuvered his body as the technique explained, but he would constantly mess up on the movements. Either not moving his foot the right way, or positioning his foot the wrong way.

He practiced for five hours, constantly messing up the movement technique and never being able to get it perfected.

This was not even the final form of the [Soaring Sky Movement Technique], and he practiced for five hours without even being able to master the movements of the technique.

He sat on the floor in a huff as he was tired from the constant practice. He had still not circulated his Qi into the movements allowing him to increase his speed. This was the most crucial component of this movement technique, and he was still unable to do it.

Just the basic movements of the technique though if mastered, would still allow him to increase his movement speed, but if he also circulated his Qi into the movements then his speed would double.

He got off the floor and walked over toward the brook looking to rinse off the sweat from his body after the long hours of practice.

He took off his shirt and pants before he jumped into the brook with only his underwear on. The brook was nice and cold, perfect for a dip after breaking up a sweat.

He sighed as he floated at the top of the brook feeling the sunshine beat against his skin. He began to miss his parents a little bit at this moment. The sunlight's warmth was like a mothers embrace, and began to make him feel melancholy.

Moving away from home was hard for any six year old, so it was understandable. Ezekiel shook the thoughts out of his head as he began to swim back to shore. The brook was not that large, but was still big enough to dive into.

As he was swimming towards the shore he heard rustling in the woods, and looked up to see a woman standing there. She was looking at his with a curiosity in her eyes.

Ezekiel screeched as he swam faster and quickly put on his clothes to cover up. His face was red in embarrassment. No one besides his parents have seen that much of his body, so he was beet red. He looked down at his feet, not daring to look up at the woman who was watching him swim in the river.

The woman smiled at his embarrassment, but quickly hid her smiled before saying "You know you were practicing your movement technique wrong, or at least in an inefficient way". Her voice was smooth as silk and sounded beautiful to the ears.

Ezekiel looked up from his feet in confusion. The woman had long brown hair and what one would call as a pretty face. She would be considered an average woman, but her eyes looked as if they could see through the intricacies world.

"How was I practicing it wrong? I followed the movement technique manual." Ezekiel asked seeking help, because he had no one to guide him.