First Day of School (3)

Ezekiel and the boy charged at each other with Ezekiel winning in speed. Ezekiel quickly did a jump as he prepared to use his speed to increase the strength of his punch.

The boy however, saw this coming and grabbed onto Ezekiel's hand as he used his own momentum against him throwing Ezekiel onto his back causing Ezekiel to groan in pain.

The boy smirked as he said "I guess you don't come from some rich clan, because they would at least know how to fight. All you know how to do is run".

Ezekiel got angry and the boys taunts and again activated his [Soaring Sky] movement technique as he circled the boy.

He did not care if the boy though he was using a cheap method to win, because only the end result mattered the way he got there didn't.

He circled the boy as he repeatedly attacked him from all sides disorienting the boy. The boy stood no chance, as he was slowly but surely beat into submission.

Eventually the teacher yelled "Enough! He has lost!".

Ezekiel stopped when he was told and the boy collapsed to the floor in exhaustion from the fight.

Ezekiel walked off the stage a tired from the fight. He had been using his movement technique for over ten minutes, so he was bound to get tired from that.

He stepped off the stage as someone else carried the boy who was collapsed in exhaustion off. Ezekiel was quite proud of himself, being able to beat someone who had fighting experience when he had none at all.

The rest of class passed as kids went up to fight each other on the stage. Ezekiel was called up again after a while and prepared to fight again.

This time though he stood no chance, and was knocked off the stage in three moves. The boy he went up against was very well versed in combat and Ezekiel stood no chance. The instructor placed Ezekiel against him, because Ezekiel had a movement technique, but it seemed that Ezekiel was not as good as the instructor thought he was.

The class was eventually over after everyone had fought at least once, with there being ten kids left in class who had become the strongest of them all.

"These ten are the strongest of your class! Your goal is to make it to the top ten! As for you!" he turned towards the ten students "You goal is to stay in the top ten! If you drop out of the top ten you will be punished!" he said.

The kids in the top ten blanched a little, but nodded when they saw the fierce look on his face. The top ten students included the one who defeated Ezekiel in three moves. There was eight boys and two girls in the top ten with the Earth Rank-3 students all being one through four.

Class ended after this and it was now time for Ezekiel to go to Language arts class. He arrived at language arts class on time and patiently waited for class to start.

He already knew how to read and write, so he payed little attention in class and instead was going over his movements from his Cultivation Study class. He was trying to figure out what he had done wrong in his fights wanting to improve himself.

He realized that one day he may be in a life or death situation and he may really need to know how to fight, thus he was reflecting on his fight.

He quickly realized that he only won the first battle due to his movement technique. Without it he would have been defeated just as easily as in the second round.

He sighed as he though 'I wonder if my Laoshi will teach my how to fight'. He wanted to be strong, so he could protect his parents. He also needed to protect himself, because in this world the strong prey on the weak, the law of the jungle.

He went through all of Language Arts class just thinking about how to make himself stronger. He did not pay attention much at all and class quickly ended. He got up and headed towards his General History class.

This was a class he actually needed to pay attention to because he had no idea about what the world was like at all. He just came from a small village in the mountains knowing nothing about how the world works. He just learned yesterday that beastmen have a different cultivation than humans.

He arrived at his General History class which was taught by an old man with a long white beard. He began to slowly go over the general history of the land.

"I will first start off with a broad explanation of the world, then as the year progresses we will go more in depth with each part!" the old man said as he began his lecture.