First Day of School (2)

After the Earth Rank-3 students fought the Earth Rank-2 students began to go up onto the stage two by two. The fights were not all that interesting because most of the students did not know how to fight.

There was times when one student could fight, and the other couldn't and the weaker one would be blown of the stage without even a struggle. There was other times when the two students both could not fight and that would just wail their arms at each other hoping to get in a lucky shot.

Ezekiel sat there at the edge of the field with his head propped up by his hand in boredom. He sighed as he was oblivious to his surroundings. He was awoken from his stupor when he felt someone nudge his shoulder.

He looked towards a kid who nudged him and saw that the teacher had called him up to the stage to fight. He thanked the kid and began walking up to the stage feeling a little anxious for his first fight.

Although he had seen plenty of fights because of the hunters, he had never been in one himself because his mother was overprotective.

He got onto the stage along with his opponent. His opponent was a slightly frail looking six year old who looked just as inexperienced as he was. He bowed and cupped his fist toward the kid as he prepared to fight.

They both sprinted at each other as Ezekiel pulled his hand back for a punch. He was going for a strong right hook to knock the kid out in one hit.

To Ezekiel's surprise the kid ducked under his punch and towards his chest as he gave Ezekiel a strong uppercut. Ezekiel felt pain spread through his jaw as his teeth clenched shut. He fell back to the floor in a dazed state as he had not expected the punch.

He looked to the kid only to see mockery in his eyes. This angered Ezekiel as he got back up and prepared to fight again. Although he had to fighting experience he would not let some kid scrawnier than he was take him down that easy.

He spread his Qi through his body as he began to activate his [Soaring Sky] movement technique. Although he did not want people to see him practicing that was because if they saw the book he was reading they might try and take it.

Although Asama Laoshi had seen the book she was already able to fly, so she had no need to take it, however if she was still in her earlier days....

He activated his movement technique and began to move around the training field circling the boy. Gasps came from the sidelines as the students watching began to whisper among themselves.

Learning a movement technique at Earth Rank-1 was extraordinary after all.

"Is that a movement technique?" one of the students asked.

"Of course it is are you stupid? It damn well isn't a formation" he said as he looked at the kid in mockery.

"My father uses a movement technique, and is way faster than he is" said another student.

"Well what Rank is your father?" asked another kid

The kid blushed in shame as he said "Sky Rank-4"

The other kids began to tell him off. "Of course he is faster! That kid is not even a challenge for him, what is the use pointing it out!"

"What are you bragging for, your father is a whole realm above him!"

Ezekiel payed no attention to the chatter on the sides of the field as he concentrated on his movements. He did not want to mess this up, because he had just started to learn it yesterday and required his full concentration.

He was circling the boy, who was currently unable to lock on his position and was constantly looking around trying to find him. From time to time he would catch glimpses of Ezekiel, but he was still not able to get a clear shot.

After circling the boy Ezekiel appeared behind the kid as he kicked him in the butt. The kid went flying as he planted face first into the dirt with his butt sticking up in the air.

Ezekiel nodded in satisfaction as he saw this and said "That's the last time you look down on me! Don't be so proud of yourself because you were able to get a punch on me!". He felt like he was on the top of the world now that he had beaten a kid who had more fighting experience than he did.

The kid got up from the floor and wiped the dirt from his face as scorn again filled his eyes. "Not all of us come from some rich clan and can get movement techniques!" he said as he again prepared to fight Ezekiel not wanting to lose.

"I do not come from some rich clan, but I will accompany you in this fight" Ezekiel said as he raised his fists.