First Day of School (1)

Ezekiel woke up from bed excited for his first day at school. He got dressed, before leaving his dorm room. When he opened the door Koopa was already there waiting for him.

"You woke up early huh?" Ezekiel said as he peered at Koopa.

"Yeah, I was a little nervous for school today" he said with a slightly shaky voice.

"Don't think too much about it, just don't trip in front of the whole class and you will be fine" Ezekiel said as he patted his back.

Although this was supposed to help Koopa it just made him more nervous, because he knew he was a very clumsy person.

The two left the dorms together as they headed for the canteen. They went to pick up breakfast before they would head to their separate classes. They did not have the same first class together, because they had to go to cultivation class first thing in the morning.

The two sat together at a table after they got their food. They began stuffing their faces as Ezekiel looked up to Koopa. "Hey how does beastman cultivation work? Is it the same as our cultivation?" he was curious because they had to have different classes.

He did not think they were separated because of racism, because he had not seen any discrimination while he was in the city.

Koopa looked at his through his glasses as he pushed them up back onto his face "Oh beastman cultivation is very different from your cultivation. You guys just circulate Qi through your body, and open your star points to level up, while we have to condense a beast core."

"Our beast core is our life, if we loose it then we will die. We cultivate by circulating Qi into the beast core forming it within us. The higher level the beast core, the higher rank we become." Koopa explained to him.

Ezekiel nodded and looked at the differences between the two. Humans had to circulate Qi, to open their star points, and with more star points open, then the higher the rank. Right now he only had one star point opened, so he was Earth Rank-1.

The two finished eating, as they parted ways heading towards their respective classes. Ezekiel headed towards the training field, where cultivation class took place.

When he arrived there was already at least forty students grouped together in the field. They were waiting for class to start, because they had no idea what to do.

As they were waiting they heard a few loud claps before a yell "Alright line up shoulder to shoulder at the edge of the field!". Hearing this domineering voice they complied immediately as they looked towards the speaker.

He was a very muscular man with a beard that hung from his face. His eyes looked as if they were constantly glaring as they sweeped across the students causing them to shiver.

As his eyes passed over Ezekiel, his eyes widened a little, but Ezekiel did not shiver. He had after all faced something more scary just a month ago. This caused the man to pause on him for a split second before he continued glaring on down the line.

He made sure to look at every student, male and female alike before he was done. Seeing as how they all looked at him with a bit of fear, and respect he nodded to himself.

"Alright! First thing is first you guys are going to be fighting against each other, so I can test your skill level, and see where you are at in cultivation. Now I know that some of you are higher ranks than your peers, so I will try and get you a fight with someone at equal level!" he said as he began pacing back and forth.

The student nodded as they understood, and he grinned and said "Alright you two you are up first" he pointed towards two of the students who were already at Earth Rank-3. They were the strongest of all the students here, and only four students were at Earth Rank-3.

Being able to get to that Rank at six years old was quite impressive. One had to open up three star points to get to that Rank.

The two boys who were selected walked up onto the stage as they went across from each other.

They bowed to each other and cupped their fists. As they prepared to start attacking their opponents they heard from the side "Oh, and do not try to cause serious harm to your opponent...Or you will face the consequences" As he finished talking slaughter Qi began to fill the training field causing the students to quiver.

This was unbearable for six year old students who have not even killed a chicken. Some of them even began crying as they faced this intense slaughter Qi. One would only be able to get this dense of a Slaughter Qi if they have killed numerous people.

The students nodded as they shivered facing the slaughter Qi. He withdrew his Slaughter Qi as he said "Well then, you may continue". The students complied and began to attack each other.