Stopping The Army

The soldiers where standing in the forest at the northeastern part of the town. The place they were standing on was quite close the the highway which made sense, otherwise they would have no way to bring their vehicle up there.

I definitely could not go face to face against them as that would just turn me into a live target. So I had to take a detour from the eastern part of the town where they would not be able to see me.

Since they might be looking at the town with a binocular, I tried to go out as stealthily as possible.

After getting out of the town, I rushed to the dense forest as fast as I could and then merged with the trees.

I could not fight them with just brute force, I knew that much, thus I had to kill them in some other way.

But as my mind calmed down and I started to think a bit more rationally, I felt that coming here all all alone was not really the best idea. I should have probably informed Big bro.

'But… I cannot go back now. I have to do this own my own.

'If I die in the hands of normal humans, then that would mean that I only amounted to that much.'

I ran in between the dense trees and soon reached the place where the six soldiers were standing.

Currently, they were all taking out dead bodies from a trailer that they had attached to the jeep.

Those bodies had a very strong stench coming out of them. And judging by their decomposition, it must have been more than three to four day since they died.

'Such a strong smell of corpses will really attract the attention of the abnormals. But the abnormals are far away from here. They must be piling the dead bodies here so that after they fired their guns, they would have enough time to run away.' I thought.

'Cannot say if their plan is stupid or ingenious, but aren't they going to a lot of trouble just so they could take control of this town. Are they planning on moving to the town at some time?'

'The might be the case.' Lily said 'After all, living in temporary camps for a long time is not a very great experience. Especially when there's a vacant town beside the camps.'

'I see, but they must have wanted to clear out the abnormals out of the town before they came to settle down here. After all, even if they are strong, they are no where near as strong as 5000 abnormals' I said.

Till this date, they must have been trying to understand more about abnormals. Now that they have gained enough understanding, they must be planning to lure out all of the abnormals from the town to some other place, which is far away from the town.

Then they can come and take over the town with ease.

But… If the abnormals that we lured during the night went out of the town, then hunting them one by one would be impossible. I cannot let these guys succeed.

I watched as the soldiers continued to pile up the bodies in a line. There were more than a hundred corpses piled up in the line that lead away from the highway and the town.

'They could not have brought so many bodies in a single trip. It seems like they have been working here for some time now' Lily said.

'Yeah. Seems like they've made a few round trips to bring back so many corpses.' I thought and tried to find a way to disrupt their plans.

'Even if I'm able to cancel their plan for just day, that would give us more than enough time to hunt 500 abnormals. I must buy us at least one day.' I thought.

I looked at the six people vigilantly. Currently, four were hauling the corpses from the trailer and lining them up in a neat manner. The other two were standing guard around the jeep and the corpses.

Suddenly from out the corner of my eyes, I saw a rabbit jump out from the cover of the bushes. It's eyes had turned red and all of it's fur had fallen out of it's body.

It looked grotesque and was twice the size of any wild rabbit I ever saw in my life.

It jumped out from the bushes and lunged at one of the soldiers hauling the corpses. It tried to bite at the soldier's neck but the soldier showed good reflexes and dodged it's attack by a mere few inches.

I was awed by the soldier's ability. Although I could do something similar rather easily. But I could not have done so when I was a normal human.

The soldier took out a knife and got ready to face the mutant rabbit. At the same time, the other soldiers dropped what they were doing and took out their knives as they started to circle the rabbit.

The rabbit was fast but these soldiers were not to be taken lightly. After a few minutes of intense struggle, the mutant rabbit was finally killed.

The whole fight did not produce even the slightest bit of noise. In fact, it done so quietly, that if I was looking in some other direction, I would not have known that a fight had even occurred here.

My pupils constricted at once as I realized why the 'Commander' had only sent these six guys to work in this project.

'They are no ordinary soldiers. They must have been the elites in the army.' I thought. 'For these guys, surviving the apocalypse was indeed much easier when compared to an average person.'

'Not only is their willpower extremely strong, they also have strong combat abilities.'

At this point, I understood that if I went head to head against these guys, then even if they don't take out their guns, they still might be able to kill me.

But then I suddenly realized something.

'They might have been able to kill me under normal circumstances. But right now, I'm wearing a 2nd tier defensive suit. Even if these guys are twice as strong, they would not be able to cut through my suit with their knives.'

'But… Would fighting them head on really solve the problem here?'

If I fought head on against them, and they realized that their knives are not working, then they would take out their guns and start firing at me.

When that happens, all the abnormals from the town would come here.

And that defeat the whole purpose of me killing them.

If I want to achieve my goals, they I will have to kill them all at once. But these guys were elites so such a thing was definitely not possible.

'I have to think of some other ways.' I thought and as I looked at their vehicle, I suddenly had an idea.

'After they fire their guns they would definitely rely on the jeep to get out of here as soon as possible. But what if I bust their vehicle.'

A plan suddenly formed in my head as I thought about this.

I looked at the six people who were discussing something after killing the mutant rabbit and realized that this was the perfect chance.

I rushed out from behind the dense bushes from an angle where the vehicle hid my body.

I kept my stature low, in an attempt that they would not see me. After I reached close to their vehicle I suddenly heard their shout.

"Who's there?" one of them shouted in a deep voice.

'Damn! There guys are very observant.' I thought but still swung my sword at the front tire.

Although I not able to slice through the whole tire, I still did a lot of damage to it.

The front tire would never move again. Even if they changed the tire, the axle the ring part had already been damaged extensively.

'They would not be able to drive this vehicle anymore.' I was glad in my heart but I knew that I had escape before this task could be considered as successful.

I kept my head low and ran back to the direction I had came from.

The vehicle shielded my body and covered my retreat beautifully. By the time the six came back to their vehicle, I was already out of their sights.

I hid behind one of the bushes and wanted to see their flustered and shocked expressions.

But contrary to my expectations, those maintained their calm and quickly took out a walkie-takie from the jeep.

From this distance, I was not able to hear their conversations clearly, but I still heard one of the key element of their conversation.

Hostile. People. Wrecked Vehicle. Requesting Reinforcements.

'Reinforcements. Damn it!' I cursed in my mind but then started to think about what I should do next.

'I could go back and tell big bro about this. But if I do so, I'll give these guys enough chance to meet up with their reinforcements.

'I have to stop their reinforcements somehow.' I thought in my heart. 'But I cannot fight against these many people on my own. Lily, any ideas?'

'Well, you can always block the road you know. That should buy you a lot of time.' Lily replied.

'Hmm… I think that it is a great idea.' I thought 'Just because I need to stop their reinforcements doesn't mean that I need to fight against those guys. Instead, I can just block their paths.'



'That was a good idea. Thanks.' I said and ran back in the direction I had came from. After I had put sufficient distance between myself and the six elites, I changed my direction and headed straight to the highway.

'Now how should I block off their paths.' I thought as I looked at the highway, which was filled with vehicles on both sides with a narrow path in the middle which was just enough for one large truck to go through.

'Should I cut a tree?' I asked.

'You can, but what if the tree don't fall in the right direction?'

'Well… then I guess I will just cut another tree.' I thought as I scratched my head.

'Why don't you do what you just did with their jeep?' Lily asked.

'Are you asking me to cut the tire of their vehicle as well. It's not something I can do you know.' I said.

'Not really. You can push a vehicle to the middle of the road and then cut it's tires.' Lily said 'Without the tires, it would be far harder for those soldiers to move the vehicle off the highway.'

'Hmm… that could work.' I thought and started searching for the right vehicle to complete the task.

'That red car should be fine.' Lily said and I turned to look at the car she was mentioning.

'Yeah.' I agreed with her. It was standing at the right angle and was not impossible for me to push all alone.

If luck was on my side, then I might even be able to start the engine and drive it to the center of the highway.

I cut through it's window with my sword and was starting to search for the keys when something totally unexpected happened.

'TA TA…. TA TA TA TA TA TA… TA TA TA' It was the repeated firing of gun shots. The gun shots continued on for a while before they stopped abruptly at once.

'What the hell? Did they fought against something.' I thought and cursed them in my mind.

At this point, it doesn't matter if they fought against something or not.

Those shots must have been heard by the abnormals in the town.

Damn it! Or hard work was ruined by these bastards.

'Now it doesn't matter if the reinforcements come or not. All the hard work and efforts put by Rahul have been completely wasted.' I thought in anger.

'Still, I cannot let those guys from the army come to the town.' I thought and waited two minutes before taking out a gun that I had been given.

It was the gun that we had taken from Gaurav.

Although I had only fired it twice so far, when Rahul taught me how to fire a gun, and my aiming sucked balls, I was not aiming at anything in particular this time.

I pointed my gun at the highway and emptied the clip at once.

'Well, this ought to stop those guys for some time.' I thought and then ran out of that place as fast possible.

After gaining some distance from there, I hid behind the trees and looked at the highway.

Soon, a few 2nd tier abnormals appeared from the dense forest and started looking around for the source of the noise. When they didn't find anything, they moved on.

'Well, it would have been for the best if they had stayed.' I thought 'But that didn't matter. Those 2nd tier abnormals weren't the ones I was aiming for in the first place.'

I watched patiently and soon enough, a dense group of 1st tier abnormals came out from in between the trees.

'They indeed look far more scary when seen in a horde.' I thought and I shivered in fear at the sheer number of those abnormals.

They were in the thousands.

Indeed, they were the abnormals who were in the fields, east of the town.

After hearing the gun shots, they must have followed the sound and entered the forest. There, they must have seen the corpses and started munching on them.

If I had not fired my gun, then these abnormals would have stayed right there. But after hearing my gun shots, they came here and occupied the highway instead.

Although most of the abnormals still went ahead in search for source of the gun shot, quite a few stopped near the highway as well.

'Well, this does not really makes me happy, but I guess I had to do what I had to do.' I sighed and was just about to go back to the town when I thought of something else.

'What about the reinforcements. Would those guys still come. Should I find a way to deal with them as well.' Although I had only thought of this jokingly at first, once the thought came to my mind, it refused to leave.

I was sure that I would not be able to fight against the reinforcements. And I was even more confident in not being able to fight against the 1st tier abnormals.

'But what if I forced both of them to fight?' I thought.

The reason I had lured the abnormals to the highway was to block the high way and stop the army from entering the town.

I had no idea how many soldiers would come as reinforcements. But they would definitely be armed to the teeth.

Thankfully, I did not have to fight them but only bust their vehicle. Even if I only do so for a minute or two, the abnormals would definitely notice them by then and launch an attack on them.

The problem is. How the hell am I supposed to stop their vehicle.

I was only able to cut the tire of the jeep because it was standing still, It's possible for me to do the same for a running vehicle.

'What should I do now?' I thought and started to feel a bit worried.

Those soldiers will probably spot the abnormals long before the abnormals spot them. At that point they'll most likely their vehicles around and…

'Wait! They 'can't' turn their vehicles around in this highway.' I looked at the vehicles that were standing on both sides of the highway with amusement.

The army had moved them to the sides and created a path which was big enough for their vehicles to pass through. But it was definitely not big enough to the extent that their vehicle would be able to make an about turn.

A smile crept up in my lips as I realized this fact.

I knew what I have to do now.