Fight With Mutant Beasts

"Is this really going to be enough." I looked doubtfully at the golf ball sized explosive in my hand. It was the 1st tier explosive grenade that I had bought for 40 white coins.

I had to sell all of the 1st tier crystals I had in my possession to purchase this thing. But looking at it's size made me doubtful.

'Don't worry. It may be small but it will do the job.' Lily said.

'Oh. They are coming.' I said as I felt the vibration on the ground.

I looked sneakily from my hiding position and realized that it was large army truck.

Looking at the size of the truck, there should be at least 40-50 soldiers in there. Looks like the commander really valued our town highly.

But that's just all the more reason for me to sabotage their mission.

I watched from within the car as the truck passed by me and drove for a few dozen meters when it suddenly came to an abrupt halt.

200 meter in front of the truck, the highway was filled with abnormals.

At this distance, the abnormals would not be able to see the truck, but the driver in the truck must have already understood that something was wrong.

One quick look from a binoculars was all it would take for the army to realize the situation up ahead.

But the truck could not find a place in the congested road to turn around and thus, the driver had to put it in reverse and take it back slowly, hoping that the sound of the engine would not attract the attention of the abnormals.

At this moment. The soldiers inside must have realized that the mission earlier must have been a failure.

Otherwise how could the highway be filled with abnormals.

'Here they come… Here they come…' I looked at the truck with anticipation in total silence.

When the truck was a good twenty meters away from my position, I rolled down the window sneakily and threw the 1st tier explosive grenade at the truck's rear tire.

If the same grenade was thrown against a mutant tree, then it would have very little effect.

But when it struck the tire, a small explosion resounded and the tire was blown to smithereens along with the axle.

The explosion might have been small but it was loud, and did it's job.

A few soldiers inside the truck even suffered grievous wounds and passed out on the spot.

No one died from the explosion but it wrecked their vehicle perfectly and attracted the attention of the abnormals.

'Bingo' I thought and hid myself under the backseat once again.

"Get out everyone. Take the 3 line formation at once." I heard a loud and stern voice followed by the sound of hurried foot steps.

"Quick. Those monsters are coming take. Take positions and get ready for my signal."



"FIRE!!!" with that, tens of explosive rifle shots rang out within just a second.

I could not see any of it from my fighting position but I had already guessed that the abnormals must be very close to their position at this moment.

Truth be told, I had not expected them to fight back at all. I had thought that they would run away after realizing how many abnormals were coming their way.

But unexpectedly, it turned out that these guys were rather brave.

I sneaked a look and realized that they were standing in 3 lines in a very strange formation.

'That 3 line formation must be something they would have come up with after many battles against the abnormals. But would it really work against such large numbers. The abnormals that were left behind must have numbered around 300 or so.'

After two minutes, the firing gradually stopped. I did not hear any dying screams as I had earlier expected. But the shrieks and howls of all the 1st tier abnormals had stopped completely.

'Holy shit! Did those guys really defeat all of the 300 abnormals on their own.' The thought horrified me a bit.

Although I knew that guns were deadly weapons, it seemed like I had still underestimated the weapons.

Not only the guns, I had underestimated the whole army.

This thought shocked me a bit as suddenly I realized that these guys were no pushovers.

Suddenly, I felt a bit of respect for these men who were able to fight against the abnormals without any crystals.

Even though they had done some very bad deeds, I could not deny that they were brave. Brave enough to stand calmly in front of three hundred raging abnormals.

But then again, without any intelligence, these abnormals were no different from mindless beasts either. So it was not impossible for 50 soldiers to wipe out the 300 1st tier abnormals. But…

'If they think that they are out of danger then they are gravely mistaken.'

The soldiers who had defeated the abnormals started cheering loudly at their victory but their cheers were abruptly stopped by the loud shrieks coming from the forest beside the highway.

The ground started trembling violently and soon enough, thousands of abnormals came out of the forest and started running in the direction of the soldiers.

"2nd and third line. Retreat to the forest behind us. 1st line, you'll hold those monsters and provide us with enough time to retreat." The stern voice rang out once again but this time, I could hear a slight tremor in the voice.

"Your sacrifice will be remembered. Now start firing."

The sound of gun shots reverberated throughout the whole forest but this time, it was submerged by the howls and shrieks of the thousands of abnormals.

Soon after, the rifles stopped firing followed by painful cries of the soldiers. After that, only the shrieks and howls of the abnormals could be heard as they chased after the soldiers who had retreated in the forest.

I could hear the horde going away into the forest and the trembling of the ground stopped along with it.

From there on out, I heard gun shots every now and then but every time it rang out, it was stopped abruptly.

After a few minutes, I stopped hearing any sound altogether.

'Well… I guess the mission could be considered accomplished now?' I thought and peak out from inside the vehicle.

Although I was not able to stop them from disturbing the abnormals in the town, I did stop their reinforcements completely.

I opened the door and slowly went out of the car.

The place, where the horde had passed thoroughly had been thoroughly destroyed. The vehicles had been stomped flat and even the military truck was torn apart by the stampede.

It felt as if a hurricane had passed through that area.

I sucked in a cold breath as I saw this.

Something of this level was really beyond my imagination. If the car I was hiding in was stomped by the horde as well, then I had no doubt that I would have been trapped inside it forever.

I felt the cold sweat in my back and made it a point to never come in front of an abnormal horde ever again.

But I looked at the distance and all of the fear I felt was suddenly replaced by surprise and happiness.

There, I could see hundreds of abnormal corpses lying on the ground. The corpses had been riddled with bullets which meant they were the first wave of abnormals.

But such a sight made me a bit sceptical and confused as well.

'Why would the horde chase after the few soldiers and leave these corpses behind? Wouldn't it be far beneficial for them to eat these guys instead?' I asked in my mind.

'Not really.' Lily replied. 'Low level abnormals are more interested in hunting and killing. Eating meat and evolving themselves comes after that. And although this does makes them dangerous in the sort term, in the long term they would start to fall behind the mutant beasts. Unless they evolve, that is'

'Is that so. Well, doesn't it mean that I'm free to collect the crystals from all of the abnormals here.' I thought in jubilation and ran toward the corpses without any further delay.

After ten minutes, I had collected around 300 crystals from all the corpses. Although most were a bit damaged and could only be sold to the Black watch, a few were still usable.

Unexpectedly, I also found seven 2nd tier crystals of which two were still undamaged.

After I sold the damaged ones to the Black watch, my wealth was increased substantially.


1139 white coins, 64 crystals (1st tier), 4 crystals (2nd tier)

I had decided to only use the 2nd tier crystals after all of my stats reached 4.0 points since they were harder to come by. So I could not eat them at the moment.

But that didn't matter as much since I had a large amount of 1st tier crystals.

I also had more than 1000 white coins so I bought a Spatial ring without delay. It was something that Big bro wanted to buy for the team but was not able to since most of our funds went in upgrading Neha.

I wore the Spatial ring after which I consumed the 1st tier crystals without delay.

The warm feeling faded from my body and I opened the hologram to check the interface.

User name:- Ashok Singh Rana


Strength - 4.0 (2.0)

Agility - 2.0 (4.0) - Skill Recuperation penalty

Endurance - 3.2 (2.0)

Perception - 4.0

Mana - 0.8 (4.0) - Skill being used.


Agility Booster (2nd tier)- Skill recuperation time left= 5 hours 32 minutes 27 seconds, Advanced Vision (2nd tier)


Basic Sword (2nd tier), Clipping Glove (1st tier), Basic Defensive Suit (2nd tier), Basic Helmet (2nd tier), Spatial ring (1st tier)


139 white coins, 4 crystals (2nd tier)

After taking the crystals, I felt a large increase in my strength. In fact, it had increased so much that I could kill a 1st tier abnormal with my bare hands now.

'And there's still the army truck. There might be some supplies inside it as well.' I thought and went ahead to check.

Indeed, the truck had three crates of ammunition, 2 spare rifles and 1 heavy machine gun. There were also a few grenades and four walkie talkie inside.

The reason those soldiers were not able to use it was because it a few minutes to set it up. But it might still be of some use to Rahul.

Thinking that, I tried to put inside my spatial ring but found that it could not be kept inside.

The spatial ring was already filled with the 3 ammunition crates and 2 rifles and other stuff.

In the end, I could only carry the heavy machine gun on my back.

I went out of the truck but was stopped in my tracks when I saw the sight ahead of me and quickly hid inside once again.

Outside, four mutant dogs could be seen eating the corpses of the abnormals.

'The smell from the corpses must have attracted them.' I thought and peeked out at them once again.

Thankfully they were concentrating wholeheartedly in eating and thus were not able to detect my presence.

'Should I use the rifle to shoot them down.' I thought for a moment before I realized that such a thing was not feasible.

I have never used rifle before. And even if I did, it would be hard to shoot all of those mutant dogs once they start running around.

Not to mention that the rifle's sound will attract the abnormals back here.

'I should have burned those abnormals while I had the time.' I sighed in my mind but I knew that thinking about it would not be of any help to me.

Those mutant dogs were obviously not going anywhere. And why would they. They had found such a large source of meat in here. They would obviously be able to increase a level or two just by eating a few corpses from here.

I could not wait for that to happen.

If it were the abnormals, I could have waited for the night to fall before I attacked them. But those mutant dogs are able to see in the darkness so attacking them at night would definitely not work.

I can try to run away but if I left these mutant beasts here and they continued to evolve without any problems then they would become very powerful.

'Powerful enough to threaten all of our lives.' I thought and kept the heavy machine gun down on the ground.

I took out my sword and clenched it tightly.

'I hope none of those mutant dogs have reached 2nd tier already.' I prayed in my mind and ran toward those dogs as fast as I could.

But they were much more faster then I had imagined and before I could kill even one of them, they had already taken defensive positions.

After a short moment, they barked and charged toward me at once.

My speed was definitely lower than them so I had to make use of my strength and Perception as much as I could.

I picked up the corpse from underneath my and feet and when they had gotten close enough, I threw the corpse at them.

Three of them stopped momentarily because of the corpse while one continued to ran at me. At the last moment, it jumped at me with it's jaw wide open. It probably wanted to bite off my head at once.

The scene reminded me of the night when I was grievously wounded by those mutant dogs. That night, I had not manage to kill even one of them.

But I was not the same anymore.

I brandished my sword and faced it's attack head on.

I bent down my knees and swung my sword to meet it's attack head on.

It was fast. But it was not strong. And it's body was definitely not as sturdy as a tree trunk.

The sword sliced through it's whole body and it's guts and internal organs spilled out all at once. Some of it fell at my helmet and blinded me for a moment.

'Damn it!' I cursed and quickly wiped my helmet with my hands but by then, the three mutant beasts had already jumped at me.

I quickly moved back and brought up my sword to defend myself.

The power from the three mutant dogs threw me off in the air. I flew in an arc and I fell to the ground with a loud thud.

I felt as if someone had hit my chest with a hammer.

Although the 2nd tier Defensive suit protected me from their claws, it was still not able to defend against blunt attacks.

I spit out a mouthful of blood but didn't let go of my sword.

Soon, the fastest of the three arrived and bit furiously at my leg. It probably wanted to tear of my leg at once but was not able to do much because of the defensive suit.

I felt a sharp pain as my thighs were locked in it's jaw and then swung my sword at it's head.

It was not able to dodge my attack at such close proximity and half of it's head was sliced off at once.

It loosed it's jaw and fell to the side but before I could celebrate it's death, the other two had arrived and this time, they aimed at my hands.

They both caught one of my arms in their jaws and tried to tear it apart.

The Defensive suit protected me once again, but I could still feel a large amount of pain in my hands. The sword dropped to ground as I could not hold on to it any longer.

I realized that if this goes on, then my hands would be crushed by them.

I moved to the left and tried to throw them off my hands. But despite that, they hung on to my hands.

"Damn you bastards." I cursed and jumped up in the air a good ten feet along with the two mutant dogs in my hands.

When I fell down, I put all of my weight to the left and when we fell, the mutant dogs biting my left hand was crushed beneath my body.

My elbow had broken through it's rib cage and crushed all of it's internal organs. It loosened it's jaw and lost it's life at once.

Now with only one of mutant dog remaining, I pressed it down on the ground and started pummeling at it with my left hand repeatedly.

After a few attacks, I broke through it's skull and pulverized it's brain.

It jaw loosed and I freed my right hand from it's mouth. After that, I punched it a few more times and by the time I was finished, it head had turned into meat paste.

I took deep breaths and calmed myself down. The fight was over.

'Some of those abnormals might have heard our fight.' I thought in my mind and quickly used my Clipping Glove to take out it's core.

But after a few seconds, I got nothing from it.

After searching, I realized that in the fight, I destroyed the core along with it's head.

I sighed and made it a point to not pulverize their heads the next time.

I searched the other three and took out the cores from their bodies as well.

After that, I picked up the heavy machine gun and ran out the place.

Soon, a large number of abnormals came out of the forest and jumped at the corpses of the abnormals and the mutant dogs.

I watched it from afar and wiped off the sweat from my forehead.

'Thankfully, I chose to leave the are as soon as possible. Otherwise, I would have been in trouble right now.' I thought as I massaged my hands.

Although those mutant dogs had not been able to crush my hand or leg, it still caused me a lot of pain.

'My muscles must have been ruptured by their bites.' I thought and picked up the heavy machine gun once again.

'I'll use some medicine when I get back home.' I thought and turned around to run in the direction of the town.