Buying 2nd tier crystals

The other nucleus that was on the display was worth 250 white coins and was a bit smaller than mine.

After some searching, I realized that 'nucleus' were much more valued in the elite society then I had thought.

I opened the Id of the person who had bought my nucleus and looked at his/her name.

User name:- Vladimir Tancheto (White Druid) (2nd timer)

I looked at his profile and realized that he had bought three more nucleus before mine and came to the conclusion that it must have been useful to people who had evolved into 'White Druids'. Whatever it was supposed to mean.

The only consolation from looking at his profile was the fact that he had bought an even bigger looking nucleus at 900 white coins.

That means there are stupider people than me in the world.

Not the best compliment I would give myself. But something that I have to live with for the moment.

After all, I could have probably sold that thing for about 2500 white coins.

That's a loss of 1000 white coins or so.

Well, no point moping about it anymore. I'll be careful from the next time.

For now, I needed to do something much more important.



'Check the B&S Worldwide and see if there is anyone else selling 2nd tier crystals at a cheaper price.'

'Sure. I'll get down to it.'

After a few seconds, I heard her voice once again.

'There's this guy selling 10 2nd tier crystals for 350 white coins.'

'Buy it.' I said immediately.

'Will do.' She said happily.

'Also, sell the 100 1st tier crystals I have for a total of 900 white coins.' I said excitedly.

We spend the next two hours finding fools like me who had sold their merchandise for cheap.

By the end of it, I had earned quite a bit more then I had initially thought.


19 white coins, 2 crystals (1st tier), 63 crystals (2nd tier)

'59 2nd tier crystals for about 2700 white coins. This is far better than the deal Chen Li was offering us.' I said in a pleased tone.

'Indeed.' Lily said 'But you do realize that these guys will probably learn from their mistakes soon enough and you won't get such cheap deals in the future right.'

'You're right.' I said 'But that doesn't mean that we should not celebrate this one time blessing right.' I said with a huge grin and pulled out a few tasty cookies from my spatial ring that I had saved for special occasions.

I ate a few cookies and then brought the cookie to my side.

'Are those cookies tasty?' Lily asked.

'Very.' I smiled and took out a cookie from the jar 'Hey Lily, do you want to eat one as…' the words died at my throat as I realized that Lily was not a person but just an AI that is able to converse with me in my mind.

'You don't need to feel so sad about it you know.' Lily said in a pleasant tone. 'Just because I don't have a body doesn't mean that I don't exist.'

'In fact, the fact that I don't have a body gives me a lot of benefits since I'm able to spend more time with you. Right.'

'Right.' I said and smiled forcefully. Feeling even worse than before.

I ate the rest of the cookies in silence.

After I finished the last cookie, I closed the jar and kept it inside the spatial ring.

'Thank you Lily.' I said in a small voice as I looked at peaceful forest in front of myself.

'For what?' she asked with a gentle smile.

'For being there for me.' I said 'This thing would have been a lot more harder without your support.'

'Anytime.' She said and I took out 6 blue pills with a number two written on it.

'So you are going with the agility this time?' she said, more as a statement than a question to which I merely nodded my head and consumed the pills.

After the warmth passed away, I took out the hologram and checked the display

User name:- Ashok Singh Rana (Enhanced Human I )


Strength - 4.4

Agility - 3.8 (7.6) - Skill Recuperation penalty

Endurance - 4.4

Perception - 4.4

Mana - 3.8 (4.6) - Skill being used.


Agility Booster (2nd tier)- Skill recuperation time left= 1 hours 56 minutes 33 seconds, Advanced Vision (2nd tier), None


Basic Sword (2nd tier), Clipping Glove (1st tier), Basic Defensive Suit (3rd tier), Basic Helmet (2nd tier), Spatial ring (1st tier)


16 white coins, 2 crystals (1st tier), 3 crystals (2nd tier)

'Faster means better right.' I quipped as I threw a few punches in the air. But my agility was was suppressed because of Skill Recuperation function so I was not able to use most of it.

'But still, this is not bad.' I thought with a smile and jumped down from the tree.

'Now… where was I supposed to go again?'

'Karnera.' Lily said in a chiding manner 'North-east.'

'Oh! Yeah. I had forgotten.' I said and took out the compass from the spatial ring.

After I found the correct direction, I took off once again. This time I was faster, because of the increase in agility, but I was also more cautious.

The worse thing that could happen to me is meeting another powerful Mutant Tree.

'You do realize that mutant tree are very sparse in number and you won't meet another anytime soon, right?'

'Just trying to be cautious Lily. Just trying to be cautious.' I said, and went after the mutant squirrel I had just seen.

Poor squirrel.