Finding old man

A Perception of 4.4 made all of my senses 4 times more sensitive then that of a normal human being.

That was why I had stopped a few kilometers away from my destination and was searching for a tall tree.

'You heard them. Right?' I asked nervously.

'Of course I did. What kind of question is that. I'm connected with your mind. If you heard it, then why won't I hear it as well.'

'Oh yeah. There's that.' I smiled weakly before I put my ears to the ground and tried to gain any type of information.

I had seen such a thing being done in the movies and some comics.

What was the concept again? Yeah, hearing the steps of people that are out of sight or something something.

It didn't work for me.

I stood up and focused on the howling and barking going on in the village that was supposed to be my destination.

Frankly, the sounds coming from that direction chilled me a bit.

Just from the numbers alone, I could guess that there were more than a hundred mutant beasts in there.

'Hopefully those mutant beasts are having internal conflicts which will lead to war and end up with both parties killing each other off. That way, I can search for the old cunt and gain a lot of free cores while I'm at it.'

'You and your imagination.' Lily scoffed.

'A man can imagine.' I said and found a hill in the distance. It was not very tall but it was better than nothing. 'I hope they don't get my smell. If they did then I'll be toast.'

'Nah. You can use your Agility Booster skill to run away. So I doubt you're in any danger here.'

'Unless there's a 3rd tier mutant beast in there. Or a very high level 2nd tier mutant beast. Which is not out of the realms of possibility.' I said and searched for the tallest tree in the hill. 'I hope they are not able to smell me. I never quite understood the concept of air flow and all that bullshit so I won't even be able to tell if the wind suddenly decided to flow the other way and take me smell to them.'

'Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it bullshit. Beside that, no, they won't be able to smell your scent. The Defensive suit hides your smell from anything. But…' she suddenly stopped with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

'But what?' I asked, paying close attention to her words for once.

'But your suit is filled with Abnormal's blood. So when they get your scent, they'll get the smell of a wounded abnormal, which is not much different for them then a normal human being.'

'Well… Why didn't you tell me before. I could have washed my suit earlier at the village in the small stream.'

'Don't blame me. I did tell you to wash yourself from time to time.'

'Well… that…. *sigh* Yeah. You did tell me. But at that time, I thought that I would look more intimidating and dangerous if my suit is covered in my enemies blood.'

'You look horrendous. And you smell.'

'Okay. I'll make sure to clean the suit the next time I come across a stream. But what the hell am I supposed to do now. How will I find the old man if the whole village is crawling with mutant beasts.'

'You didn't really think this through when you choose to take this mission did you?'

'I did.'

'You did not.'

'I did. And don't talk anymore unless it's to say something productive and helpful.' I said and my words were followed by a long silence before I finally confessed.

'Look. I thought it would be simpler alright. I thought I would find that old fool sitting inside one of the houses in the village and after I kill all of the abnormals, I would convince the guy to come with me. If he's still alive. I didn't think that things would be so complicated. I don't know if that old guy is alive. And if he is, then what's his condition. A lot of new factors had been added in the equation now.' I said and my words were followed by a long silence.

'Your brother warned the old guy that the village might be filled with mutant beasts you know.'

'Well, it… slipped my mind.' I said sheepishly 'Any ideas about what I should do now?'

'For the starters, you can always find a way to get rid of all that blood and gore from your suit.' She stated 'After you clean that up, you won't have to worry about them getting your scent at all.'

'That's a good idea.' I said and looked around from in the forest.

Standing on the tallest tree in the highest place gave me the advantage of looking over a large area. But I couldn't find any stream nearby.

But I didn't need to.

It had rained earlier that day.

And there were puddles of water in many places in the forest.


Washing my Defensive suit with muddy water was not one of the most exciting things I have done in my life. But it was surely one of the most tiring ones.

Blood and gore doesn't wash off easily. And I had to learn it the hard way.

But no matter.

Half an hour of constant rubbing and the defensive suit was finally all cleaned up.

No, it did not look as dashing and exotic as it did when I first bought it with all the mud and sludge covering it, but it was still far better than how it was half an hour ago. And the mutant beasts won't be able to smell my scent from miles away.

Now. All I needed to do was find the old man while staying away from the hundreds of mutant beasts.

God, what have I gotten myself into.