Change the game

Jasvinder and Upma worked as a couple. Always.

Their team work was brilliant to the level that their actions mirrored each other at some places while covering each other at other places.

In fact, their team work was so astounding that they might even be able to defeat me despite me have a lot more stat points than them.

Because of their imperceptible team work, they were able to lure in two or even three abnormals at once and dealt with them in a swift and precise manner.

The other couple (the stealth one) was not that bad either. It seemed the stealth couple had taken Jasvinder and Upma as their role models and were copying their techniques to a terrifying degree.

The last member of their group was not a great fighter but he was able to pull his own weight for the team.

All in all, while me and my team had killed 300 abnormals in our area, they had dealt with more than 450 in their area.

But the team with the most number of kills was that of Rahul.

The number of corpses in their area was easily more than twice the number of corpses in our area.

Unlike us, they were not killing the abnormals individually.

They had set some kind of trap in a large alley in the last end of the street and were killing 5-8 abnormals in one batch at a time.

'It seems like that team has been personally trained by Rahul for some time.' I observed as they performed some kind of maneuver and jumped down from the walls before cleanly decapitating all the abnormals who had entered the alley.

After that, they took out all the crystals simultaneously and then threw the corpses in a pile narby that was made up of corpses.

By the time they cleared the batch, one of them was already luring in the next group with far more precision than I ever did.

I sighed and realized that if this goes on, then I would fall behind.

I was never a very good team player.

And I was never a very good leader either.

Sure I was used to lording over my fellow peers by bullying them but that's all it was. Bullying. And that sort of thing does not make you a good leader.

Not to say that I cannot become a good leader if I try.

I was of the belief that you can achieve mostly just about everything if you try hard enough.

But I was a practical person and believed in playing by our strength rather than our weaknesses.

I was not good at teamwork. And I was definitely not good at leading.

Sure, if I put hard work into it, then I might be able to become a good teammate and a good leader. But these were not the things I excelled at.

And using valuable time to become mediocre at something that I was bad at seemed like a waste of time to me.

Instead, I would rather use my time to become the best at something that I was good at.

And I was good at solo missions.

I was good at hunting as an individual.

Sure, hunting as a team member gave a person more choices to pursue but I always felt restricted in a team.

I was rather go alone and deal with the challenges on my own.

I was good at it.

And now, I was going to become better at it.

I wanted to become the best at it.

I was competitive person.

And if I cannot win the game. Then I'll change the rules.

Or better yet. Change the game.


I looked at the 67 1st tier and 8 2nd tier crystals in my hands with an indifferent expression.

To any other person, this number might seem significant.

This was the number of crystals I had earned with hard work and patience in the last three hours.

But not to me.

To me this was not a significant number. Not at all.

Not because I was greedy and always wanted more. But because I knew that I could do so much better than this.

'Sell the 1st tier ones. Convert them into white coins. Change the 2nd tier ones to Red crystals. I'll increase my strength before anything else.'

'Sure.' Lily replied and all of the crystals in my hands turned into sparkling dust and entered the Black watch.

I closed my eyes for a long moment before I opened them and took a deep breath before I started thinking on the dilemma.

'If I was sent on a solo mission here, then what would the mission be about.'

'What can I do as a powerful individual that a team of weaker individuals can not.'

I looked at the town from the top of the building and noticed the small groups that had been left untouched due to there being a 3rd tier abnormal in there and the answer came easily to me.

I would hunt down the strongest of the enemies.

I jumped down from the top of the building and went to where the 3rd tier abnormal was standing.


3rd tier abnormals are tall. Like 10-12 feet tall. Not to mention ugly. Their appearance might give you the misconception that someone has taken off the skin from a 5-6 feet tall person and stretched it over a 10 feet tall skeleton.

Which is usually what happens. Except it's the abnormal whose skeleton goes through a tremendous growth spurt when they reach 3rd tier.

I was never able to understand the reason behind their way of evolution. But it surely did made it easier for me to pinpoint the opponents.

I looked at the 30 or so abnormals in the streets as they did various human like activities which never failed to creep me out.

In the middle of all of them was the towering form of the 3rd tier abnormal. It stood with it's impressive 11 feet tall stature with one hand near it's thighs while the other hand rested near it's mouth in a smoking gesture.

'Seems like he was heavy smoker.' I mused to myself as it removed the hands from his mouth time and time again to inhale and exhale the non-existent cigarette smoke.

3rd tier abnormals were smarter than their lower level counterparts. I had seen it's intelligence first hand when I met and fought against my first 3rd tier abnormal.

They were rarer back then. One in thousands. And I was weaker back then. And much less experienced. Not to mention scared.

They are still rare. But not as rare as they used to be.

There were 8 3rd tier abnormals among the 2000 abnormals in the town.

They are much more common now.

And I'm far stronger now than I was before.

Tick! Tick!

I hit the wall of the building gently and while the 1st and 2nd tier abnormals, who were relatively closer to me did not show any sign of hearing anything, the 3rd tier's abnormal's posture changed immediately as it went erect and looked in my direction with it's wide stretched eyes.